Shooting throughout Caracas claimed more than 20 lives, but the government retained control. Venezuela was colonized by Spain in 1522. To mark its annual Flag Day (August 3), the date when the country's tricolor was first flown over Venezuelan soil, here are a few interesting facts. The country has a diverse and complex culture that is influenced by the cultures of a large number of ethnic groups living in the country. With 28,479 Killings, Venezuela Takes Second Spot on World Murder Ranking, Venezuela spans a total of 340,560 square miles (882,046 sq km), which is twice the size of. While the program obviously aided hundreds of thousands of poor New Yorkers, it was used as a political jab to Chávez’s then enemy, former U.S. President George W Bush. Mapped: The World's Most Eco-Friendly Countries – Where Does the UK Rank? The 1980s oil glut led to an external debt crisis and a long-running economic crisis, which saw inflation peak at 100% in 1996 and poverty rates rise to 66% in 1995. Church-Goers Roller-Skate to Christmas Mass in Caracas, Venezuela, Adventurers Flock to Venezuela's 'Lost World' Mountain, Venezuela Bans “Family Guy” — but “Baywatch” Is OK (VIDEO), Top 10 Countries with the Cheapest and Most Expensive Gas, In Venezuela, Hungry Child Gangs Use Machetes to Fight for 'Quality’ Garbage, McDonald's Has Stopped Selling Big Macs in Venezuela, India Ties Venezuela for Record 6th Miss World Title: A Look at the 12 Winners, Mapped: The Countries with the Most Guns (No Prizes for Guessing #1), Venezuelans Feel Less Safe at Home Than Syrians, Venezuela: 75% of Population Lost 19 Pounds amid Crisis, Venezuelan Inmates Reportedly Open a Nightclub inside Prison. Venezuela was a part of a country called Gran Colombia until 1829. Venezuela’s highest court is the Supreme Court of Justice. Famous Venezuelans who have played baseball in the U. S. include Bo Diaz, Manny Trillo, Cesar Tovar, Luis Sojo, and Dave Concepcion.46. After Hurricane Katrina, Venezuela was one of the first countries to offer assistance, pledging over $1 million, several mobile hospitals, water treatment plants, canned food, bottled water, heating oil, 1,100 doctors and 26.4 metric tons of … Venezuela also claims all Guyanese territory west of the Essequibo River, a 61,583 square mile tract dubbed Guayana Esequiba or the Zona en Reclamación (the "zone being reclaimed"). The first, in February of that year, was led by paratrooper Colonel Hugo Chávez. The second attempt, in November, was led by junior air-force officers. It houses a population of around 31,689,176 individuals. Venezuela is home to the most endangered crocodile in the world, the Orinoco crocodile. 1821 - … Emboldened by greater political support and his pockets engorged by high oil prices, Chávez quickly moved to expand his influence beyond the borders of Venezuela, reaching out to other Leftist leaders in Bolivia, Argentina, Cuba, Uruguay, Chile and Brazil. The economic miracle began a century ago, when from 1914 to 1922, Venezuela entered the international oil race. Oil is cheaper than water in Venezuela. In 1975 Pérez nationalized the iron-ore and oil industries and went on a spending spree; imported luxury goods were in large supply in the country’s crammed shops and the nation got the impression that the mythical riches of El Dorado had finally materialized. Accessed: March 26, 2018. However, his efforts to set up an independent administration in Caracas ended when fellow conspirators handed him over to the Spanish. The memories of the event are still alive in Ciudad Bolívar, and you can see the great mansion where the first congress debated. Fast facts: What is the current situation in Venezuela? Venezuela was named by Europeans during the 1499 Alonzo de Hojeda expedition. Oil revenues declined, heightening unemployment and inflation, and once more forcing the country into foreign debt. The nationwide strike paralyzed the country, including its vital oil industry and a good part of the private sector. Venezuela achieved full independence as a separate country in 1830. 1945 - Coup establishes civilian government after decades of military rule. In the late 1970s, the growing international recession and oil glut began to shake Venezuela’s economy to the core. Its capital city, Caracas, has the highest murder rate of any major city in the world. History of Venezuela Timeline Timeline Description: Venezuela, situated on the northern coast of South America, supports a wide range of extreme habitats including the Andes mountain range, the Amazon Basin rainforest, the Los Llanos grassland plains, the Orinoco Delta … The army was called to defend the president, and this time more than 100 people died. 11Holodny, Elena. Bi-national relations with Colombia remained extremely fragile over the neighboring country’s accusations that Venezuela was supplying