May Day demonstrators in Indonesia confronted police who blocked their march to the national palace to demand higher wages. Global warming and related ecological disasters creating refugees are predicted to rise exponentially in the next two decades. We’ve argued for revolutionary politics based on the interdependence of class and race in the movements of labor, African Americans, Chicanas/os, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and immigrants. But guilty he certainly is, and of far greater “high crimes and misdemeanors” than he is being impeached for. FSP is uniquely qualified for this given our experience in every branch city and our close study of Trotsky’s writings about both fascism and united fronts. In January 2019, 150-200 million workers across India launched a two-day general strike, probably the largest ever, against government plans to gut labor legislation. Trump may be nurturing fascist seeds, but the actual development of fascism is not at all a foregone conclusion. Ideas 9 December 2020 George Orwell and the road to revolution Orwell wrote Animal Farm at a time of global crisis as a warning about oppressive state power. Revolutionary Ideas Festival: ‘Crisis and revolt: A world to win’ October 9, 2020. And half of all financial transactions are made in dollars. For example, 40,000 people marched in Berlin in April 2019 against rising rents, calling for the expropriation of real estate companies and hedge funds, calls which the majority of Germany’s workers and youth support. However, its leap to the fore in high tech, its escalating imperialist aspirations, and its rapidly spreading international financial ties are seen as a threat to the U.S. position as Top Capitalist. Podemos, the Spanish party that some have considered a near-perfect example of grassroots organizing, fragmented in part over immigration policy. Protectionism today is politically as well as economically motivated. Crisis and Revolt: A World to Win will be the main rally at the Revolutionary Ideas Online Festival of Resistance and Socialism. Exactly when is impossible to pin down — but it seems safe to say it will be sooner rather than later. Working people everywhere are battling to survive: gold miners in South Africa; truckers in Portugal; automobile assemblers in Russia; bus drivers and factory strikers in Iran; maquila workers in Mexico. Military might backs U.S. economic power, IV. ISO has roots in Trotskyism, although as part of the minority “state capitalist” tendency. The current situation — rocks and hard places. Events are coming to a head at a time when the revolutionary Left has been weakened by the century-long detour that it has taken away from Leninism into social democracy, Stalinism, state-capitalist theory, broad left parties, and popular fronts. In the UK, Johnson’s bumbling has led to the Tory government limping from scandal to scandal in less than a year since the fanfare of the general election. The unifying goal in all our work is to build the party, to work toward achieving the vanguard force the working class and all its battered and impoverished allies deserve. Difference is ranked over commonalities and shared interests. The New York stock market, the world’s largest, dropped by more than 50 percent. One of the biggest obstacles standing between workers and an understanding of the need for revolution, not just reform, is the middle caste. One thing it has done, though, is increase global instability and the ever-present danger of more war. The appearance on the scene of Democratic candidates with a socialist tinge, like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is part of this sabotage of working people’s ability to act in their own interests. Thus the growing appetite for socialism, especially among young people. THIS RESOLUTION, drafted for party-wide discussion in the late spring of 2019, was honed and adopted by Freedom Socialist Party members at FSP’s October 2019 national convention in Washington state. FSP has a long and proud history of analyzing fascism and organizing against the thugs who try to bring it to life. Today, robotics and other high-tech systems are booming in what has been called the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Enter neoliberalism, which temporarily and partially revived the rate of profit. But we in the FSP are not alone; we are confident in the international working class; and we know that the power of this class will grow. A two-day series of rallies, discussions and debates on Marxist theory, lessons from history and the struggle against capitalism today. The United Nations has recognized the extreme inequality wrapped within the threat to all, warning that the disastrous effects of climate change could be so extreme that they “split the world into the rich and the dead.” The melting of sea ice at both poles, drought and desertification, super-storms, out-of-control wildfires and floods, a whole new population of climate refugees: these are the things nightmares are made of, but they are also now our daily reality. Fascism is the last-ditch resort of the capitalists to secure their profits and class rule. This can create the widespread pessimism that is fuel for cultural nationalism. People search for a lot of New Year Resolution examples, however, many blogs fail to address what people