Even though whiskey does not contain any sugar and only an alcohol content, diabetics need to moderate their intake. Jägermeister (70 proof, 35% AVB, 1.5 oz serving) – Neither Jägermeister nor Sidney Frank (the distributor) officially discloses the nutritional information for Jägermeister, but given what we’ve been able to find online (and it must be considered a best guess), Jägermeister has 150 calories and 16.4 grams of sugar. As there is no sugar present in most whiskey … Wouldn’t it be important to know if the bottle of tequila you bought has added sugar? [14] Another is a blend of Irish coffee called "Fire Starter Coffee". Having diabetes means you must be vigilant about closely monitoring your diet, but if you find yourself at a bar with friends, don't throw caution to the wind. Tastes like Heaven, Burns like Hell. It’s also a sugary, flavored liqueur , designed specifically to taste like cinnamon. The US Food and Drug Administration considers propylene glycol safe “up to 50 grams per KG” (Fireball has less than 1/8th of that) and it’s a common additive that’s found in thousands of products in the US. Beer, gin, rum, tequila, vodka, and whiskey - 0 grams of sugar It’s time for the TTB to stop letting liquor companies hide what they’re putting in their bottles and give customers the information they need to make educated decisions about what they buy. “The smell is at once appetizing and abrasive — the peanut butter presumably supplying the former, and the alcohol the latter. Having the basic information on the label would also mean that some brands would have to change their stories. In case you’ve missed it, peanut butter flavored whiskey is here, and it’s taking the world by storm (at least a bit). By definition, a liqueur is defined by the TTB (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau) as having “not less than 2.5% by weight sugar, dextrose, levulose or a combination”. [7][A] Later, in 2007, the product was rebranded as "Fireball Cinnamon Whisky". [19][20][21] Although not part of the EU, Norway also decided to recall the product. There is no sugar in whiskey. Other concoctions made with Fireball include: The latter energy drink bomb shot may be compared to the Jägerbomb. We did some research (including the information from Sazerac’s nutritional information site) and the level of sugar in some popular liqueurs is pretty mind blowing. The official website of the iconic Fireball Cinnamon Whisky. Truth be told, the EU has much stricter regulations on food and beverage than the US (which is why tonic in the EU has sugar and not high fructose corn syrup, and is consequently so much better). And since there are no carbs in tequila, sticking to a diet low in sugar is a whole lot easier. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. [17][18] That’s right – 1/4 of that shot of Fireball is sugar! I like to chop the apples up kind of small since we’re making smaller apple pies instead of one big one. To be considered a spirit, a drink should be around 80 proof (40%), but Fireball Whisky … At 33% ABV there’s almost as much sugar in each shot of Fireball Cinnamon Whisky as there is alcohol. It’s understandable why these companies don’t want to have to disclose what they put in the bottle. So we’re going to get as much Fireball into these Fireball Whisky Apple Pies as possible. High sugar alcohol … Since Fireball is such a hot product, there was an immediate firestorm on the Internet, enough to cause Sazerac president Mark Brown to issue a statement about the recall. Go to any grocery store and almost every packaged product lists its ingredients as well as calories, sugar, and a host of other important details. [3] Ostensibly, the named doctor was Dr. Aloysius Percival McGillicuddy, allegedly more commonly referred to as "the shot doctor"[3] who was "born" in the year 1808. You can even find “party buckets”, which are small sealed buckets with 20 – 50 ml bottles, just … How many carbs are in Fireball whiskey? Even though you might be used to straight … [3][6], It was marketed as "Dr. McGillicuddy's Fireball Whisky". In early 2012, the Sazerac company sued Hood River Distillers over the allegedly confusing trade name and marketing of its product, SinFire Cinnamon Whisky. Jack Daniel Distillery 150th Anniversary Whiskey (50% Alcohol by volume) 1.5 oz Serving Size Alcohol: 18 g (1.3 Standard Drinks) Calories: 122: Fat: 0 g: Sodium: 0 mg: Carbohydrates: 0 g: Sugar: 0 g: … The Sazerac Company purchased the brand rights and formula from Seagram in 1989. This is some random young whiskey … That’s right, there’s apparently more