Makes a wonderful low hedge, foundation plant or specimen. Tolerates both full sun & full shade. Planting: Plant your Lavender Rhododendron in an area that receives full to partial sunlight (4 to 6 hours of sunlight daily). An exceptionally hardy American hybrid that we have nick-named Rambo on the nursery! 8300 NE 24th St Medina, WA 98039 *425-454-1853* Open 10:00am-5:00pm Tuesday-Sunday; Closed Monday Leaves are oblong, wavy margins, broadly acute apex, glossy & dark green. Banks and Slopes, Cottage/Informal, Beds and borders, Wallside and trellises. $9.99$9.99 ($9.99/count) $7.59 shipping. I warmed it up w/ mercury glass lamps/ brass/glass tables, a gilt mirror, and orange pillows...also a few turquoise accents here and there to bring out the blue a bit. Leaves are obovate with margins curved under, glossy & dark green. Blooms early to mid spring & reaches roughly 3 feet tall. Stands up to heat as well as cold. Produces ball-shaped truss of about 16 flowers. Has an upright, open habit. A plants development is synchronised with the changing seasons and flowering is one of several changes that occur at the appropriate time of year dependent on the specific plant. Flowers are very frilly with deep purple coloring paling in the center. Flowers are broadly funnel-shaped with wavy edges & very deep purple with a large black blotch. Rhododendron 'Blue Diamond' from Burncoose Nurseries RHODODENDRON HYBRIDS | available online to buy - Information: Semi-dwarf rhododendron. For a hedge, plant your Lavender Rhododendrons about three feet apart. Dig a hole that's at least two feet wider than the root system and about as deep as the point where the roots flare … Clay soils tend to be neutral. Thrives in sunny areas. Rhododendron Blue Diamond (augustinii x Intrafast) SEPT-OCT FLOWERING Violet-blue small flowers all along the stems. You can expect the plant to spread somewhere within this range estimate. Flowers are widely funnel-shaped with frilly edges & lavender coloring fading lighter towards center with purple blotch. Hi Emily, It turned out great. New … See more ideas about rhododendron, plants, azaleas. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock. There are exceptions, some plant drop their leaves in cold winters but keep them if it is mild. Use the photographs as a guide and expect variations. Sandy soils have a low clay content, drain quickly, easy to cultivate and work. Blooms mid to late spring & reaches roughly 3 feet tall. Blooms early to mid spring & reaches roughly 3 feet tall. If you have alkaline soil, you will need to grow your rhododendrons as container specimens as reducing soil pH is not a simple task. These provide... Low maintenance and low growth mean Campanula carpatica ‘White Clips’ are prefect in raised beds, used as edging or in a rockery. Most Rhododendrons with tolerate a more open site as long as they are sheltered from cold, dry wings. In more favourable climates, rhododendrons can be planted at any time of year. Rhododendrons should be planted with a root ball, if the plant is field grown, or with their container mix if they are container grown. These can both be eliminated with pesticides, but don’t spray pesticides in the daytime when pollinators are active. Although it may sound counter-intuitive, water the plant regularly after periods of waterlogging as it will be far more susceptible to drought stress in the future. During July to September... Blue, Purple, Loam, Sand, Plants for patios, entrances and doorways, Climbing plants for pergolas, arches & fences, Westland Gro-Sure Ericaceous Plant Food Granules ( Jar 900g). Blooms early to mid spring & reaches roughly 3 feet tall. Blue Ensign. Flowers come in a vast variety of colours from pure white to almost black. The aromatic foliage often changes to almost a mahogany color when the temperature becomes colder and provides striking wintertime interest. This extremely floriferous mid-season bloomer displays attractive deep purple flowers, creating abundant star-shaped whorls, setting off the exceptionally nice, dark green foliage. Unlike many garden centres, supermarkets and some nurseries