arms to FARC rebels and its decision to allow US troops to operate out of seven of its military bases. Despite the ruling, Venezuela maintains its claim to this day. Facts about Venezuela which is home to the largest lake in South America - Lake Maracaibo. Over 25,000 species of orchids make their home in Venezuela. The end of 2006 was enveloped in the lead-up to the December 3 presidential election. "Venezuelans Feel Less Safe at Home Than Syrians." Bolívar then assumed leadership of the revolution. Venezuela’s diverse topography includes the rugged Andes Mountains, parts of the Amazon Jungle, a diverse selection of National Parks, and an almost perfect Caribbean coastline. Venezuela means “Little Venice” and is derived from the time when Amerigo Vespucci arrived in the year 1499, it reminded him of Venice, because the houses were built on the water. 22"Venezuela’s Blooming Beauties: Orchids." After unsuccessful initial attempts to defeat the Spaniards at home, he withdrew to Colombia, then to Jamaica, until the opportune moment came in 1817. [1] While Germany is the world capital of penis enlargement surgery, with about 8 out of every 100,000 adult German males undergoing the procedure, Venezuela comes in a distant second, at about 4 out of every 100,000 adult males. With this force and an army of horsemen from Los Llanos, Bolívar marched over the Andes and defeated the Spanish at the Battle of Boyacá, bringing independence to Colombia in August of 1819. The drastic fall in the price of oil, the country’s main export, led to food shortages, hyperinflation, the collapse of the health system and social unrest. The world's largest rodent, the capybara, lives in Venezuela, where furry animal is considered to be a delicacy. 21Smith, Oliver. Accessed: March 28, 2018. In this lesson, you will learn fascinating facts about the history of Venezuela. Accessed: March 27, 2018. Since 1958, the country has had a series of democratic governments. "Mapped: The Countries with the Most Guns (No Prizes for Guessing #1)." "The Top 10 Most Biodiverse Countries." Accessed: March 27, 2018. "Venezuela's Giant Rodent Cuisine." "Huffington Post, December 6, 2017. On some days, it's possible to feel the spray of the falls from over a mile away, A fully grown capybara can reach 4 feet long and weigh 140 pounds, Venezuela is the most electric place on the planet. The country secured independence as part of the Republic of Gran Colombia in 1821, and became its own independent republic in 1830. Rumors blamed the electricity crisis on a disagreement with government policy, though all three politicians denied this. 17Parker, Simon. Throughout the 19th century Venezuela suffered political turmoil and dictatorship, remaining dominated by regional caudillos (military strongmen) until the mid-20th century. A new constitution was adopted in 1947, and the noted novelist Rómulo Gallegos became president in Venezuela’s first democratic election. Accessed: March 26, 2018. They called the land “Venezuela,” literally “Little Venice,” perhaps as a sarcastic sailor joke, as these rustic reed dwellings didn’t exactly match the opulent palaces of the Italian city they knew. In 1914, Venezuela opened its first oil well. This article is an edited transcript of The Recent History of Venezuela with Professor Micheal Tarver, available on History Hit TV.. Dan talks with Professor Micheal Tarver, Executive Secretary – Southeast World History Association (SEWHA), who gives is a snapshot of Venezuela's history … July 5, 1811 - Venezuela declares its independence from Spain, leading to more than ten years of war for independence. In 1522, the country was colonized by the Spanish amid resistance from the region’s indigenous people. Learn more Accessed: March 27, 2017. Its location just above the equator ensures a pleasant climate throughout the year. These top 10 facts about poverty in Venezuela aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the crisis in Venezuela and how it affects everything from inflation, to food and medicine. Hazel Marsh The period that followed was an almost uninterrupted chain of civil wars that was only stopped by another long-lived dictator, General Antonio Guzmán Blanco (1870–88). Seattle Times, August 6, 1992. McClathy DC Bureau. Sounds great, right? Once a stable democracy and economic powerhouse, Venezuela is … The overwhelming majority of Venezuelans continued to subsist in poverty with little or no educational or health facilities, let alone reasonable housing. All maps produced in Venezuela have this chunk of Guyana within Venezuela’s boundaries, labeled “Zona en Reclamación.”