The Master of Technology Management (Engineering Technology and Applied Science) is an innovative program, the first of its kind in Canada. Claim My 25% Discount Hello, Log in . We promise not to spam you, we won’t share your personal information, and you can unsubscribe at any time. See our full refund policy. Prerequisite: COMM 226 or 301. This course is linked to other Technology Management courses and advanced level technology courses in the candidate’s area of specialization.Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval, This course covers the issues, skills and instruments of both the producer and the consumer of research in the field of technology management. Mangeun (Mark) Lee, Jason Ooi, Gurpreet (Gary) Dadwal, Milan Luketic, Eric Onno, Chi-An (Jason) Tien, Wesley Vong, Tiffani Wong, George Young, Nathan Hallas, Rick Sami, Pooja Samtani, Thomas (Scott) McMillan, Ramy Elia, Courtenay Fong, Giancarlos Garcia Escalante, Weili (Willy) Lee, Amritpaul Khangura, Amin Memarnejad, Dillon Burgess, Chioma Enweugwu, Greg Fuentes, and Jonathan Tsui. Programs and Courses; Information, Technology, Environment, and Engineering; Information Management Information Management. The rate of progress through the program will vary. There are direct and indirect linkages or complementarities to elements of other technology management courses in the overall program of study.Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval. The final part of the course will focus on the impact of IT on innovation and decision-making within firms that, ultimately impacts revenue growth. Congratulations to…. Toll-free (Can/US): 1-866-434-1610. Opportunity is provided, by means of examples, for practice in creative thinking and problem-solving skills. BTM students take a foundational business curriculum and then specialize in using technology to help solve business problems. Graduating Awards are presented during the June ceremonies and recipients are selected based on academic performance. There may be mandatory real-time (or asynchronous) virtual classroom sessions, online discussions, and/or potential group work. BCIT Bachelor of Technology Management graduates with at least four years of full-time work experience may qualify for Simon Fraser University Beedie School of Business MBA in Technology Management (MOT) Program. This course will provide support to candidates where technology assessment processes are an appropriate part of the Graduation Project.Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval, This course covers implementation of the project plan developed by the candidate under TMGT 8101 and is the capstone of the Bachelor of Technology in Technology Management program. After that, we don’t give refunds, but you can cancel your subscription at any time. Congratulations to everyone! Will I earn university credit for completing the Specialization? You can access your lectures, readings and assignments anytime and anywhere via the web or your mobile device. Courses from other institutions of higher learning will also be considered, including higher level Transport Canada-endorsed courses. Students who study online get the same training … The second part of the course will focus on the basics of finance. Courses must be advanced technology level courses in a degree program. These skills are critical skills for leveraging technology to create competitive advantage. This course addresses project management in the context of IT projects, including software projects. Courses Course Sequence PDF COOP The option in Business Technology Management is a bridge between business and information technology (IT) and provides you an understanding of the use of IT to support, streamline, and improve organizational (business, government, non-profit) processes. The course format will include lecture, discussion, and both individual and group activities.Prerequisite(s): BCIT ENGL 1177 or (equivalent), OR 6 credits BCIT Communication at 1100-level or above. With one unit of credit equivalent to 15 hours of classroom instruction, the distribution of credits between components is as follows: Under Management Courses, there are five areas of study, each composed of three to four courses of one credit each: The above course titles reflect the general areas related to the topic and each course within these areas is built on the distinctive qualities and issues that are specifically relevant to technology management as a whole. Leverage technology to gain a competitive advantage. Video: Professor Deepa Mani speaks about the Specialization. Develops skills in logical analysis, a working knowledge of moral principles and theories, and the ability to diagnose and resolve moral disagreements commonly found at work. This course highlights the practices of effective leadership and the dynamics of the change process with a view to the interdependence of these two forces. The Technology Management (TMGT) program will appeal to technologists, technicians, and technical specialists who work in applied science, technology or trade fields. It's important to watch for these e-mails or regularly check your account online. Students have up to seven years to complete this program. It cuts across the whole spectrum of business and management. The course covers why successful managers must have an excellent grasp of the functionality, capabilities, and effects of … Learn Data Management online and earn valuable credentials from top universities like Yale, Michigan, Stanford, and leading companies like Google and IBM. The course will discuss the issues from an internal organizational perspective and an external one. Organizations have access to volumes of data, which they need to organize, protect, and use to make informed decisions