here at Jacksons Nurseries we sell the majority of our stock all year round. Can be sheared, good to use for low border. Leibish & Co. Inc. 580 Fifth Ave., Suite 218 New York, NY, 10036, USA +1(855) 534 2474; Blooms early to mid spring & reaches roughly 2 feet tall. 2012 - Pukekura park Form Small open blue flowers cover ... READ MORE. Blue Diamond Rhododendron. It bears intense, violet-blue flowers in April... Rhododendron ‘St. An exceptional, early blooming compact form with bright lavender pink blooms. We recommend removing faded flowers immediately by pinching them off with finger and thumb to help encourage a second flush of colour and guarantee an abundant display the following year. Browse Availability. 'Blue Diamond' Rhododendron 15-20cm tall in 2 litre pot. Check out our topical rhododendron newsletter, focusing on all aspects of rhododendrons. Produces ball-shaped trusses that have 12 flowers. At least two forms are grown. Small blue flowers cover the foliage of this old time favorite. With the white dove trim it is striking. Durable variety with small trusses of bright lavender-pink blooms that contrast with mahogany-brown winter foliage color. Suggested uses. Leaves are elliptic, have acute apex, rounded base, concave, glossy & dark green. A dwarf flowering evergreen shrub with a tight, compact form and sensational spring flowers. Makes an outstanding accent specimen or low, informal hedge. Rhodo Aunt Martha Deep lavender pink buds open t... READ MORE. Showy spring flowers Mature Height 3 feet. EXPOSURE: Full Sun/Light Shade. Wonderfully showy, low growing evergreen shrub that produces a massive display of blue flowers in spring. Dig a hole about twice the size of your shrub's root ball, place your shrub, backfill the soil and mulch the surrounding soil. Rhododendrons have a compact root … Protect from winter winds. Produces trusses that hold up to 5 flowers. The upright trusses are … The flower color is amazing, and the photos we find online make the plant look like a low, full shrub filled with blue-purple flowers in the spring. It has a compact, rounded growth habit with small, dark green, azalea-like foliage that turns bronze-green in the winter. These are produced in prolific clusters which cover the plant between April and May before fading to lavender-blue. Leaves are elliptic & dark green with a depressed midrib. 1. NZ $45.00. Wonderfully showy, low growing evergreen shrub that produces a massive display of blue flowers in spring. Hoogte: 1 m tot 1,5 m (na > 10 j) Leaves have a slight waviness, are glossy & dark green. Has a mounding, compact habit. Compacte, groenblijvende rhododendron hybride bloeit eind april en mei met violetblauwe, geurende bloemen. Deze rhododendron is redelijk tot goed winterhard . The flowers are a clear blue-purple and are held in small trusses of 8-10. Blooms mid to late spring & reaches roughly 6 feet tall. Tends to grow higher than wide. Leaf drop can also occur following a period of drought and hot weather. Smaller varieties of Rhododendron are great to plant in tubs to colour up a patio or decking area. Has open, upright habit, blooms mid-late spring & reaches roughly 4 feet tall. Rhododendron Blue Peter. Rhododendron impeditum (H-2) Sku #0945. Fastuosum Flore Pleno. Leaves are elliptic & dark green. These are suggestions that will help your plants survive the winter and get off to a healthy spring start…, Summer Hours:  Monday - Saturday 9:00am to 5:00pm & Sunday 10:00am to 5:00pm, Classes Shop At Home Blog, Directions Contact Us, Our Experts Careers, Events Gift Cards Info Hub, Sunnyside Nursery, 3915 Sunnyside Blvd., Marysville, WA 98270. The showiest of all spring flowering plants, rhododendrons will produce a wealth of beautiful colourful blooms. Tolerates full sun. Availability: Stock availability figures are provided as a guide only. The Hellikki Rhododendron was bred in Finland especially for cold climates and its dark violet-red flowers on four foot tall plants make a great show in the coldest parts of the country. Blooms early (April in eastern Massachusetts). Slow growing, compact, and rounded. Blue Baron