are actually looking for.If you are a student, here are a few things which you must plan to do when this New Year 2020 starts. Solidarity here with freedom battles around the world is most meaningful and powerful when it weaves together comradely mutual support with full-on opposition to the imperialist monster in its home lair. Machine-assisted increases in productivity should make workers’ lives easier and allow them to spend fewer hours on the job. In fact, of course, they are hoping that the strategy will net them big political gains. Karl Marx explains in Capital how it is that the labor-power of workers gives economic value to things produced for sale (commodities). The pattern repeated in 2019 when the magnificent revolt in Sudan stopped short of overthrowing not only the dictator, but the system as well, and fighting for workers’ power. Understanding our job in relationship to the middle caste is critical to acting as a Bolshevik in all the movements, but especially in unions. Plenty if they are Donald Trump, Leonard Leo and William Barr.”. Democratic politicians have been just as culpable as Republicans in concentrating power in the executive branch over time. At the same time, the […], Socialist Alternative celebrated the 103rd Anniversary of the Russian Revolution of October 1917 by demonstrating in practice how the new workers state set about achieving hugely important gains for the working class in the fields of health and women’s rights. Comrades can join with others to bust the false dichotomy of jobs versus the environment and to challenge the conservative unions that are a bulwark of support for the fossil fuels industry. Donald Trump’s demagogic, right-populist, personally boastful 2016 campaign offered people the illusion that a forceful leader could solve the problems they faced. The expanding risk of war reflects heightened economic tensions internationally and the volatility of the overall political climate, which includes stepped-up popular resistance. And a third cause is the fact that marginalized and abused groups have suffered serious blows and won few solid victories over the past period. On top of that, the ticking time bomb of the climate crisis and the ongoing ravaging by Covid-19 adds to an explosive situation for the bourgeoisie and their system globally. New developments have only served to underscore and deepen the conclusions presented in this resolution. This combination of leftover neoliberalism, protectionism and shoot-from-the-hip bravado has kept everybody guessing about what comes next. The FI, led by Ernest Mandel, accommodated to the SWP’s retreat from revolutionary politics and also rejected feminism and women’s leadership. But there can come a time when the economy is a disaster; the middle class collapses; poor and perpetually unemployed people lose all hope of a better tomorrow; and workers threaten to burst out of containment. Every FSP branch cannot take up all of these causes all of the time. But in the U.S., as on the international scene, the people who are so passionately taking up causes are typically making only limited gains, despite some of the achievements noted in this section. Stephen is a lifelong student of Latin American politics and is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese. The Trump administration boasted of 263,000 new jobs and a drop in unemployment to 3.6 percent. In India, women spearheaded organizing by Dalit sanitation workers. Domestically, his redbaiting is a crass attempt to rally voters against the more liberal Democratic Party candidates as the next election approaches. Workers are laid off and then can purchase even less. Black activists have taken the lead in exposing the stark racial disparity meted out by the police and prison systems. Meanwhile, back at the middle-caste ranch, Democratic politicians are hyping their shiny Green New Deal. Businesses supersize their layoffs, default on their loans, and go belly up, causing the whole system to spiral down. In 2018, resisters quashed more than five dozen mining concessions and stalled four pipeline projects. SELL TIGHTS! An outstanding example is the pioneering effort to introduce women, including women of color and lesbians, into the white-male-dominated electrical trades at Seattle City Light. This is the emergence of trans-exclusionary radical feminists (called TERFs). The U.S. relationship with Iran is also on a hair trigger. PHOTO: Seattle City Council, Socialist Alternative has endorsed Ralph Nader for president four times since 1996 and in 2012 supported the Green Party’s Jill Stein. And we recognize the party’s special responsibility to continue to provide leadership in this cause. But just as is true internationally, this is not a one-sided attack. Although DSA operates as a direct funnel into the Democratic Party, it is often the first stop for people exploring socialism. RW members had to contest being characterized as traitors to their sex! Already, though, many members of the former group are looking to continue as activists by linking up with the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). FSP warned at the time that this would put the international body on the fast track to nowhere, and it did. Socialists Speak Out, Friday evening saw news break that the Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson had been arrested as part of an investigation into building and development contracts in the city. In almost every country inequality and the immiseration of the working and poor masses is growing or on the edge of a potential cliff. But is he a fascist, as a lot of his radical opponents like to call him? A refreshing sign of stirring militancy is that more than a hundred organizations (including FSP) endorsed the 2019 Reclaim Pride Coalition in New York City, which put together a political march and rally aiming to recapture the spirit of the Stonewall Rebellion. Buoyed by Trump’s support, hardline Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced inflammatory plans for further annexations in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. This is sharply evident in Europe, which for years has hosted a fledgling crop of ultra-right forces like the French National Front founded by Jean-Marie Le Pen in 1972. This is what will draw people to us — while strengthening the causes we are part of. It is true that Earth is already a changed planet, and to some degree there is no going back. Barack Obama’s government bailed out the giant financial corporations with many trillions of taxpayer dollars. Territory was regained in 2018 and 2019 by Maasai villagers in Tanzania; by indigenous communities fighting a massive rubber company in Ratanakiri province in Cambodia; and by the Udege in far east Russia. But any gains made will not come through horse-trading in Washington, D.C., but through the power of a radical mass mobilization. Trotsky’s ideas live on in the CWI Eighty years after his assassination, the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) has published a collection of ten essays on the life and ideas of Leon Trotsky. Black women were in the lead of a 2019 student occupation at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore to protest racial profiling, a university contract with ICE, and the hiring of a private, armed police force. Many took to heart the pronouncement by the elite that this meant the socialist “experiment” was dead, and capitalism had proven unbeatable. All that could be hoped for was a continuous effort to soften its blows. PHOTO: Charles Edward Miller. Trans people, especially those of color, are being beaten and killed. But a “jobless recovery” followed the recession of 1990-91. And neoliberalism did not prevent the most severe crash since the worldwide depression of the 1930s. Eventbrite - Socialist Alternative presents Revolutionary Ideas: online festival of resistance and socialism - Saturday, 28 November 2020 | Sunday, 29 November 2020 - Find event and ticket information. Of course, […], Order your copy here – £3 + p&p 2020 has been a year of turmoil. Chapter 4 Section 2: Ideas Help Start a Revolution) Answer each question in complete sentences (1. A mass uprising is no isolated undertaking, which can be conjured up any time one pleases. Share. Even uprisings strong enough to topple governments, for example during the Arab Spring, dissipate if they have no clear roadmap for where to go next. And U.S. economic, political and military might remains the most powerful imperialist force blocking its way. But a more apt characterization might be the planet’s most brutal bully and leading terrorist. It can mean promoting the idea of multi-union militant caucuses like Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity in Seattle. Most of the biggest capitalists survive the crisis and in fact make out like the bandits they truly are. This is one of our many recordings from the Revolutionary Ideas Online Festival, held on 28-29 November 2020. Our support for autonomous organizing was strongly manifested from the very beginning, when women party leaders helped launch Radical Women just a year after FSP itself was founded. Yet FI loyalists who stayed in NPA still assert that it was right to “try something different.”. It is also notable for a dizzying series of recent splits. The insurgency around women’s rights in Latin America has stimulated growing interest there in socialist feminism, and in RW specifically. Most threatening of all — the drastic environmental change, which threatens the very survival of humanity and has already made many of Earth’s creatures extinct. It is the expression of the indomitable human determination to meet the challenges of capitalism in decay with courage and solidarity, however modest our forces at this time. These are symptoms of a social order becoming more decrepit hour by hour. PHOTO: David Lee/Fllickr. Since our founding, the Freedom Socialist Party has recognized that the many forms of special oppression people experience are key to capitalism’s survival. Youth in the Netherlands won a decision ordering the government to curb carbon emissions by 25 percent by 2020. The language learning app that helps users with some beginner lessons on different languages in one of the most brilliant app ideas for 2020. Violent assaults on people perceived as Muslim or Jewish have escalated, as have attacks based on skin color, sexual orientation, gender and disability. However, the main factor is that everybody is seeking an advantage over everybody else, by whatever strategy seems optimal at the moment. Labour in the white skin can never free itself as long as labour in the black skin is branded. Labor