about their business. These reports combine the last three years of available results for the 2017-2019 BCIT Outcomes Surveys of 2016-2018 graduates and for Degree 2015-2017 graduates. Do I need to attend any classes in person? Vancouver, BC. You will also understand the business impacts of technology across diverse industries and business functions. It is recommended to take the courses in the order listed but it is not a requirement. Bachelor of Technology Back. Programs and courses are subject to change without notice. Bachelor of Technology Part-time/Distance & Online Learning, “The TMGT program has given me the necessary knowledge, skills and the confidence to tackle any business challenges that come my way … I have always been a great believer in education and without BCIT’s TMGT degree program, it would have been very difficult to serve my current role.”, Faik Eljezovic, President and CEO of Una Technologies Corporation, TMGT Graduate. M.Eng. This major focuses on the managerial aspects of business information technology, and gain hands-on experience with state-of-the-art enterprise software and analytics packages used in business and government today. Program Head Non-Restricted Elective Courses. Protection of critical infrastructure and systems, data classification and compliance to legislation, standards and privacy laws are mandatory for organizations to thrive in the digital economy. This program will be delivered online during COVID-19. Communications and interpersonal skills You’ll graduate as a manager who understands technology and computer programming, who can supervise projects, introduce new technology to a workplace or join a whip-smart start-up. Students in the Bachelor of Technology program can challenge courses in the program. Candidates may be considered for special admission (alternate entry) if they have at least five years of relevant technical work experience. If you are currently outside of Canada and wish to attend an on-campus program, please apply to a full-time program or ISEP. Our Business Technology Management (BTM) program is a specialized kind of business education. You can enroll and complete the course to earn a shareable certificate, or you can audit it to view the course materials for free. Offered by: Supply Chain and Business Technology Management Program: Undergraduate. This course provides a means, through directed studies, to enhance and integrate courses previously taken in the candidate’s area of specialization in technology and management. This course is associated conceptually with the content and material in TMGT 7123, Technology Information Systems. Course content addresses principal elements that include, but may not be limited to: instruments, institutions, legislative/regulatory frameworks and international finance variables. Courses are also offered through distance and online learning. You'll be prompted to complete an application and will be notified if you are approved. Technology Management is very practical and team-focused course, where students learn the basics of a variety of subjects. This is a 24-month, part-time program designed for working professionals. The focus is the total enterprise - including the industry and competitive environment in which it operates - its long-term direction and strategy, its resources and competitive capabilities, and its prospects for success.Prerequisite(s): TMGT 7121 and TMGT 7122 are REQUIRED courses for TMGT 7135. The course is experiential, so regardless of current leadership ability each learner will be able to actively enhance their own leadership skills. This course will enable candidates to develop a product marketing plan which will enable them to manage the delivery of a commercially viable product. We will then focus on how we can understand the financial health and performance of the company by examining a number of important financial ratios that are derived from the financial statements of the company. Finally, this Specialization will introduce you to customer analytics and enable you to develop an appreciation of problem-solving, data collection, prediction and optimization that can be enabled using digital media tools. IT Introduction For the last five decades IT has made revolutionary changes in all the components of an Industry. The aim of the program is to expand technical professionals’ knowledge, management skills and attributes for their roles as supervisors and managers in technical organizations. If accepted into the program, you may receive credit for the TMGT courses you have taken previously, provided the course content has not changed substantially. The course will also relate law to modern business practice, especially in the field of ethics. The major thrust of this course is to describe how a technology firm may consider different options in the marketing of its technology in international markets. This specialization is designed to be completed within 6 months if you take the courses sequentially. Minimal engagement between marker and student; marker will be available by email to answer questions regarding assignments and course materials and will grade and provide feedback as needed. It will include some basic tools and techniques for the manager. This hands-on course will enable candidates to become knowledgeable about the various marketing strategies employed to create a successful market image for an organization. Information Technology (IT) is fast changing the world around us. Email: If you have successful work experience in this field, and you can provide evidence of your skills and knowledge to meet learning outcomes for courses within the Bachelor of Technology program, you may be able to challenge courses through PLAR. Note: BCIT Liberal Studies