Rhododendron - Very Hardy - Spectacular - 2.5" Pot Brand: Hirt's Gardens. Leaves are elliptic, flat, have acute apex & are olive green. Subscribe. Dwarf, compact and upright. Small grey-green aromatic leaves. Has a compact, dense habit. Rhododendrons also tend to grow taller than Azaleas, which grow outwards rather than up. For help and advice please contact us Leaves are aromatic & rusty olive-green. Evergreen. Usually no more than two hours direct sunlight. Inflorescence up to 4 flowered. Large trumpets of frilly soft mauve/blue flowers that have a punch of purple in the centre of each bloom. Among the hardiest of evergreen varieties. For a hedge, plant your Lavender Rhododendrons about three feet apart. Blooms early spring & reaches roughly 4 feet tall. You may prune out crowded shoots and diseased or damaged shoots in order to contain and limit the growth of the shrub if it is necessary. Mature Spread 2 feet. Rhododendrons have ten or more stamens in their flowers while Azaleas have five. on Pinterest. Flowers are funnel-shaped, light violet & held in trusses of 3-5 flowers. A moist well drained soil is the best of both worlds by combining high permeability with the ability to retain moisture. A vigorous & sprawling plant. Some plants such a Beech retain their dead leaves until the new spring growth. Blooms mid to late spring & reaches roughly 5 feet tall. Soils with pH higher than 5.5 should be acidified before planting Rhododendrons. Definitely one of our favourite Rhododendrons. Blue Baron Rhododendron - Very Hardy - Spectacular - 2.5" Pot. This tiny plant displays gorgeous clusters of bright purple flowers … NZ $45.00. aka Rhododendron. For Conifers and Trees this may be the spread in 10-20 years, eventually the plant may exceed this. Blooms in late spring & reaches roughly 3 feet tall. Rhododendrons have been crossbred over many years to produce the hundreds of different varieties available today, including many cultivars that are heat tolerant. Notably one of the most hardy purple rhododendrons available. Flowers are funnel-shaped, very frilly & vivid reddish-pink colored blotched scarlet red with prominent protruding stamens. Wow! Plant in moist, … Rhododendron 'Blue Diamond' Rhododendron 'Blue Diamond' Dwarf Evergreen Hybrids and Species. The flowers are a clear blue-purple and are held in small trusses of 8-10. Orders containing Pre-ordered products will be shipped as a single order when all items become available. One could say it's black-brown with a red throat and white-tipped anthers. Join our exciting mailing list for exclusive news, tips, voucher codes & special offers! Large-Flowered Evergreen Hybrid Rhododendrons … The best of the many "PJM" cultivars available. Purple. To prevent this, mulch and water thoroughly and regularly during dryer periods from July onwards. Blooms early to mid spring & reaches roughly 3 feet tall. Sometimes Rhododendrons can fall prey to bud-drop, or could simply not flower. Saturated soil can deprive roots of oxygen. Has a dense habit & tolerates full sun. Perfect and small, dark-green rounded leaves cover this mounding rhododendron, hiding the twiggy structure. NZ $35.00. Has upright growth habit. Leaves are variegated green & yellow in central bands. Flowers have frilly edges & are pale lilac pink with brownish-yellow flecks on a paler blotch. Wide range of small and dwarf rhododendron plants for delivery to anywhere in the UK through our secure online ordering system. A... A long-lasting feed for all acid loving plants, promoting strong growth and rich green foliage. 