We know there’s a vast amount of PR work to be done for snakes through no fault of their own. Please support us! “Second, the flute is a rather hard object, and once the cobra has bitten it a few times, it will probably learn that this is both painful and futile, and desist in future.”. On paper, the killing of an Indian cobra is a non-bailable offense. A very different view prevails toward snakes in the West, of course. So the “charmer” knows how far back to sit. The Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 in India technically proscribes snake charming on grounds of reducing animal cruelty. Snake charming is not enchanting. Keeping, handling, and torturing animals in this fashion is not only inhumane, it is also illegal in India. Of course maybe the other guy copied from you? That’s what we are doing for now, and we’re always on the lookout for new strategies to address the problem. Cobras can be totally disracted to a moving object. How a snake is starved to death through sewing and ripping. With increased awareness and constant demonstrations from wildlife activists about the cruel handling of snakes, a drastic decrease in the number of snake charmers performing publicly have been noticed off late. http://wildlife-odisha.blogspot.com/2009/01/truth-behind-snake-charming.html. Gurvinder Singh Traditionally, snake charmers have removed a snake’s venom sac to ensure that a snake bite won’t be fatal. Of course, snake charming is dangerous, especially if using truly venomous snakes.Many charmers remove the poison glands or the teeth of their snakes, and some even sew the mouths shut, but this is considered cruel and likely violates animal cruelty regulations in your area. Some charmers even sew the snake’s mouth shut. (For more on venom, click here). Belonging to the Elapid family, there are about 16 species in the cobra genus Naja, some approaching three metres in length. Why not try to write you own stuff rather than being a copy/paste artist? They are not cruel at all. They swear the snake-charming Cajun women Walk on the water I know a girl from Karachi Take her on a date and be cruel Or we can sit at home With a bottle of booze And nothing better to do What does it matter Why do you cry 'Cause all the back broke brothers That have been there before They swear the snake-charming Cajun women Walk on the water Everything is changing and transient from one moment to another. Removing or rescuing potentially deadly snakes is not an easy task, nor is it very glamorous. “The standing posture is the natural defensive posture of a cobra,” explains Wuster. NCERT solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 2 - A Snake Charmer’s Story are provided to help students clear all their doubts and get answers to all difficult questions. Not only that, it is good for the human population too: Over the past six years, roughly a third of the 2,000 snakes Wildlife SOS has rescued in Delhi were venomous. The “snake charmer” on the New Delhi street sits cross-legged in front of the basket and begins to play his flute. The spreading of the hood is also part of that defensive posture – and surprisingly, it’s not unique to the cobra. It’s a charade. snake charming is sadly a very cruel thing to do. The snake charmers insist on having an exception made for them based on tradition and cultural heritage. The result has been great for the communities. Some snake charmers even cruelly stitch shut the mouth of the snakes, completely preventing them from eating. I`m sorry for any inconvenience that I produced in you. In this life I have the opportunity to change something by telling everyone something about truth, nature, love, universe, peace and tranquility, balance and respect we should have for nature around us. You are on: Egofelix Magazine - The truth behind snake charming. ... Human beings are cruel and attack snakes without provocation, based on their own fears. But snakes are also magnificent, beautiful, and fascinating creatures that deserve our respect and empathy as much as any other species. Ban… This normally results in infections, which will kill the snakes. Magical origins aside, the act is a cruel, money-making spin. “They don’t hear in the sense that we do,” clarifies Darryl Frost, curator in the department of herpetology at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. All this is done to feed to the myth that if a snake drinks the milk that one offers, good luck will befall them for the rest of their life. These methods don’t simply disable the snake’s only means of defense, they remove its ability to even feed itself or digest, essentially condemning the animal to an extended, excruciating death. I will be glade to tell to people who is the original author, or also to contact him for publishing permission, but I don’t know his name! 10 Products You Didn’t Know Contain Animal Ingredients, A Whole Foods Vegan Diet: The Ultimate Guide, Want to Eat Plant-Based but Having Digestion Problems? And, says cobra researcher Dr. Wolfgang Wuster of the University of Wales, it’s not surprising they would stand up in a “charming” situation. But what if the cobra decides he’s had enough – and does want to strike out at the human sitting so calmly before him? Satyanarayan said the illusion of the poisonous snake tamed and charmed by music is often based on very cruel practices. The deadly reptile begins to sway as he plays his gourd flute. With the upcoming holiday of Naga Panchami , which is held in honor of the Serpent God, PETA India decided to do a little charming of their own by releasing a brand-new ad urging people to boycott … If you put a cobra in a a basket for a while and then remove the lid, the natural response of the startled cobra is to rear up.”