offers industry specific applied ethics courses, including: Contact the program head to confirm acceptable electives or alternate courses. The following are suggested (available) courses that are suitable for a wider audience to augment any technical area of study: ​This course presents the underpinning scientific concepts of contemporary environmental issues. Check out BCIT's Transfer Equivalency Database to find out. Learn more. Students must also receive approval from the program head, or delegate, of a non-TMGT courses. This course will examine how technologists and engineers can make the often difficult move from a technical specialist role to manager. Each module will explore how to use human resource systems to effectively identify and address issues in the workplace. This course will provide the candidate with the skills necessary to successfully manage a small corporate research and development department. The rationale for sustainable energy management within existing buildings is explored. Read more about how to meet BCIT’s entrance requirements, Note: You do not need to be accepted into the degree program to register for Technology Management (TMGT) courses. Fosters abilities and values required for ethical decision making at work. You'll need to complete this step for each course in the Specialization, including the Capstone Project. Data is the raw material of information. Visit your learner dashboard to track your progress. She recently shared her rewarding experience as a member of the SFU team at the 2020 MBA Games. Sunny is one of the winners selected by Business in Vancouver 2014 ‘Top 40 Under 40’. The course differentiates between management and leadership, exploring the need for each aspect while continuing to strive for business goals and engaging in change aimed at improving company effectiveness. Columbia University’s Executive M.S. TMGT 7122 is a REQUIRED course for TMGT 7135. To view these results, you may need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in your Web browser. The concepts of systems design will be addressed by covering logical design processes, architectures, data modeling and physical design processes and database design.Prerequisite(s): TMGT 7123 is a REQUIRED course for TMGT 7152. For planning and scheduling of projects, the use of project network and estimation of time and cost are covered in detail. This course will provide you an understanding of IT-enabled changes in the business environment, and how insightful executives leverage IT to create value and win competitive battles. Applicants are required to have their work experience reviewed and assessed prior to applying. Business Technology Management option course requirements . Courses are not held concurrently in each delivery mode every term. View program Continuing Education Construction Engineering Technology Fully Online; Complete in 23 Months; CRA Exam Reimbursed To learn more, Click Here. Government sector employees active in implementation of large scaled technology initiatives will also benefit from this program. You’ll gain a sound understanding of business principles and drive ICT-based innovation with skills honed through an optional co-op, case studies, and state-of-the-art classrooms and labs. Students in this program will be exposed to a variety of case studies and practical skills to be effective in advising or managing teams in the IT field. This will allow individuals to maintain full-time employment while working towards completing their degree. PACS Administrator Course: Training in Imaging Informatics. This course covers advances in data management, data communications, electronic commerce, social media and other computer / communications technologies, all examined from a strong business applications and management perspective.Prerequisite(s): TMGT 7123. achieve a grade of C- … Students will learn to identify vulnerabilities, threats and risks to the organization and specifically to information systems. The aim of the program is to expand technical professionals’ knowledge, management skills and attributes for their roles as supervisors and managers in technical organizations. Do you have credits from another BC/Yukon post-secondary school? This course presents an introduction to the basics of financial accounting and finance for IT professionals. ​This course will provide the candidate with the knowledge to understand how Information Technology [IT] is used in technology-based organizations. The business issues arising from the introduction and use of Information Technology will be discussed, including those associated with investment, training and support. It is focused on the integration of management and technical issues that reflect their relationship applied to a real-life situation in the candidate’s workplace. These reports must include course-by-course evaluations and GPA calculations. Congratulations to graduates from the 2019-2020 academic year. Include proof of meeting all entrance requirements. Alternate Entry Model: designed for career-oriented adults who do not have post-secondary education equivalent to a diploma. Credit for prerequisite courses will not be applied towards advanced technology electives. Read more about Shelley’s reflection on the event at A Few Good Minds Vancouver MBA Blog. 555 Seymour Street The course is focused on those individuals who possess a formal technical education and are contemplating moving into management, or those who are already working in management positions. TMGT graduates are making valuable SFU-acknowledged contributions to the MOT MBA classes and are encouraged to continue their education and view the MOT MBA as a valid option after completing the TMGT degree. Is this course really 100% online? The importance