1. Very limited exposure to midday sun. Nice compact habit. Type: Evergreen Size: 1m. Produces ball-shaped trusses of 10-12 flowers. Excellent for the smaller garden, especially for the purple lover. Buy Rhododendron Blue Diamond online from Jacksons Nurseries. Chalky or lime-rich soils may be light or heavy, largely made up of calcium carbonate and are very alkaline. Chalky soil is usually Alkaline. Positive: On Jan 13, 2014, levidude69 from New Kensington, PA (Zone 6b) wrote: Plant the rhododendron high in light, well-draining soil. Flowers are funnel-shaped & deep purplish red coloring with dorsal lobes spotted dark red. Plant the rhododendron high in light, well-draining soil. Banks and Slopes, Cottage/Informal, Beds and … Very … Avoid frost pockets, and sites that are in direct early morning sunlight. Hardy in zones 6-9. Azalea Peggy Ann is an evergreen plant with a compact growing habit. Has upright, well-branched habit, blooms mid spring & reaches roughly 3 feet tall. EXPOSURE: Full Sun/Light Shade. A densely foliaged, tight growing shrub. Gaustin. Leaves are small & glossy green. Hardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters (to -15), Hardy in coastal and relatively mild parts of UK (to -5). Blooms late spring & reaches roughly 5 feet tall. Has elliptic leaves & a dense, mounded dwarf habit. Leaves are nearly circular, bluish-green, very aromatic & pale green when new. Rhododendrons and Azaleas generally need an acidic soil with a pH of around 5.5. Flowers are two-lipped & light purple with light brown dorsal markings. Why don’t we see this plant in every foundation planting? This will help the plant rebuild its root system. Mulch root area annually to keep cool. New growth is grayish-blue & turns bronze in winter. Suggested uses. NZ $45.00. (Many cultivars with similar flowers.) Rhododendron 'Blue Diamond' : (soort, geslacht, familie , volksnaam) - beschrijving en herkomst. Flowers are broadly funnel-shaped with wavy-edges, light purple coloring with dark red/deep purplish red blotching. Here at Jacksons Nurseries we would favour a hardy outdoor grown plant every time. Blooms mid spring & reaches roughly 4 feet tall. The genus Rhododendron comprises various groups of which we specialise in the following:. Happiest in semi-shade with acid soil. Flowers are widely funnel shaped with frilly edges, purplish-pink coloring with heavy dark red spotting on dorsal lobe & some strong purplish-red stripes on reverse. Situated in the Wombat forest at an attitude of 660m the nursery Blackwood Ridge benefits from high rainfall, mists, fogs and rather mild summers and has proven to be ideally suited to a large number of rhododendron … Perfect and small, dark-green rounded leaves cover this mounding rhododendron, hiding the twiggy structure. They can dry out quickly and are low in plant nutrients. Rhododendron 'Blue Diamond' (Dwarf rhododendron 'Blue Diamond') will reach a height of 1.5m and a spread of 1.5m after 10-20 years. An ideal choice for bringing a touch of glamour to acid borders, rockeries and patio containers. Deep blue. £13.50. SIZE: 2-3 ft x 3 ft. ... AVAILABILTY AND SPECIAL SALE… Flowers are light violet-purple with no markings & are held in clusters. It is not often that people call and answer questions and spend the extra effort in helping … Large orders may be part shipped, please contact us on 01782 502741 or email Produces conical trusses of about 15 flowers. Broxton 247. Avoid Lime. Usually under dense trees, shurbs or in shade cast by buildings/fences etc. Well-drained soil allows water to percolate through reasonably quickly without pooling. Narrow green leaves feature a thin white margin making this shrub showy year round. Pests that bother rhododendrons include vine weevils and scale insects. It also tolerates full shade. Flowers are openly funnel-shaped with wavy edges & deep reddish-purple coloring at margins shading through purple to reddish-purple in center, with dark red spotting. Flowers are bright purplish-violet & held in ball-shaped trusses. Use a high-potassium fertiliser and mulch with well-rotted compost or leaf mould. Blue Diamond. 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And rough-barked rhododendrons with purple blotch have you joined the Diamond Club and not received any of your emails! Decking area mulch and water thoroughly and regularly during dryer periods from July onwards s of... Colored blotched scarlet red with prominent protruding stamens to anywhere in the following: or heavy, made., have acute apex & are olive green clay content, drain quickly easy... Partial sunlight ( 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight but do n't forget water.