Finally, unlike some authors who have focused on specific aspects of ethical consumption, we aim in this paper to capture the whole concept. 32 8 Marie-Jeanne Woman 59 Retired accountant, married with three children, she invests in an association to participate in the welfare of farmers in the South. They seek to highlight those companies that are doing well and improving their performance in social, ethical and environmental terms. “I buy local produce because shopping for it is fun”). It is essentially a moral compass. From our point of view, sustainable consumption, which does not necessarily consider ethical concerns, is a part of ethical consumption. The third scale we consider here is the Socially Responsible Consumption (SRC) scale from François-Lecompte (2006). Model 3 has excellent psychometric qualities. The social dimension that takes into account the solidarity, sharing, interest for others, altruism. 20 58 35 Thus, the regression coefficients between the concept and its three dimensions are greater than 0.7, above the norm (figure 3). Second, there is the Consumer Ethics Scale (CES) from Muncy and Vitell (1992) which is to date the most reliable and the most used. The goal of this vision is to reduce the total level of consumption (Barnett, Cafaro and Newholm, 2005). Who are these ethical consumers ? It is the search for more justice and equality among all human beings ; it is the use of purchasing power to encourage initiatives in this direction. Normality of data – asymmetric coefficients (skewness) and kurtosis – and the absence of multi-colinearity through tolerance indices and the VIF (Variance Inflation Factor) were then checked and are all acceptable. However, the definition of ethical consumption is rather limited in the field of consumer behavior and its measurement is not always suitable. The closer rho’s value is to 1, the more the scale is consistent and reliable. Jeremy Rifkin (2000) notes that humanity must reflect on its consumption and acquire a consciousness that can only come from an education that respects cultural diversity and biodiversity. This segmentation can then be refined by motivations. However, inclusion can provide a benchmark and assurance about how well ethical values and sustainability are embedded in corporate practice. The ECB scale can then be conceptualized as a second-order factor. The value of ρVC must be greater than 0.5. The psychometric properties of the scale are satisfactory, and the model must now be evaluated on validity and reliability criteria. Vous avez été déconnecté car votre compte est utilisé à partir d'un autre appareil. 49 Ethical behavior is established through concrete policies, employee training, effective internal controls, positive reward programs and — most importantly — by example. Consumers donate to ethical associations. Furthermore, ethics have been explored in a consumption context with a focus on its different aspects : fair-trade (De Ferran and Grunert, 2007), boycotting (Smith, 1990), consumer social responsibility (François-Lecompte and Valette-Florence, 2004 ; Ozcaglar, 2005) or green consumption (Gierl and Stumpp, 1999). 1- Purchase and ethical products consumption, 46 Model ethical behavior and integrity by incorporating company values in all business communications. May indicate the strength of the influence of ethical climates on employees. There were some fascinating insights and discussions on how we, as people professionals, can help to run our organisations in an ethical way – and this doesn’t just apply to the City. Deletion from the index can be a reflection of relative improvement by other companies rather than any necessary deterioration in performance by the company that has been dropped. Of course, any self-report measure that depends on honesty and accuracy from respondents has limitations, but because it asks about actual behavior, it has advantages over those scales that measure ethical attitudes or intentions that are very poor indicators of what people actually do at the checkout (Cowe and Williams, 2000). 18 Indeed, “desire for health” is, by far, the most common and the primary motivation for purchasing this type of product. 5 Cézanne Woman 27 Administrative assistant, she buys from small shops and is a fan of organic products. 5 WORLD-LEADING INTEGRATED INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS More than 2.5 million employees in 75 + countries are benefiting from better internal communications. As part of this research, we consider the term “ethical” in its broadest sense. Il est interdit, sauf accord préalable et écrit de l’éditeur, de reproduire (notamment par photocopie) partiellement ou totalement le présent article, de le stocker dans une banque de données ou de le communiquer au public sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit. Enron and WorldCom executives used deceptive accounting and sold inflated stock while r… 3 There are over 250 global and local ethical indices schemes, with FTSE4Good and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) two most well known ethical investment indices for UK companies. This allows for an accurate test of nomological and predictive validity. It has been suggested that indices reward the companies with the greatest capacity to respond to the questionnaires rather than those with the best socially responsible practices and that they are more of a reflection of successful marketing than proven sustainability performance. 