of declining fossil fuel energy sources and its impact on approaches to environmental engineering technology projects will be covered. This course will enable students to develop a marketing research plan that will enable them to effectively examine the methods of assessing early market opportunities for high technology industrial and consumer products.Prerequisite(s): TMGT 7111 is a REQUIRED course for TMGT 7112. The Engineering and Applied Science Technology option provides professional development opportunities for busy, working professionals engaged in a variety of engineering technology and other technical and non-technical prof… You will be able to manage and lead technology functions and initiatives in your firm. The use of Earned Value Analysis for Project Monitoring and Control is emphasized. In this program, you will get the core business and management training you would expect from an MBA, all in the context of the tech sector. This is a course in advanced composition and rhetoric, in which students will develop skills in complex critical analysis and interpretation by analyzing and evaluating materials from a variety of discourses or genres, including visual, online, and print; developing and writing essays, including critiques and research papers; applying and discussing principles of rhetoric and critical theory; examining and using methods of interpretation and analysis from the humanities and social sciences; evaluating the credibility of primary and secondary sources, including as it applies to media literacy, and for the purposes of academic research; situating discourses within their historical context and relevant to rhetorical theories of different periods (for example, Aristotle in the ancient world and Bakhtin in the twentieth century). The course is divided into three parts – the first part of the course focuses on the industry impacts of technological innovation. Business Technology Management Specialization, Construction Engineering and Management Certificate, Machine Learning for Analytics Certificate, Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship Certificate, Sustainabaility and Development Certificate, Spatial Data Analysis and Visualization Certificate, Master's of Innovation & Entrepreneurship. Alternative energy systems that minimize the use of natural resources will be explained together with underlying social, economic and environmental considerations. The course provides relevance to the importance of energy conservation and of utilizing innovative energy generation opportunities for buildings, infrastructure design and operations. When you subscribe to a course that is part of a Specialization, you’re automatically subscribed to the full Specialization. We will also explore competitive dynamics of industries that consume significant technology with emphasis on how technology has disrupted industries such as music, media and education. TMGT 7123 is a REQUIRED course for TMGT 7151, TMGT 7152, TMGT 7153, TMGT 7154, TMGT 7155 and TMGT 7156. Congratulations to everyone! The Diploma in Information Technology and Management program supports your academic pursuits if you are a graduate of the OL Certificate in Information Technology program. This course provides participants with diverse opportunities to expand and strengthen their business writing skills across a variety of communications platforms. These elective courses may be selected from among 7000 and 8000 level courses from other degree programs, such as: Advanced technology courses are intended to reflect technical domains or sector-specific domains where technology is applied. This proliferation of digital media is both a threat and an opportunity for many businesses. Search LegonConnect. More detailed information can be accessed at the BC Student Outcomes website. Upon completion, Technology Management graduates may proceed to Simon Fraser University's Master of Technology (MOT) program and have the option to complete the MOT in one year full-time, or two years part-time. The Technology Management (TMGT) program will appeal to technologists, technicians, and technical specialists who work in applied science, technology or trade fields. Completion of course material is self-directed, but there are assignment due dates. To get started, click the course card that interests you and enroll. The MBA Games is a collaborative opportunity for schools to compete in front of a judging panel as they present relevant solutions to current business challenges. Selected courses should constitute a logical and cohesive package that is academically sound and enhances the skills and/or career options of the graduate. International Polytechnic Winter School 2020. Include an approved pre-entry assessment form from the Technology Management department. As the seller of the technology operates in a highly competitive environment, a clear understanding of the competitive forces and cultural dynamics at work in the global marketplace is critical to anyone seeking these export markets. This online program provides professional development opportunities for busy, working professionals engaged in a variety of engineering technology and other technical and non-technical professions. As an alumnus of the Bachelor of Technology Management degree, you may qualify for a GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) waiver when applying to the MBA MOT program. If you only want to read and view the course content, you can audit the course for free. To imitate the e-Commerce business environment be done of 2016-2018 graduates and for degree 2015-2017.! College of Technology another BC/Yukon post-secondary school to information systems ’ governance auditing. 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