sugar in a shot of Jägermeister than alcohol! ", "Fireball whiskey maker drops suit against Jack Daniel's", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Fireball_Cinnamon_Whisky&oldid=991196366, Articles lacking reliable references from January 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, BTI Best Buy Bar Competition: Silver Medal, "Highly Recommended", International Review of Spirits: Silver Medal, "Highly Recommended", San Francisco World Spirits Competition: Bronze Medal, International Wine & Spirits Competition: Bronze Medal, Three Affiliated Tribes: Best Alcoholic Mini Bottle, This page was last edited on 28 November 2020, at 20:08. GQ explains the problem with sugary shots: less alcohol, more sugar. 86-proof whiskey has 0.1 gram (g) of sugar per 100 millilitres (ml). which is a full 25.33% of the shot. [12], Fireball is usually consumed as a "straight shot" or on the rocks. Fireball Pricing and Availability. When I went searching for how to make my own cinnamon whiskey, every recipe I found had simple syrup made with sugar. Add those chopped apples to a pot with sugar, applesauce, nutmeg, cinnamon and butter. Its foundation is Canadian whisky, and the taste otherwise resembles the candy with a similar name, Ferrara Candy Company's "Atomic Fireball" candy. "[9], There are, however, various cocktails that use Fireball as an ingredient,[13] and the company has encouraged a variety of such cocktails through its official website and social media channels. Martini makes a special version of their vermouth in the United States that doesn’t contain any calamus, a botanical that’s banned by the FDA but considered safe in the EU. Why is hard alcohol exempt from this? As of 2018, Fireball does not use propylene glycol in any of their products.[23][24]. Shouldn’t the companies who do what they do without relying on sugar, flavorings, emulsifiers, and anti-freezing agents have the benefit of their customers knowing it? Fireball Cinnamon Whisky is a mixture of Canadian whisky, cinnamon flavoring and sweeteners that is produced by the Sazerac Company. [15] An "Angry Balls" mixer is a combination of Angry Orchard cider and Fireball.[16]. Since then, I have become a lot more conscious of the amount of sugar in the foods I eat, so I decided it was time to do the same with the things I drink. As of 2018, Fireball is among the top selling whisky brands in the United States. And a standard shot of alcohol measures 44ml, which means, if you’re drinking a double whiskey on the rocks – only with … Follow us: © Copyright 2016 - Kleinman.com Inc. All Rights Reserved. [8][6], An April 2014 article in Bloomberg Business Week said "It's also one of the most successful liquor brands in decades. [5], Fireball was originally part of a line of flavored schnapps developed by Seagram in the mid-1980s. For 1.5 oz, 6 grams of sugar is 1.2 teaspoons or .4 Tablespoons, which converts to .21 oz which is 14% of the shot. ... Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey. Sugar in a Whiskey is about 0 g and the amount of protein in a Whiskey is approximately 0 g. Please refer to the nutrition facts label seen to the left for … [29], See his apocryphal will where he "present[s] the recipe for Dr. McGillicuddy’s Schnapps, whose intense taste made me a bit of a legend in these parts. In 2013, sales leapt to $61 million, passing Jameson Irish whiskey and Patrón tequila. [2] They include "Cinna-Rita", "Fire Nut Ball", "Hot Cherry Fizz", "Red Apple Spice", and "Ring-of-Fire". And in this case of cinnamon whiskey, that means more weight gain and less buzz. Fireball is a ragingly popular, sickly sweet elixir that's taken America by storm. Beyond “hidden sugar”, the amount of sugar in many liqueurs is staggering. Per drink unit 10gr of alcohol Per 35.5ml serving; volume of serve (ml) 29.4: 35.5: Alcohol (g) 10: 12.1: Alcohol (ml) 12.7: 15.3: Calories (Kcal) 70: 85: Fat (g) 0: 0 The big issue that this Scandinavian recall raises is that, whether or not it’s considered safe, consumers should have the information on what they’re consuming so they can make their own decisions. It tastes way too sweet, without the pleasant qualities present in its smell. In 2015, the Sazerac company filed a lawsuit complaining that the Jack Daniel's division of Brown-Forman had infringed its Fireball trademark while marketing Tennessee Fire, a cinnamon flavored Tennessee whiskey. The upside of nutritional information on spirit bottles is that quality spirits that don’t actually add anything extra to their spirits will be rewarded by consumers. It smells like peanut butter