Since we need such high Critical Rate, using a katar is better than dual wielding in the current meta due to the double Critical Rate that katar class weapons give you. Guillotine Cross 3-1 Job Class ... 3-1 Job Class. You can also buy a Field Manual to speed up the leveling process. A strong footgear with a great enchant that adds a lot of damage, and HP for defense. We use a ranged enchant for boosting Cross Ripper Slasher damage. You can use Spiritual Auger from the Nova Shop to slot a select amount of middle headgears. The best in slot armor card for sure, best damage and tankiness cards available. You want to dual wield these daggers with this build, and on one dagger you want No Size Penalty. +25% DEF/MDEF pierce on Great Monsters (Monster Hunter Bosses). Make sure you get the -4% on your first enchant before trying to get the second one, if you don't get it, reset the enchant and try again. It is best to start building as much leech effects as possible, then move on to getting 187 ASPD and 35% After Cast Delay, and finally after that focus on damage. Do note that Insect and Demon monsters WILL be able to detect you under Hiding. This build is based around the Cross Impact skill. I will also include a brief writing ⦠After you go downstairs follow the red arrows and talk to Mom for the next instructions. Removes and prevents melee reflect skills for the skill duration. Then you stand beside an MvP and spam Counter Slash 7 times a second, doing millions of damage VERY quickly. Can fit into any card slot on your gear, very good because losing INT isn't a downside for GX. I recommend using A class coins to enchant since its more budget friendly at the cost of slight worse enchants. The right side illusion accessory, gives less ATK% than a strong enchanted. You will be able to find him next to the Job Changer in the. Adds a small chance to leech 5% of the physical damage you deal as HP. When attacking, there is a 1% chance to recover 4% of your damage dealt in to SP. Level range to join the last gramps area, this is much harder than the other brackets, but sometimes we can solo here (depends on monsters). Currently one of the best shadow gear combo for this build. This enchant is very strong for new players and solo instance farmers, since it makes you basically immune to physical damage while it's activated. (This adds on to your normal attack damage). Visit the pub in Morroc (morroc 45, 107). Either text or image format. This combo will give the best DPS as long as you already have enough Critical Rate. ALL of the enchants can be rerolled one by one (at a cost of course), so you can continue working on your enchants over time. {{Skill List Has 7 cell range. Start the awakening quest @navi hu_in01 148 237. Rank 1 Monsters (If they get oblivion status, sadly it's like a 5% chance on high INT characters). Aim for Sharp enchants, or Fighting Spirit if you have enough Critical Rate already. Formed to maintain order in the guild and safeguard its secrets, they quickly and secretly execute traitors, deserters, and other members that were guilty of serious transgressions against the guild's rules. You will only need 1 of each material listed. After Mom tells you about your dad, follow the red arrows back to the basement. This is the best right slot accessory for this build, aim for 7-8% Critical Damage for each enchant. And enchanting is also very expensive, you will need a very high budget for this weapon. Deals up to 1400% long ranged damage to a single target. Best if worn with a second one for full resistances. They are a very versatile class, being able to solo instances, act as main or support DPS in parties, and even tank with the right gears and stats. The recommended enchantments for this are; These are the best option for DPS, only if you combo Bear's Might with Strong. Can also help Variable Cast Time reduction. These gears will be enough to do basic leveling and some basic farming, but nothing too efficient yet. Guillotine Cross Weapon Shadow - A glove that is mounted on the hand of hold the weapon to elicit potential abilities of the wearer. You will receive your first set of Eden Equipment from Administrator Michael in the back-right-room behind the large. If you want pure DPS in the right slot this is the best option. When attacking, there is a 5% chance to recover 8% of your damage dealt in to HP. This is a Skill Simulator and Planner for Guillotine Cross. Similar to Death Hurt, but this recovers SP. This will give you a nice damage boost as at max level this will increase your Katar damage by 20%. Pierces 100% of monsters defense, including Boss monsters. When refine level is 4 or lower, at a certain rate when doing damage to enemies, 1% of the damage dealt will turn in to HP and SP. Status which increases a character's attack strength (Atk). Update skill links to link to our wiki's descriptions instead of divine prides. Str Module This isnt the strongest card to use, but if REALLY need the ASPD then it is