If your composter is not accessible in the winter, just freeze your banana peels in the meantime. at their base… but then your rose garden would start to look more like a garbage heap than a flower garden. Rather then drop banana peels at the base of roses, I suggest you instead put them in your compost bin along with all the other materials you recycle and then that you share the compost thus produced with all your plants. Bananas also work wonders on tomatoes and potatoes. One of these fertilizers, believe it or not, is banana peels! Organic Gardening Tip – Banana Peels and Roses. They are not restricted to just one or two USDA plant hardiness zones. An old time farmer who was a patient of mine years ago told me about keeping tomato worms away with just tossing banana peels … And that’s a lot of peels … The first organic gardening tip is simple; dig banana peels into the ground near the base of your roses. Banana Peels In Winter. Roses need a lot of sunlight, so choose an area of the yard that gets at least five hours of sunshine each day. They work good with roses, the roses blooming bigger in size and with intense color. If you happen to have access to a banana tree, add leaves, stalks and skins to your soil as well. In gardening, there are many over-complications of what should be a simple practice, and using kitchen scraps is a prime culprit! Roses also need plenty of room to grow, so don’t crowd your plants. Some rose cultivars have very interesting names, including: These are just a few of the rose varieties that are considered the easiest to grow. They have shown to work for fruits like strawberries too. Bananas Too? Banana peels also are a good source of calcium, magnesium, phosphates and sulfur. Hana LaRock is a freelance content writer from New York, currently living in Mexico. Menu Ask a Question Share a Post Account Search. Share. The first step in making sure your roses are growing in the right conditions is to make sure the variety you’re choosing can grow in the climate that you live in. Follow. Photo courtesy MOTHER EARTH NEWS editors One the biggest secrets I am often asked to share is what I do to get my beautiful roses. ( Log Out / Many of these cultivars have disease resistance built into them (however, disease can still occur), while also being drought tolerant. Chop up a few peels, bury them an inch or two in the soil, and say goodbye to those pests for good. Place a tray in the oven and lay banana peels on it. And of course they are good for the mother plant as well – bananas! The mushy and sweet banana fruit is good in taste and benefits our health in a number of ways. If you compost food scraps in your home, then you already know that bananas make a great addition to any compost. Read about 23 uses of banana peels for skin care, hair health, teeth whitening, household cleaning, first aid, gardening, and eating. Banana peel smoothie: Blitz your peels together with a cup of water to make a banana peel slurry. After you finish your banana, poke the peel into the soil around your rose bushes. You can generally use the same fertilizer techniques for roses in pots as you would in your garden. Roses need certain growing conditions and care to thrive. So logically it would also be interesting for your rose bushes if you placed wilted lettuce, potato skins, weed leaves or xx (insert here the waste product of your choice!) Banana peels are rich in potassium (potash), necessary for producing plants sugars and particularly necessary for blooming plants. Add Epsom salts to encourage blooming as well. They can grow in a pot or container, or really, whatever you prefer, as long as the place you choose can handle the watering, soil and fertilizer the rose needs. Even though you don’t need to be a professional gardener to grow roses, you may want to choose a variety that’s known to be easier to grow. Some gardeners also swear by banana peels' ability to deter aphids -- the bane of rose growers everywhere. I heard burying banana peels near your rose bushes adds potassium and is good for them. You just finished eating a banana for breakfast, or maybe you mixed up the batter for a batch of banana bread, and now you’re left with the peels.You might’ve heard that you can use those peels to help give your houseplants some extra nutrients, either by soaking peels in water you'll pour in the pots or by burying pieces in the soil. ( Log Out / All you need to do is cut the peels into small bits and lay … I love bananas and I love roses. Feeding banana peels is quite easy to do and can be done in several different ways. But they can't stand banana peels. BestPlants.com: Are Coffee Grounds Good For Roses? You can ferment the banana peels before giving them to the roses. Make Banana Peels Fertilizer for Future Use. If you want your tomato plants to thrive and produce the harvest prolifically, … To start, they provide potassium, which can help the plant’s overall immune system, thereby helping the rose fight off any damage that can come from severe weather conditions such as humidity and frost or disease. Well, now you know. If bananas aren’t a part of your daily diet, you don’t have to go out of your way to buy them just to give the peels to your roses.