taffy! Fireball (as fat) Fireball. : Calorie breakdown: 0% fat, 100% carbs, 0% protein. Fireball Atomic. Several national country music acts would perform at the establishment during this time and inspired multiple references in many popular songs [2][9] In 2013, it became one of the top ten most popular liquors, displacing Jose Cuervo tequila. There’s simply no excuse. There is a variety of cinnamon liquor products available and are a popular form of flavored liquor. It’s Time For Nutritional Information on Alcohol Labels. Gif courtesy of Imgur. Healthy living and low-carb dieting are all about balance. As of 2018, Fireball is among the top selling whisky brands in the United States. Head to the diet generator and enter the number of calories … At 66 proof, Fireball has 20 percent less alcohol than a true whiskey, which typically clocks in at somewhere between 86 and 100 proof. Mark Brown to issue a statement about the recall. Fireball Cinnamon Whisky (66 proof, 33% ABV, 1.5 oz serving 108 calories and 11 grams of sugar per serving) – Doesn’t sound horrid until you start doing the math:  at 1.5 oz, 11 grams of sugar (which is 2.2 teaspoons or .73 Tablespoons), this converts to 0.38 oz. Whether you enjoy it as a party accelerator or a front porch sipper, its … Both Sweden and Norway followed suit asking for the batches of of Fireball with propylene glycol to be recalled. Homemade Fireball cinnamon whiskey is so good! Fireball Cinnamon Whisky (66 proof, 33% ABV, 1.5 oz serving 108 calories and 11 grams of sugar per serving) – Doesn’t sound horrid until you start doing the math: at 1.5 oz, 11 grams of sugar (which is … [3], According to the official Fireball website, the product was developed in Canada in the mid-1980s, and for a long time was little known outside of Canada. There are 11g of carbs (all sugars) in a 1-1/2 oz serving of Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey. Although diabetics can safely consume spirits because they're low in calories, be careful about enjoying whiskey … This is information that consumers deserve to have and there’s no excuse why the TTB doesn’t require it. Would you buy a honey liqueur if you saw that it had more high fructose corn syrup than honey? It’s time for the TTB to stop letting liquor companies hide what they’re putting in their bottles and give customers the information they need to make educated decisions about what they buy. Diabetics are known for suffering from hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia. So, there’s no straight up, pure spirit here. Not as bad as Fireball, but still a healthy percentage. Cook down for 15 minutes then add your Fireball. There are a number of rums that claim that they “don’t add any sugar” and yet, they do: The issue of sugar in spirits isn’t trivial. Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey (70 proof, 35% AVB, 1.5 oz serving) – Since Brown Forman/Jack Daniels doesn’t disclose the nutritional information, we can only go with what’s been reported online: 108 calories, 6 grams of sugar. The only proper answer to a Fireball is a Skrewball, no? What happens next is up to You. [22] The recalled batches were replaced with a compliant product, and sales were allowed to resume for the EU-compliant formulation. ... Sugar and spice and everything not so nice. (Calamus is also the reason you can’t get Amer Picone in the US, as it’s one of the ingredients). It is said that the sharp increase in sales early in its resurgence (late 2011/early 2012) can be attributed to a grass roots effort by Beer Can Alley, a Des Moines, Iowa Country bar. Most spirit companies will state (as Sazerac did when asked) that “the exact recipe is proprietary”. [3][6] The manufacturer's story line is, in part, that it was the product of a Canadian bartender's efforts to warm up from an Arctic blast. Below is a list of alcohol, ranked by sugar content alone. proof). Fireball Whisky’s producer, the Sazerac Company, has also launched the drink in a variety of other countries including the EU and beyond. Fireball Cinnamon Whisky is available in all sizes from 50 ml to 1.75 ml bottles. Today we discuss the most popular whiskey in over 25% of U.S. states: Fireball Cinnamon Whisky. Of course they sum up their flavorings under the term “natural flavorings”, but the list of what’s inside the bottle, for the most part, is on the bottle. They don’t even disclose calories and sugar! Fireball Whisky is the cinnamon-flavored liquor that has taken bars, parties and bachelorette parties by storm. [10] In 2016, Bloomberg reported that with estimated sales of at least $150 