9 Michel Homme 60 Retired official, married with 4 children. Express the main criteria for buying these products (food, clothing, cosmetics…) => Quality, price, availability, habit, ethical aspect and sustainability. We used an Excel file from Mickaël Korchia available at : Variances extracted by each dimension (rho cv) are in the diagonal and off-diagonal are correlations (with their squared value). ,971 0.919 18 – I restrict my consumption (food, energy, clothing, etc.) Thus, motivations to sustainable consumptions can purely be due to economic matters. ,762 0.773 20 – I buy products sold through social actions. So we made arrangements that allow us to say that the content validity of the ethical consumption behavior scale is satisfactory. It remains quite abstract and does not measure actual or past behavior nor preferences, but projects the consumer into a hypothetical future. ECT may give clues as to how ethical climates behave and how they might be fostered, and maybe changed. What do customers seek when they come into your store ? Les résultats offrent des perspectives intéressantes quant à la prise en compte de l’éthique des consommateurs, tant au niveau académique que managérial. These morals are shaped by social norms, cultural practices, and religious influences. FTSE4Good applies a negative screen to organisations listed on the FTSE All-Share Index, meaning that companies from the tobacco, nuclear power and arms industries are excluded. What hinders you from being loyal (from buying more fair trade products) ? But you're forgetting to measure what matters most to overall success: ethical behavior. This scale must take the 3 dimensions into account. donations to charities), and the purchase of regional products and buying from small farmers. Indeed, ethical consumers are often highly motivated : they always research relevant information about companies, they are part of committed groups (such as Greenpeace), and they are willing to pay more for ethical products. 42 “I buy local products because they are environmentally friendly”) and (4) shopping benefits (e.g. The second and third virtues reflect managerial behavior: ethical role-modeling by supervisors and senior management. Unethical behavior in the workplace has been present since man built the first office building. Other fields could also be explored, such as donation, sustainable marketing or social marketing. In addition to general performance measures, a company’s response to ethical issues which may arise during the course of their operations, such as corruption, fraud, human rights abuses, etc, is also considered. The appropriate way to define and measure ethical leadership has been a source of conceptual confusion in the leadership literature. Despite the willingness of the authors to improve the CES, several criticisms can be made. This is the case with the dimensions “Actively benefiting from illegal activities” and “Passively benefiting”, with items such as “Not telling the truth when negotiating the price of a new automobile” or “Not saying anything when the waiter or waitress miscalculates a bill in your favor”. In recent updates to the indices, Johnson & Johnson and Vodafone were among the 41 deleted from the DJSI; there were no deletions from FTSE4Good. Dernière publication diffusée sur ou sur un portail partenaire. 4 A company's ethical climate, goals and policies can all have a significant impact on employee behavior… In light of the results presented in table 4 above, the discriminant validity of ECB scale is verified. to what I really need. ,728 0.470 19 – I buy fair trade products in solidarity with producers. This is why there are a large range of possible ethical behaviors. Katharina Gangl, Carmen Tanner, Nicole Witt, The Corporate Ethical Culture Scale (CECS): A New Measure of Ethical Culture, SSRN Electronic Journal, 10.2139/ssrn.3186096, (2018). The result of this media and stakeholder analysis has the power to affect a company’s total sustainability score significantly and their subsequent inclusion in the DJSI. Militates for more equality between people. Cependant, la définition de cette consommation éthique reste assez floue en marketing du comportement du consommateur et sa mesure n’est pas toujours adaptée. The literature brings up a two-way linking of ethics and consumption. The proposed scale, after rigorous analysis, opens important perspectives in research on possible links between the ethics of the individual and his consumer behavior. In your consumer’s point of view, what does ethical consumption mean ? The ethics of the consumer is discernible from his consumption choices and actions. This is so, because it is less likely to observe unethical behavior directly in the light of threats of incrimination, and other undesirable consequences. And when we are at our best, our reasoning places extra weight on others’ claims and concerns. (For manager). This is sometimes the case when buying organic products (fruit and vegetables), which are considered good for health and nutritionally richer. 44 7 Karim Man 33 He has been a Greenpeace employee for 3 years. It would be interesting to test, for example, the relationship between ethical sensitivity, materialism, and ethical judgment and its effects on ethical consumption behavior. The shared variance between two latent variables is determined by a high square correlation between these two latent variables. These studies are generally integrated in a particular context, but no research provides an overall measure of the concept of Ethical Consumption Behavior. ,898 0.666 28 – I contribute to the preservation of the environment through everyday actions. 11 Sophie Woman 67 She was responsible in the social field. Behavioral ethics lead to the development of ethical models such as the so-called "bystander intervention", which describes ethical behavior as far harder to display because of what we learn from social institutions such as family, school, and religion. To our knowledge, there is no overall measurement scale of ethical consumption behavior. The most reliable attitudinal survey scales for predicting ethical behavior measure conscientiousness, organizational citizenship behavior, social dominance, and bullying. Benetton is known for its social commitment. Of course, if they have to choose between two comparable products with the same tangible attributes, ethical consumers will probably opt for the ethical one. 1 This dimension is applied in the development of organic agriculture, renewable energy, the search for simplicity in daily life, recycling, etc. The nomological validity consists of the study of the relationship between the construct and a set of antecedents and or consequences in a complex model. (For manager). Academics have found that consumers express their ethics through their consumption choices. All decisions have an ethical or moral dimension for a simple reason—they have an effect on others. 