there. But if you can manage 187 ASPD without it Fighting Spirit might do you better. Can fit into any card slot on your gear, good if your lacking Critical Rate. The higher the refine level the more enchantments you can put on them. The Ragnarok Guillotine Cross Questis fairly easy but tedious as you have to talk to several NPCs and wait for some time before proceeding to the next step. These stack together, so the 0.5s of Cast Delay happens at the same time as the Cooldown. Move 2 maps down of Payon. You are told to clear the vermin from the basement, add your stat points to Dex for an easy time clearing them, you'll need Dex later anyways. For the second enchant aim for Bear's Might, Speed of Light, or Hawk Eye. Creating the item quest @navi moc_fild19 26 32, This is the strongest armor for damage purposes, but only if you have a. 1 Objectives 2 Summary 3 Rewards 4 Completion 5 External Links 6 Patches Advance from an Assassin or Assassin Cross to a Guillotine Cross. After this point you can join gramps, or do instances. This can "apparently" stop uninterruptible casting. Can fit into any card slot on your gear for some more ATK, very good because losing INT isn't a downside for GX. If the total refine of the set is 25 or higher, -5% After Cast Delay. If refine rate is +11 or higher, Indestructible in battle. Soul Breaker has 2 seconds of Cast Delay, so you will need very high After Cast Delay to spam it fast. I recommend using A class coins to enchant since its more budget friendly at the cost of slightly worse enchants. Combo's with Rigid Nightmare Terror Card, Combos with Revolver Buffalo Bandit Card. Whenever you successfully block an attack, you will enter a "counter state" in which you can spam. You are not able to refine this item. You want to spam and deal Critical attacks for massive amounts of DPS. But if you can manage 187 ASPD without it, Fighting Spirit will do you better. NOTE: This build isn't in the greatest state at the moment, similar to autoattack crit, it lacks DPS compared to the other GX builds. If refine rate is +9 or higher, increase physical damage to Large and Small size enemies by 15%. For example: Warlock's spellbook mechanics and Kage/Oboro's charms, different weapon types and their uses for Rebellions. A Guillotine Cross is the third job class of an Assassin/Assassin Cross.To attack enemies, they still wield two separate weapons (from Daggers to One Handed Swords) or Katars, but they gain access to new and improved ways of assassination.They can also gain access to new poisons, which other character classes have no known cures for them. (They are listed on the Spiritual Auger (You can type @ii Spiritual Auger in game to see the applicable headgears)). This skill is very useful when fighting against Neutral and Ghost type monsters. +3% chance to leech 5% of your damage as HP. This is a must have weapon for dual wielding, this is where a lot of your Critical Rate will come from. This can now be enchanted here, aim for Sharp enchants. Go to the main office and become a Thief. Needs to be at +9 to get the most effect out of the enchants. Example of an already currently laid out skill build, OR listing essential skills for the build with comments. The best Critical Damage in the accessory slot, since it combo's with Angra Mantis Card. If the refine rate of both slashers combined is +16 or higher, +20%. This page was last edited on 20 March 2019, at 17:26. STR increases your damage, if you are using daggers this is fine at a lower amount. The basis of this build is just to hold down Rolling Cutter to kill monsters. One of the better basic footgear cards since it adds +2 of a stat instead of +1. Guillotine Cross (GX for short) is the third job of the Assassin class. Can be enchanted with 3 enchants. Best lower headgear if you want pure stats. The enchants to aim for are Fighting Spirit for more ATK, or Expert Archer for Cross Ripper Slasher damage. Highly spammable with 35% after cast delay, and 187 ASPD. Removing any outdated gears/items (if there are any). The best poison for critical builds, this is what you will be using most of the time. Increases you movement speed by up to 140%. Go to Comodo (@go Comodo), then talk to the Romeo just outside of Beach Dungeon 2 before you start hunting Stalactic Golems. Combos with illusion Engine Wing A-Type [1]. This is a strong choice for this build, it deals less damage than dual weilding, but since this gives more Critical Rate, you can focus on After Cast Delay better. Good if you want pure stats. Talk to the Platinum Skill NPC to receive it. A cheap little headgear that lets you use, A decent alternative for a DPS headgear if you can't afford. Level range to join the second bracket of Gramps quests, once again its best to lure monsters for the rest of the party to kill. For the first enchant ASPD% is usually best. Since you are fighting multiple enemies at once you will be taking a lot of damage, that is why we use "Leech Gears" to sustain ourselves, that way