activism has not abated in 2019, as shown by weeklong teacher strikes in Los Angeles and Oakland, educator walkouts in Denver and elsewhere, and organizing across the country by domestic workers who are largely women of color and immigrant women. We can take pride in the fact that so many developments today validate our ecosocialist, internationalist, feminist, and revolutionary integrationist program. People have become sadly familiar with the results: vast areas of land destroyed, local populations driven out, whole species extinguished. Women are pacesetters in every sphere of activism, taking on the powers-that-be while also combating patriarchal attitudes and racism inside the movements themselves. They are accepting that the transition to socialism will take decades — even centuries. Especially hard-hit are residents of rural areas, people of color, and workers who lost their jobs to the neoliberal factory escape across the border. PHOTO: Adam Gregory. Calling for and building united fronts and other multi-issue, multiracial alliances and formations to bring our side together is the order of the day. In Spain and Italy, women have fronted the campaign against austerity measures, as they have the opposition to the privatization of water in Ireland. The SWP was then the biggest section of the Fourth International (United Secretariat), or FI. The point is to engage with the ranks, persuade them of the need for a radical perspective and strategies — like breaking with the Democrats — and work with them to fight for democracy in the unions. The uprising of the masses must lead to the overthrow of the domination of one class and to the establishment of the domination of another. FSP’s Leninism — our conviction that the seasoned, principled leadership of a vanguard party is indispensable in making and defending the transformation to socialism — also sets us apart from some supposedly revolutionary leftists who are fleeing from this position. A movement without a revolutionary program can make gains, even significant ones, but it loses the opportunity to make fundamental, lasting change. Why does it matter now? As of this writing, though, the end of that story is still to be written. See more ideas about american revolution, american revolutionary war, revolutionary war. Capitalism is thoroughly a global entity, which means that countries depend on trade, and there is no going back on that score. We defended their right to organize autonomously as part of the movements for change and their right to form caucuses within left organizations, from our own party right on up to the body representing world Trotskyism. In the spring of 2019, the media hyped good news on the economic front. The drive to privatize picked up in both rich and poor countries after the 2008 economic disaster. Indigenous women continue to play a heroic role in Latin America and around the world. Current track: Revolutionary Ideas - Episode 3 - Trotskyism: An Idea for the 2020's? And, given that neoliberalism has failed to fulfill the dreams of U.S. capitalists, it is no surprise that Trump has added protectionist policies to his repertoire. COUNCIL POST. The party and Radical Women have had some successes in demanding that the middle-casters do right by working people. Another twist occurred in unemployment. In early 2019, the ISO imploded, destroyed by decades of bureaucratic misleadership and the group’s failure to acknowledge, let alone solve, its problems of sexual abuse, sexism broadly, racism, and suppression of democracy. All was well when China was mainly a source for cheap labor and consumer goods. In Poland in 2019, 300,000 teachers waged the biggest strike there in almost 40 years. Join us for this important panel session with speakers who are activists from International Socialist Alternative in Britain and around the world to talk about these monumental developments and how we can link them to the fight for a new, better and socialist world! In the 2018 midterm elections, the success of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other DSA-affiliated candidates running as Democrats fortified the illusion that capitalist parties can be used against capitalism. Part of Trump’s “America First” rhetoric has been to supposedly repudiate the global policeman role. We have to make choices based on what we think will best strengthen the party and the class struggle. Instead, the middle caste is a group with a specific political role to play. He’s given Cold War relics John Bolton and Elliott Abrams stature in his administration, and talk of the Red Menace features prominently in his campaign against China and threats against Venezuela and Nicaragua. On the opposite pole, the right wing is organizing more boldly, exploiting the frustration and desperation of people caught in the vise of the crisis. Speaking broadly, though, the middle class can include people like managers and professionals, who work for someone else but are privileged and highly paid. In France, popular politician Jean-Luc Mélenchon, a supporter of the Yellow Vest movement, claimed that migrants “are stealing the bread” of French workers. In particular, this sector demands that Blacks who came to this country after the end of slavery — no matter how profoundly affected they have been by its racist legacy in the U.S. — be