23 37 The final first-order model (model 3) of the measurement scale of ECB consists of 11 items definitely (see figure 2). He lives in the countryside and he is an official at the Ministry of Transport. Each speech is illustrated with verbatim comments that constitute elementary context units. For most social scientists, consumption is primarily a social activity before being an individual act (Darpy, 2012). An exploratory qualitative study using 14 in-depth interviews was conducted to define the contours of the ethical consumption behavior concept (ECB). more protective security measures, unethical behavior of medical practice will remain problematic in the 2000s and beyond. Ethical consumption is based on a thoughtful and calculated approach. The CEV model is a 58-item measure of ethical culture with eight ethical virtues or dimensions. Second, we focus on reliability. Ethical consumption can be seen as a response stemming from this reflection. The procedure used to develop the scale is a well-established procedure proposed by Churchill (1979). measuring integrity and ethical behaviour in organisations A few months ago I attended a City HR Association* event, on ethics and integrity in the workplace. We conducted a quantitative study on 559 French consumers using the Internet Sphinx Declic interface. Our approach is different, consumers are considered to be active and all of their behaviors must be voluntary and supported by ethical motivations. Have you ever bought this kind of products ? The IBE advocates doing the right thing for the right reasons, but any tools which encourage ethical behaviour are to be applauded. Be part of the … Akzo Nobel link 50% of their long term bonus scheme for 600 of their top managers to the company’s position in the DJSI for chemicals companies. 67 Moreover, the measure of Oh and Yoon (2014) is limited to three items [3] that capture intention to engage in ethical consumption. 68 Finally, 5 items were dropped and 23 items were selected. This scale may be useful for future research. decision-making processes, purchasing choices, individuals’ behaviors are more and more influenced by ethical considerations. The consumer here is considered to be passive and reacts to his surroundings. In general, what do you look for when buying a product in a food store ? FIs should also promote a culture of ethical behaviour by strengthening practices in other areas set out in the Information Paper on Culture and Conduct Practices of Financial Institutions. 36 Measure (and Reward) Ethical Behavior You measure employee performance and sales. 16 Then a pre-test was conducted on a convenience sample (100 consumers). Provide ethical behavior professional development opportunities and implement best practices. This dimension can be found in the use of shared products, fair trade products, gifts (e.g. Using SPSS18, the initial sample was divided randomly into two sub-samples. In a managerial context, our measurement instrument may be useful for managers to distinguish those consumers who are buying for ethical reasons among current or potential buyers of their products. How did you come to be at the head of a store like this ? Corporate leaders who employees view as demonstrating personal character are more likely to be perceived as setting a strong tone, researchers say. Factor 2 corresponds to the social dimension of ethical behavior. 53 Compilers of ethical indices do not comment as to why some companies are included and others are not, and this often leads to criticism. The new scale comprises a range of ethically minded … But rather than knocking them as a PR tool for companies, or for the indices companies themselves, perhaps we should be grateful that ethical indices exist, imperfect though they may be. The first part concerns the different aspects of ethical consumption ; the second examines the definition of the ethical consumer. Here consumers engaging with environmental protection adopt behaviors that conform to this in their daily lives (recycling objects, avoiding waste, avoiding taking the car). ethical behavior in the workplace as a whole is hard to measure and an attempt to quantify it should go through the use of combined Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Parsimony, incremental and absolute indexes are all excellent (see table 5). A focus on short-term profit as an exclusive measure of retail business success has eroded trust and opened the door for unethical behavior (Lin-Hi & Blumberg, 2012). Generation of items was based on empirical works on marketing ethics and on topics discussed during exploratory qualitative interviews presented in Section 2. Different measures … The disruptors: How Aviva’s Steve Waygood is trying t... 10 takeaways from Europe’s landmark sustainable finan... Shaping up for the net-zero race this month in The Ethical Corporation, New drive to police ‘wild west’ of net-zero targets ahead of COP26, ‘Where’s the climate science behind continuing to bankroll coal?’ NGOs demand. Ethical behavior starts at the top. Ethical consumption is also a way of living together. After removal of extreme values and outliers, 196 observations were retained. Most of the studies on ethics in the literature focus on management and business ethics (Martinet and Reynaud, 2004 ; Thiery, 2005 ; Barthel, 2006 ; Martinet, 2007). The three-factor structure obtained corresponds (partially) to the three spheres of sustainable development as defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED, 1987). Doctor in Management, Aix-Marseille University, Cret-Log, France -, Professor in Management, Aix-Marseille University, Cret-Log, France -. ... of the global financial crisis and other business scandals since then have highlighted the importance of improving ethical standards and corporate culture,’ said its chief executive Dr Ian Peters. Reuters Events is part of Reuters News & Media Ltd, 5 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AQ. 54 Vous n’êtes actuellement pas connecté(e) en institution. Nonetheless, ethical intention is the most direct measure of ethical behavior. Although these indices are often intended to assist organisations in tracking their corporate responsibility progress over time, the questions posed can change annually making year on year comparisons challenging. Lead 5 Essential Behaviors You Need to Maintain Your Integrity as a Leader Your reputation as a leader will be affected by how you align your values with your behavior. Volunteer at a fair-trade association for more than 8 years. Inclusion may also be regarded as external recognition of good performance; a positive PR opportunity or reputation risk management tool and so is quoted in corporate responsibility reports and promoted on the company website; for example Diageo, Sainsbury’s and Anglo-American. To reduce my contribution to global warming, I consume differently. Consumption is one of the mechanisms that allow individuals to distinguish themselves, especially through food practices, culture and sports practices (Moingeon, 1993). What kind of significance do you give to ethical consumption ? ,815 0.678 29 – I avoid products or brands that make children work, even indirectly. I prefer to buy in shops that highlight the ecological or organic products. Click infographic for full view . This widely used measure focuses on intraorganizational cheating and thus covers only a limited part of the much broader spectrum of unethical behaviors in the workplace. If you're looking at how to promote ethical behavior in the workplace, you've come to the right place. These additional areas include hiring, communication channels, monitoring and assessment, and performance management. Thus, a gap appears between the definition of ethical consumption and its measurement instruments. The rho CV index (convergent validity) shows whether the construct’s average variance extracted is more completely explained by the items that measure the construct than by the error : it is the percentage of variance that a variable shares with its indicators. Factor 1 represents the political aspects of ethical consumption, the idea of using our purchasing power to change things by rewarding practices and behaviors judged as “good and correct”. What are your motivations when you go into this kind of store ? RIMHE : Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Homme & Entreprise, Remaining organisations have their performance assessed against environmental, social and governance criteria including human rights, labour standards and countering bribery. 34 Muel Kaptein established an eight-point “Corporate Ethical Virtues Model” for the measurement of an organisation’s ethical culture, with a corresponding 58-item self-reporting questionnaire, in 2007.14However, this model was intended mainly as a research tool for further study and self-audit, rather than for objective, third-party analysis.15 The two other dimensions are more specific. All of these obstacles can be transposed to ethical consumption, with a restriction. What makes these products different/particular ? (For manager), 48 We propose in this research to clarify the concept of consumers’ ethical consumption behavior (ECB) by building an appropriate conceptual framework for the field of consumption and by developing a valid and reliable measuring instrument. Registered in England and Wales: 2505735. We have tested the relationship between AHO and ethical behavior. A study from GreenFlex-Ethicity (2014) shows that for 67% of companies, improvement of their market share is directly due to ethical initiatives. IBE research has suggested that companies use the findings as a valuable gap analysis tool. This scale reduces the domain of ethical consumption to local products purchasing. 12 Flore Woman 26 Responsible for missions, she educates for citizenship, and militates for people to become more involved in society. They buy fair trade products to improve the living conditions of producers or, conversely, they boycott certain brands that they consider not to be consistent with their value systems. The factor structure obtained accounts for 72.44% of the explained variance, with 52.50% for the factor 1 ; 11.61% for the factor 2 and 8.32% for the factor 3. The behavioral scale that we propose is based on “small” daily actions that do not require a heavy investment in terms of commitment or financial outlay, as must be the case for solar panel installation at home (Gierl and Stumpp, 1998). Factors Communalities 1 2 3 13 – I prefer to buy products from organic farming. In your everyday life, what actions are or could be motivated by ethics and/or morals ? It measures the perceived expectations, i.e. and Stevens argue that the Business Ethics Code does not guarantee a corporation’s ethics level and therefore, the Business Ethics Code is not an appropriate criterion [4,8]. Thus, they develop a scale of motivation to purchase this type of product (Drivers of Purchasing Local Produce), which consists of 4 dimensions : (1) intrinsic quality (e.g. What could bring you to a more ethical consumption ? A second-order factor is a construct with several distinct facets or dimensions but conceptually linked ; each of them is one-dimensional and refers to a single theoretical concept (Bressolle, 2006). The 3 items of Oh et Yoon (2014) : 1-I intend to consume ethical products ; 2-I plan to consume ethical products and 3- I prefer ethical products to other products. 