we don't need potions or Arch Bishops to keep our HP and SP up during farming and instances. Adds a cool trail of yourself as you walk. 100 total points (including bonuses) grants you immunity to Stun and Poison status. You can even choose to only use this and not a DPS headgear at all, since the leech is also very nice against bosses. This dagger is only used for the Judgment combo. When you've completed them, report to the Eden Group Member, then to Instructor Boya. These can be enchanted here. With sufficient leeching gears, you will be able to just tank the damage the enemies do to you. Max Job Level: 90 Total Quest Skills: ? Useful for MVP farming, and some instances. This is an easy middle headgear for when you need that extra card slot. This is decent for some extra ATK% modifiers. Strength. The usage of the item is exactly the same as the Beret. Few job classes are able to level solo easily after reaching Lv 100, and players may have difficulty adjusting from solo leveling to party leveling. Vitality. Agile Shadow Shoes Kill Zombies (You can kill other monsters too, these are just the easiest to start with) until you are level 26. Also has an low chance of giving 100% DEF piercing. Cures one Fester stack in Monster Hunter 2. You will be able to enchant your weapon at Weapons Expert (he stands next to Blacksith Thorn). You'll need a decent amount LUK, but the total amount depends on the footgear you choose to wear. Can be used to interupt a targets tasks and skills, making it harder for them to move and fight. You will be able to find him next to the Job Changer in the. Start the Genetics Job Change Quest in the Alchemist Guild in Al de Baran. Guillotine Cross (GX for short) is the third job of the Assassin class. This is one of the best skills for leveling as an Assassin. Since we need such high Critical Rate, using a katar while soloing is better than dual wielding in the current meta due to the double Critical Rate that katar class weapons give you. You can mess about with the other stats to suit what you need but do take in mind that 120 Base STR is a must have since it is the minimum required to receive the bonus from Temporal STR Boots . This combo's with King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1], and is the best in slot for this build. Job Improvement Project - Guillotine Cross #4705 aleos89 merged 26 commits into master from update/guillotine_cross May 18, 2020 +244 â204 We wear these to reduce the Fixed Cast Time to get closer to insta cast. x2 Power Module, Force Shadow Ring Useful for MVP farming, and some instances. So the +50 ATK becomes better. Increases Katar weapon damage by up to 20%. Cross Impact is a 3 rd class offensive skill available as Guillotine Cross.. Effect. Continue killing bandits until level 110~120. You get Paradise Coins for completing level 100+ Eden board quests, this will cost 3 Paradise Coins (1 Hunting Mission worth of rewards). The best footgear for Counter Slash because of the enchantments, which are similar to. It's best to save up for a +9 minimum, rather than a lower refined one as that's when this katar becomes better than other options. If base level 130 or higher, -10% After Cast Delay. The best early game headgear for Rolling Cutter builds, as well as any class that does physical damage. Agility. Good on classes that cast dangerous skills to prevent them from killing you. The fastest way to get there is to warp to Payon. Bear's Might combo's with Strong (Final enchant of King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1]). If refine rate is +11 or higher, +7% damage against All Races of enemies. Guillotine Crosses are powerful physical damage dealers, capable of dealing heavy melee damage to a single target with skills such as Cross Impact or destroying mobs of enemies using Rolling Cutter.They also have access to special new poisons, which perform a variety of unique buffs and debuffs. You can also use a Modification Module (Delay After Skill) instead of Modification Module (Defense) if you want a little skill spam. We switch to illusion Engine A now because we have enough After Cast Delay from Reload Set + Armor Module + Magic Mushroom. This is the best endgame weapon at the moment, due to its really high base ATK (300). But if you can afford to use Sea Gods Anger then use that. * Content may be changed based upon game updates or when deemed necessary. +30% damage against medium and large enemies. A strong armor for crit, it doesnt add critical damage itself, but it increases your ATK and ATK% by quite a bit, which is then amplified by your critical damage%. Walk into the portal in the centre of the gears. Overview. (Going above these numbers does not increase the spam rate). For the second enchant aim for Bear's Might, Speed of Light. Good if you are still lacking Critical Rate. Has a hard time hitting 210~220 Critical Rate without a katar class weapon. Visit the pub in Morroc morocc 45 107. Every 2 refines of both slashers combined, +8 ATK.