. It’s certainly not charming. Snake charming, in fact, may be most dangerous of all to the seemingly “charmed” life of the cobra. While this service is designed to keep snakes and people safe in the short term, it also helps keep wild populations healthy. What many of us are distressed to discover is that these animals endure shockingly inhumane treatment; they live their prematurely short lives in tiny, dark baskets only to die painful deaths. But many argue snake charming is cruel to animals. “Cobras are generally reluctant to strike, and many specimens will rear up for a considerable period of time when cornered, but will not attempt to strike,” says Wolfgang Wuster. One of Hinduism’s principal deities, Lord Shiva, is generally portrayed with a king cobra coiled around his neck. Even if a snake is poisonous, it will not harm anyone until it perceives some danger because a snake only bites in self¬protection. 'We do not cut the fangs off the snakes as that would be cruel,' the tribal chief said. There’s got to be a trick – but what is it? If our vets deem a snake healthy enough, we release it back into the wilderness, far from the pollution and danger of the big cities. Thousands of people die from snake bites each year, and as a result, snakes are feared and even despised in some areas. And it means fewer snake charmers abusing innocent animals on the streets. They will often replicate the movement of their prey or whatever is threatening them to be in the attacking range. But instead, it seems hypnotized by the music, swaying with the sound of the flute, standing – but not striking. The vast majority of these were Indian cobras, a smaller percentage were kraits, and an even smaller percentage were vipers. Fact: Snakes are efficient hunters and fierce creatures if threatened. As well as discouraging tourists, the practice is also cruel to snakes. Once they’ve wowed a crowd for a few coins, they’re tossed aside to die as the charmer moves on to the next snake in his collection. Well, according to the herpetologists, like other snakes, cobras are defensive, not aggressive -so it takes a lot to get a cobra to bite. Most people in India, where huge numbers of people are killed by snakes, would disagree. And it was Lord Krishna who said, “Among the serpents I am Ananta.” (Ananta is the infinite divine snake whose coils rest upon the waters of creation.) The exotic sight of the mystical men who have enticed cobras and vipers to … But they’re all extremely dangerous – right? It is simply a cruelty-laced means of earning money off the poaching, misery, and torture of an innocent animal. So they’re not grooving to the beat? The flutist sits cross-legged in his turban and robes, issuing such a beautifully hypnotic sound that even the deadliest of serpents cannot help but be entranced by it. Get your favorite articles delivered right to your inbox! But snake charmers show their disregard for the law and these animals by continuing their cruel ways. It’s slower and easier to predict.”, Even if a “charmer” was bitten, the bite would not necessarily inflict much damage. “It says ‘Watch out, I am a cobra and dangerous, just go away and leave me alone, and we’ll both live happily ever after’. But conversely, snakes are also revered and celebrated throughout regional culture and religion in India. It’s not courageous. And for many Westerners, their first introduction to India was a cartoon or movie image of a snake charmer with a flute, a basket, and a swaying cobra. It is not enough. Charmers say they provide an essential service to locals by handling and removing snakes in the area. This article maybe? Here’s What Worked for Me, Here’s What You Need to Be Eating for Naturally Clear Skin, Photo of Pit Bull Who Used to Be Kept in a Crate and Abused for Fights Proves There Is Always Hope, 25 Meat-Free Main Dishes for Your Thanksgiving Feast, Banana and Peanut Butter Flapjacks [Vegan, Gluten-Free], Watch Beautiful Moment Injured Elephant Calf Is Reunited With Mom After Horrible Snare Accident (VIDEO). “While this crude “training” is probably not particularly cruel, the treatment received by the cobras in many cases is,” says Wolfgang Wuster. Watching a cobra’s head rise up from a basket, and then watching it sway in a standing position is an eerie sight. While Whit Gibbons estimates that some cobras have venom 20 times more powerful than that of a rattlesnake, judging the potency of such poisons is difficult, and the deadliness of any one bite will depend on a complex mix of factors relating both to the snake and its victim. There is absolutely nothing “charming” about this practice. The act of charming a snake with a flute or ‘pungi’ is based on incorrect facts, as in reality snakes don’t have ears and therefore cannot hear the music being played. But, say scientists, while the snake has a type of hearing, it is actually responding to the sight – not the sound – of the flute. Snake charming is so violent, in fact, that the Indian Wildlife Act of 1972 actually banned it. Well, the answer to that question reveals some surprising facts about the cobra. Everything You Need to Know About Probiotic Cultures! “Vipers [such as rattlesnakes] strike outward in a punching movement,” explains Darryl Frost. The snake’s fangs have by then been ripped out or crushed, and its venom glands have been crudely disabled by gouging them out or bursting them. Snake charming surely is fascinating to watch but it was ultimately too cruel for the snake. Someone who is two faced. 15 Vegan Malaysian and Vietnamese Inspired Dishes! But standing is very natural to a cobra – most can raise about a third of their body lengths. The music playing is just to make you think the snake is actually dancing to the music. By the time a cobra is ready to be “charmed,” it has been tortured and mutilated to the degree that it cannot even defend itself, let alone pose a threat. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We’ve seen so many former snake charmers express heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity to help animals rather than hurt them — and they also displayed incredible snake-handling expertise. Not in the same way. This is very variable, and there are, no doubt, many charmers around who do take reasonable care of their snakes, but there are many who do mistreat them grossly.”. Watching a cobra’s head rise up from a basket, and then watching it sway in a standing position is an eerie sight. Yet there is no threat at all. If the flutist sways, the snake sways, following him.”. Tourists often don’t realise that snake charming in this way is cruel, with the snake’s fangs often being removed and the mouth sewn up, meaning that the tongue can’t even come out and the reptile eventually dies of starvation. Snake charming is a tradition for them. “They do it to look larger, more threatening. We’re sure you already know: if you’re planning to visit India, don’t encourage snake charming or any other form of entertainment-based animal abuse. The only reason the snake doesn't strike is because the bottom of there tail is physically attached to the bottom of the basket. Your email address will not be published. Snake "charming" is basically only done with cobras because they are the only snake that raises up that high and totally focuses on moving objects. Snake charming is a centuries-old tradition among the Bedia people of India. As such, finding people with the knowledge and experience to do it can be a challenge. Once an icon of Indian culture, snake charmers today are struggling for survival. It is simply a cruelty-laced means of earning money off the poaching, misery, and torture of an innocent animal. Snake charming is also a cruel practice and they are trying to iradicate it in central and east asia by recruiting snake charmers for venom extraction programs. Question 14. Snake charmers are benefiting from a rise in tourism which in itself would not be bad if there was no cruelty, harm or even captivity involved. Well a look at the elements of snake charming shows that the answer to that question is both yes – and no. The cobras are fed a herbal mixture which Madari says renders the snake's deadly poison useless. They all have expandable hoods, produced by spreading the ribs in their neck under elastic skin. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Snake charming is the practice of appearing to hypnotize a snake (often a cobra) by playing and waving around an instrument called a pungi. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Sign up for daily news from OneGreenPlanet. Once released from prison, a lack of opportunities would likely funnel them back into the very same trade again. How does a snake charmer “charm” a cobra into not inflicting a venomous bite? Maybe not, but they aren’t entirely unaware of the sound either. http://wildlife-odisha.blogspot.com/2009/01/truth-behind-snake-charming.html, Your email address will not be published. Weekly Meal Plan: Plant Based Meals from Around the World. It’s not courageous. The truth is some (not all) snake charmers capture wild cobras, ripping out their fangs and sewing the mouths shut so they can never strike the charmer. 10 Books to Read About Infectious Disease & Pandemics. They’re not cuddly, they’re not everyone’s favorite animal, and they’ve been unfairly vilified in Western lore for millennia. Non-venomous snakes are not spared either; their mouths are often stitched shut, again making slow starvation inevitable. They are venomous, able to inject powerful neurotoxins through the fangs – or in some species, spit the poison into their enemies’ eyes. Some ruthless snake charmers also stage cobra-mongoose fights to entertain people, which is utterly cruel as well as disgusting in all respects. Anyone with an uninvited snake in their home, workplace, motorcycle (yes, this has happened) can call Wildlife SOS and have it removed for no charge. Opponents to snake charming say the practice is cruel. Belly dancing with pythons, and for that matter snake charming can be done humanely, but usually is not. I saw this article back in 2009 or so. In Buddhism, which has its birthplace in India, we see Mucalinda, king of the serpents, spreading his hood over the Buddha in protection against the elements to allow him to attain enlightenment. Chill when you are around But a Back Stabber and talks shit Is the snake in the poem ‘The Snake Trying’ a victim or a threat? Thats the one and only trick to snake charming- the cobra zones in on the movement of the musical instrument or whatever the person is waving around. The reality is that cobras found in urban areas are nearly always killed, and charges are rarely if ever filed. This is extremely cruel to the snake! People resorting to this sort of subsistence living tend to come from communities that suffer high rates of illiteracy and poverty. Animal rights advocates say snake charming is a cruel practice because the animals sometimes have their mouths sewn shut, fangs removed, or venom glands pierced to protect their handlers. Learn how your comment data is processed. And though charmers always have several snakes, usually different species, Indian cobras are their favorite because of their spectacular and menacing hoods — as well as the potential threat of death from their venomous bite. Our strategy to fill the vacancies is to bring on snake handlers from a variety of backgrounds: university settings and other training programs and — believe it or not — from the ranks of actual snake charmers on the street. "We do not cut the fangs off the snakes as that would be cruel," says the tribal chief. 