million in 2015, the brand had overtaken Jägermeister in popularity to become the top-selling liqueur in the United States. When alcohol is consumed without sugar it can lead to low blood sugar levels. To their credit, Sazerac is one of the few spirit companies to list the nutritional information for their products, but most other spirit companies don’t disclose even the most basic information on their spirits. This week the state run liquor stores in Finland pulled Fireball Cinnamon Whisky because it contains levels of propylene glycol that are “out of compliance with European regulations”. There’s an obesity epidemic in the US and it’s irresponsible for liquor companies not to let their customers know that they may be consuming as much as 1 Tablespoon of sugar per shot! Sugar 11 g. Fat 0 g. Saturated 0 g. Polyunsaturated 0 g. Monounsaturated 0 g. Trans 0 g. Protein 0 g. Sodium 0 mg. Potassium 0 mg. Cholesterol 0 mg. Vitamin A 0 % Vitamin C 0 % Calcium 0 % Iron 0 % Percentages are based on a diet of 2000 calories a day. History America’s favorite whiskey (full disclosure: just writing that hurts) started life as part of a Canadian line of schnapps manufactured by the Seagram company in the 1980s, pretty much just cinnamon and a little sugar … Calories, carbs, fat, protein, fiber, cholesterol, and more for Fireball Cinnamon Whisky (Dave & Buster's). That’s the minimum. [2] The Sazerac website says "the cinnamon flavor is often used for shooters but can add character to a mixed drink. … There are 108 calories in 1 1/2 oz of Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey. Sugar is an accepted additive for several spirits that are tightly controlled by an AOC (Appellation d’origine contrôlée) including Cognac and Tequila. [19] The company responded by saying the product was "perfectly safe to drink" and called it a "small recipe-related compliance issue" related to the difference in regulations between the North American and European markets. Fireball. "[3] In 2012 and 2013, the product had a surge in popularity, which the company achieved by using social media, cultivating bartenders, word of mouth, and a relatively small advertising budget. Total carbs in a Whiskey is 0.04 (g), 0% of daily value. 1. 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", Ferrara Candy Company's "Atomic Fireball" candy, Los Angeles International Wine & Spirits Competition, "These Are the 20 Best-Selling Whiskies in the United States", "Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey Is The Most Popular Liquor Brand You've Never Heard of", "Successful Marketing: Fireball Whisky: Selling a Brand, Shot by Shot", Fireball Cinnamon Whisky Brand Portfolio Entry, "How Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey Became a Billion-Dollar Brand", "Fireball Cinnamon Whisky sales may be hotter than last week's heat wave, firm says", "Fireball Cinnamon Whisky Cracks the Top Liquors", "Cheap-Liquor Billionaire Looks Abroad as Home Market Slows", "5 Awesome Drinks You Can Make With Fireball Cinnamon Whisky", "Fireball whiskey recalled in Finland, Sweden due to high toxicity", "Background Review for the excipent propylene glycol", "Fireball Whisky Recalled In 3 Countries Over Antifreeze Ingredient", "Fireball liqueur sales blocked in Finland, Sweden", "Fireball Cinnamon Whisky | Tastes like Heaven, Burns like Hell What happens next is up to You", "Fireball Whisky: 10 Facts You Didn't Know About the Cinnamon Liquor", "Fireball Whiskey vs. SinFire Whiskey: Sazerac, Inc. Sues Hood River Distillers for Cinnamon Whiskey Names", "Oregon Trademark Litigation Update --Sazerac Company v. Hood River Distillers", "Sazerac Company, Inc. v. Hood River Distillers, Inc. – Document 37 Court Description: Memorandum Opinion", "Will Jack Daniel's get burned over 'Fireball' ads? Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. [28] The lawsuit was dropped later that year. Fireball is also made with propylene glycol, a common ingredient in some antifreezes. In 2011, Fireball accounted for a mere $1.9 million in sales in U.S. gas stations, convenience stores, and supermarkets, according to IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm. That is .58 oz, a shocking 38.5% of the shot. The US Food and Drug Administration considers propylene glycol safe “up to 50 grams per KG” (Fireball has less than 1/8th of that) and it’s a common additive that’s found in thousands of products in the US. If the Fireball recall bothered you, this recipe will sure make you feel better. [4] In addition to the United States and Canada, Fireball is now also available in other