excluded from any benefits of reparations. Another example of contemporary single-issue politics is the right wing of the reparations movement, African Descendants of Slavery (ADOS). From Chile to Iraq, from Belarus to Hong Kong, explosive struggles have emerged that have rocked the very foundations of the regimes of the ruling class. Immigration is one such issue. (Readers can refer to Freedom Socialist articles for examples of left-populist concessions to neoliberalism in Greece, Brazil, Venezuela and Mexico.). Our aim is both to convince them of the validity of our program and to motivate them to work with us putting ideas into action as we build protests, united fronts, campaigns, and job actions. He blatantly pressures agencies like the Federal Reserve to adopt measures that are very good for his big business buddies and sponsors in the short term, but are horrible for working people, and will inevitably be catastrophic for the entire country in the not-so-long run. Another big aspect of this mission currently is the need to do ideological battle with identity politics. Like … Working its way through the U.S. judiciary is a lawsuit targeting greenhouse gas emissions filed in 2015 by 21 young people ranging in age from eight to 19. As one example, scientists estimate that dozens of species are being extinguished every day, with terrible repercussions for humanity’s own survival. It must be consciously prepared for, and that means that the role of the Freedom Socialist Party is vitally important. The 7 Biggest Technology Trends In 2020 Everyone Must Get Ready For Now. Trump is a right-populist, intentionally outrageous strongman who relies on and eggs on the most racist, sexist, and national-chauvinist currents in society. And for the first time since the end of World War 2, there could be an open war between the major imperialist powers – which undoubtedly would provoke mass and even revolutionary uprisings.Yet despite this historic crisis and explosive movements, as of yet nowhere has the question of overturning the rule of the capitalists through the seizure of power by the working class yet been posed. The planet and its people need our revolutionary optimism, VIII. Unions and reformist organizations of all stripes would be crushed or taken over and turned into their opposites, brown-shirt clones of themselves. These were the ideals touted by the rising bourgeoisie in its triumph over feudalism, embodied in the French and American Revolutions. Finally, after the “quid pro quo” Ukraine scandal broke publicly in early September 2019, the House of Representatives began hearings into the possibility of impeachment. But if the workers miss their chance, and the ruling class has still discovered no “normal” way out of its crisis, then a capitalist-backed fascist regime may arise. Jul 27, 2020, 08:30am EDT | Being Too Early Destroyed These Revolutionary Ideas. Energy storing bricks. Given that, the ultra-right in France has predictably attempted to move in to channel people’s distress and disillusionment with the status quo into anti-immigrant attacks and nationalistic fervor. Bad news is easy to come by. At the same time, we cannot throw ourselves into every single cause, no matter how righteous or pressing. Again, adaptation to reformism in the Trotskyist movement is not a new phenomenon; it has been happening for some time. Our principled persistence pushed a number of initially hostile labor leaders to support affirmative action, respect women and people of color at the utility, and defend these workers’ rights. Trump is promoting policies that primarily benefit heavy industry, the main ruling-class sector that put him into office, even as this orientation wreaks havoc for agriculture and many producers of consumer goods. One such case has to do with the relationship of productivity to wages. Stephen Durham is the International Secretary of the FSP and 2012 write-in candidate for the U.S. presidency. Measured over seven decades, it fell by 28 percent between 1945 and 2017. History has shown that fascism can only build such a mass force when social and economic disruption becomes so profound that the door is open for working-class revolution. We cannot be rigid about our priorities and what we respond to. The ever-worsening news about the ecological crisis comes from a multitude of directions. And this is an area where capitalism is in trouble today. His policies and actions are brutal, racist, misogynist, xenophobic crimes against the working class. ¿Qué es el Partido de Libertad Socialista? Since production for profit first became the dominant economic force, its growth has been a matter of jagged leaps and falls. Then, as Trotsky puts it in Fascism: What It Is and How to Fight It: The turn of the fascist regime arrives. In recent years, with Kshama Sawant on the Seattle City Council, SAlt has compromised willingly with capitalist party representatives. They do this by scamming voters with the promise of delivering real change. Oct 30, 2020 The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is looking for “revolutionary” research ideas that aren’t being addressed in current research projects. , if there is leadership to step forward almost every country inequality and the volatility of the Soviet Union disaster. 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