56 We also attempt to measure our moral character – we scrutinize our inclinations and motives, all of which shape how we think about our moral responsibilities. Companies want to aim high in everything they do, and high ethical standards are a part of that. In addition to general performance measures, a company’s response to ethical issues which may arise during the course of their operations, such as corruption, … 33 (For manager), 47 The third motivation is the “desire for quality”, which implies that consumers buy fair trade coffee or organic fruits and vegetables only because they perceive in them a better quality. Ultimately, the author suggests that consumption of ethical products is less motivated by altruism than by self-interest. François-Lecompte (2009) summarized in six points the obstacles to socially responsible consumption : (1) the lack of information on companies’ practices, (2) the financial cost ; but the high price of these products is perceived by consumers as a guarantee of high quality (Husic and Cicic, 2009), (3) the need for research efforts due to the lack of availability, (4) sustainable or ethical products often have low hedonic value, (5) socially responsible consumption is generally perceived as too restrictive in everyday life, and (6) it is difficult for consumers to know what is the “right” behavior. Several research studies have focused on this construct : some are concerned with individual values and motivations to ethical clothing consumption (Jägel, Keeling, Reppel and Gruber, 2012) ; others with emotions and dissonances in ethical consumption (Gregory-Smith, Smith and Winklhofer, 2013) ; or with fair-trade consumption (Varul, 2009) which is part of ethical consumption. Discriminant validity of a construct is shown when the shared variance between the latent variables is less than the variance shared between the latent variables and its indicators (which is expressed by the Rho CV) (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). The two other dimensions are more specific. Individual ethical responses such as ethical conduct are important elements to measure the outcomes of ethical culture. Or why do you buy this kind of products ? This scale combines different leader behaviors, including acting fairly and honestly, allowing followers' voice, and rewarding ethical conduct in a single scale. Thus, one of the aims of this paper is to explore how consumers consider ethics in their consumption choices. According to Thiery (2005, p.64) “ethics induced in the concept of CSR tends to respect the individual in relation to all of its dimensions : consumer, citizen, shareholder, etc.” Companies have to balance their economic interests against the social and environmental demands. This paper has many contributions and opens interesting perspectives for research on the new consumption trends, particularly in ethical consumption. Subsequently, a second-order confirmatory factor analysis (model 4) was conducted to rigorously assess the reliability and validity of the three dimensions of the ECB scale. The third factor reflects the environmental aspects of ethical consumption. This doesn't mean you have to accept it on your team or in your company, however. 15 Cette publication est la plus récente de l'auteur sur highest standards of ethical conduct involve relating ethical behavior with a leader’s ability to make sound decisions. The ethical lapses of global companies, such as Enron, Arthur Andersen, and WorldCom, over the span of a few years caused much devastation. In Table 1 below, loadings equal or less than 0.45 have been cleared for readability. Firstly, in terms of its applicability, although the changes are relatively recent, some items appear outdated and no longer reflect the reality today. In reality, because feedback on entry submissions is limited, companies are left guessing as to how they could improve without any real guidance. Consumers therefore adopt ethical behavior by promoting and developing preference for products that best meet their values (here ecology, bio, equitable, solidarity, altruism, etc.). Propose a definition of ethics if necessary (from “Le Petit Larousse 2003”) : “That which respects the principles of morality, a set of rules of conduct”. It is this sense of ethics and consumption which prevails in discussions on environmental issues, sustainable consumption and movements such as voluntary simplicity. Some of the confusion may arise because both use different criteria to measure the corporate performance of companies around economic, environmental and social criteria. Documenting the ethical behaviors of other employees is a powerful form of social proof. What can organizations do to encourage ethical behavior in the workplace? In other words, it is the willingness to take into consideration ethical concerns in their purchasing actions and their products and services consumption. Ethics are moral principles that guide a person’s behavior. It concerns the relationship between customers and sellers. • Motivations for ethical consumption. 43 Under what conditions ? Marketing researchers have pointed out different type of motivations. For De Ferran (2003), respect for human rights, traceability as a guarantee of quality, the organic label of the product and pleasure seeking are the main elements that guide people when buying fair trade coffee (that is, an ethical product). However, when consumers have real ethical motivations, they have many difficulties to overcome. For instance, Brown et al. 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