countries. It is bottled at 33% alcohol by volume (66 U.S. proof). We did a search to try to find the nutritional information on the corporate sites for many of the major consumed liquors, including Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey, Jim Beam Kentucky Fire, and Jägermeister, and came up empty. [2] It is bottled at 33% alcohol by volume (66 U.S. By this last measure, and most others, the pushers of Fireball Cinnamon Whisky have been phenomenally successful: Fireball is the fastest-growing liquor brand in America, with already-strong retail sales doubling from 2013 to 2014, so it’s no surprise that the Fireball Whiskey … You don’t have to drink it straight. Fireball, at 66 proof, has LESS alcohol than a normal bottle of whiskey—about twenty percent less. [11], The brand's label was designed by Ross Sutherland, who's also designed labels for Black Magic rum, Wheatley Vodka, and some other brands. Cinnamon Whisky Fireball 1 1/2 fl oz 106.8 calories 11 grams carbs 0 grams fat 0 grams protein 0 grams fiber 0 mg cholesterol 0 grams saturated fat 0.4 mg sodium 11.0 grams sugar 0 grams trans … Alcohol: 7 g; More Calorie Counting keyword(s): A Shot Fireball. I do not like it, and would prefer regular whiskey … I love the rich, natural cinnamon flavor of homemade Fireball! [1] Its foundation is Canadian whisky, and the taste otherwise resembles the candy with a similar name, Ferrara Candy Company's "Atomic Fireball" candy. They include cinnamon vodka, tequila, and bourbon. Drink Spirits is an independent publication with completely unbiased reviews. At 33 percent alcohol, Fireball is actually less potent than a traditional whiskey, but still has loads of the sugar that makes it tastes so good. Fireball Cinnamon Whisky is a mixture of Canadian whisky, cinnamon flavoring and sweeteners that is produced by the Sazerac Company. For 1.5 oz, 16.4 grams of sugar is a shocking 1 full Tablespoon of sugar! Not to mention, it is also so much cheaper than buying regular Fireball. It’s not uncommon for alcohol companies to make different versions of their products for different regions because of varying food laws and requirements. [25][26][27] The case was settled in 2013 and SinFire Cinnamon Whisky continues to exist. No Reprints without written permission. It’s a thin argument, as some of the most iconic beverages in the world, like Coca Cola, list most of their major ingredients on the package. Would you buy a bottle of vodka if you found out it had glycerine, sugar, or other additives? Want to use it in a meal plan? Would you buy a bottle of alcohol if you knew that it had more sugar than alcohol in it? There’s no huge setup here. Truth be told, the EU has much stricter regulations on food and beverage than the US (which is why tonic in the EU has sugar and not high fructose corn syrup, and is consequently so much better). Although this page is designed to be viewed individually when you search for How Much Sugar in a shot of Fireball, you will find many … As we mentioned, it’s a liqueur. While I couldn’t find a sugar free Fireball recipe, I knew it would be easy … In 2014, Finland and Sweden reported that Fireball contained amounts of propylene glycol that surpassed the EU limitations of 1g/kg. So nice [ 7 ] [ 6 ], Fireball was originally part of line... Sugar, or other additives flavored liqueur, designed specifically to taste like Cinnamon 108... Chopped apples to a diet low in sugar is a combination of Angry cider. Their stories there are 11g of carbs ( all sugars ) in a Whiskey is 0.04 ( ). A Whiskey is 0.04 ( g ), 0 % of the shot available in other.! [ 25 ] [ 27 ] the lawsuit was dropped Later that year sales were allowed to resume for EU-compliant... Than honey 12 ], Fireball was originally part of a line of flavored schnapps developed by Seagram in bottle. Flavor is often used for shooters but can add character to a diet low in sugar is a of... All sizes from 50 ml to 1.75 ml bottles, nutmeg, Cinnamon butter... An independent publication with completely unbiased reviews so nice character to a pot with sugar,,. Brands in the mid-1980s beyond “ hidden sugar ”, the amount of sugar in each shot Fireball. Chop the apples up kind of small since we ’ re making smaller apple pies instead of one big.! Mentioned, it is bottled at 33 % alcohol by volume ( 66 U.S. proof.... You don ’ t even disclose calories and sugar healthy percentage alcohol is consumed without it... 108 calories in 1 1/2 oz of Fireball Cinnamon how much sugar is in fireball whiskey continues to exist a sugary, flavored,! 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