10 Plant-Based Collagen Boosting Supplements for Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails! “I have four sons. The cobras are fed a herbal mixture which Madari says renders the snake's deadly poison useless. And, says cobra researcher Dr. Wolfgang Wuster of the University of Wales, it’s not surprising they would stand up in a “charming” situation. Satyanarayan said the illusion of the poisonous snake tamed and charmed by music is often based on very cruel practices. So unless you're going to go out an buy a cobra and keep the fangs in, try something more productive w/ your time. “Many snake charmers remove the fangs from the cobras, or even excise the fang-bearing jaw bone. And officials in the country have outlawed the practice, leaving many Bedia unable to support themselves. What good would incarceration do for them or the animals? Snakecharmer performances still happen in other Asian nations such as Pakistan. Furthermore, some charmers do not feed their cobras, but simply go out and catch more when their snakes die off. Required fields are marked *. It’s certainly not charming. Snake charming is not enchanting. “But they are alert, and watch what’s moving. Well, contrary to how scary it looks, avoiding a cobra’s strike — and bite — shouldn’t be that hard for the experienced flutist. However, these days, snake charmers seem to have lost their pride and glory. 12 Festive Almond Vegan Desserts for the Holidays! Then, as if by magic, the cobra rises up, its hood spread, ready to bite. “Snakes don’t hear sound,” explains Cornell University herpetology professor Harry Greene, author of Snakes: The Evolution of Mystery in Nature. “The standing posture is the natural defensive posture of a cobra,” explains Wuster. Don’t pay to watch any animal perform; it only encourages the brutality behind the scenes, promotes poaching and illegal possession of wildlife, and bolsters industries dedicated to making a profit off suffering. Even non-venoumous snakes like the hognose snake will do it – but the hognose doesn’t bite. This text it’s not mine, but has no author. You know it’s a hoax – but how? The Indian cobra, like most snakes, is protected under Schedule II, Part II of the act (however, tigers and the Asian elephants are Schedule I species, and are thus afforded more protections). “It says ‘… Other snake charmers also have a snake and mongoose show, where both the animals have a mock fight; however, this is not very common, as the snakes, as well as the mongooses, may be seriously injured or killed. And the cobras’ biting technique also makes it easier to avoid than something like a rattlesnake. A “charmed” cobra will appear mesmerized by the music. It is a good article and I hope you will enjoy. Did you know that simply copying someone else’s text is plagiarism? A typical performance may also include handling the snakes or performing other seemingly dangerous acts, as well as other street performance staples, like juggling and sleight of hand. India has a complicated relationship with snakes. One of them has been creating our 24-hour reptile rescue for large cities like Delhi and Agra. To prevent the snake from … “Cobras tend to bite downward from standing – the same movement as if you set your bent elbow on a table and swung your hand downward. They feed on amphibians or, in some cases, other cobras. [However] the cobras have longer ribs to spread.”. The practice was historically the profession of some tribesmen in India but this is no longer the case. “But they’re very sensitive to vibrations, so they would certainly be aware of the music.”. For one thing, according to Wuster, the cobra’s striking range is basically the extent to which the snake is reared up, which is only up to one third of its total length (rattlesnakes, by contrast, have a striking range of about one-half their body lengths.) When the snakes rise up to the tune of a flute, it has nothing to do with ‘being charmed’; their owners starve the creatures, feeding them only when they emerge from the basket, so that they associate the noodly music with food. So, what can you do? The country’s Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 looks out for snakes just as it does tigers, elephants, and bears. It is true, the cobras were usually butchered, but even if not, the over handling can kill the snakes. Being publicly-funded gives us a greater chance to continue providing you with high quality content. Some live in water, others live in trees. The process begins by poaching snakes from the wild. But standing is very natural to a cobra – most can raise about a third of their body lengths. 15 Digestive Enzyme-Rich Plant-Based Recipes, Cancer-Causing Asbestos Found in Power-Based Makeup. 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These snakes are their livelihood, and that is why they look after the snakes very well. I wish I’d done more research into the practice of snake charming before we embarked on this particular trip. We have been looking for solutions. Exoticized as ‘tradition’ in India, the profession of snake charming is one that is rife with cruelty and mistreatment of these poor misunderstood reptiles. Snake charmer Buti Nath flips the lid of a basket and a cobra slowly emerges. Many of us later discover that snakes are, in a practical sense, deaf and thus not responding to any music but rather the charmer’s movements, which they view as a potential threat. Even if they don’t have enough to eat, they feed the snakes,” Das says. As reprehensible as their trade certainly is, many of them seek redemption if given another way by which to feed their families, and we are an organization that believes in second chances. 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