. Accessed: March 26, 2018. Read on to discover 82 interesting facts about Venezuela. Venezuela grows a lot of coffee and has a strong coffee culture, thanks to the introduction of espresso by Spaniards. North American immigrants who came to work in the 1930’s oil industry helped popularize it in the 20th century.44. Accessed: March 24, 2018. President Bush rejected their offer as being "counterproductive.". Due to widespread social and political unrest, Venezuelans feel less safe at home than Syrians. National politics continued to be shaky until Chávez won a 2004 referendum and consolidated his already sweeping power. The warlike Carib tribes occupied the central and eastern coast of the country during this time, living off fishing and shifting agriculture. Venezuela longed to be out from under the thumb of the Spanish Empire, and in 1806 a revolutionary by the name of Francisco de Miranda lit the initial flame for that cause. Although Venezuela was seen as the least important of Gran Colombia’s three provinces, the country bore the brunt of the fighting. By Tim Lambert. Pérez Jiménez was overthrown in 1958 by an alliance of civilians and navy and air-force officers. The first of the caudillos was General José Antonio Páez, who controlled the country for 18 long years (1830–48). Venezuela Overview - Overview - Customs and Culture - Diet and Recipes - Language - Religion - Students Life - Interesting Facts People Government - Politics Geography Economy News - Weather History Photos - Video Travel En Español Sources United States Edition A chronology of key events in the history of Venezuela from Columbus and the Spanish colonial period to the present day. 1520s - First settlement by Spanish explorers. A tranquil bay was described as "Little Venice" or "Venezuela" and the name stuck. "India Ties Venezuela for Record 6th Miss World Title: A Look at the 12 Winners." Chávez supporters balked at the idea, however, and rations were suspended in Caracas, amplifying the problem elsewhere and sparking protests in Mérida. After his victory in the election, however, Chávez’ “social revolution” was anything but peaceful. Accessed: March 28, 2018. If you’re thinking about traveling to Venezuela on vacation or business, here’s a collection of historical and fun facts about venezuela to help you understand the history of venezuela, it’s geography, Venezuela’s climate and weather, venezuela’s culture, and more… Blanco launched a broad program of reform, including a new constitution, and assured some temporary stability, but his despotic rule triggered wide, popular opposition, and when he stepped down the country plunged again into a bloody civil war. The 1988 drop in world oil prices cut the country’s revenue in half, casting doubt on Venezuela’s ability to pay off its debt. The geography and wildlife is very diverse, including a tropical climate and rainforests with unique animals like the tapir. Among Latin American countries, Venezuela is considered one of the most highly urbanized, as the vast majority of Venezuelans live in the cities of the north, especially in the capital, Caracas, which is also the largest city in Venezuela. There are only two seasons in Venezuela: the dry season (December to April) and the rainy season (May to October). Shortly after taking office, Chávez set about rewriting the constitution. After Hurricane Katrina, Venezuela was one of the first countries to offer assistance to the United States. The result is a major turning point in the modern history of Venezuela. By the time of the Spanish conquest at the end of the 15th century, some 300,000 to 400,000 indigenous people inhabited the region that is now Venezuela. Emerald seas, exotic adventure, and a rich tapestry of history, Brazil has it all. He was shipped to Spain and died in jail. "The Mystery of the Deadly Black Blob." It culminated in a coup d’état run by military leaders sponsored by a business lobby, in which Chávez was forced to resign. Medical Daily. 14Marx, Gary. Map of Venezuela. Following Venezuela’s separation and departure from Gran Colombia, the Venezuelan congress approved a new constitution and—quite incredibly—banned Bolívar from his own homeland. Nearly 54% of its land is protected. 6Devereux, Charles. About 5 million Venezuelans have left the country seeking food, work, and a better life since 2014. By the late 1920s, Venezuela was the world’s largest exporter of oil, which not only contributed to economic recovery but also enabled the government to pay off the country’s entire foreign debt. Learn about Argentina's rich culture and history, from the Tango to the first use of crime-solving fingerprinting with these interesting Argentina facts. 43. After that date Venezuela elected presidents to lead the country. One of the exceptions to this situation is the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which h… Venezuela is a country in the northernmost portion of of South America. Telegraph, October 22, 2016. Electricity Minister Ángel Rodríguez was removed from office over the debacle, but the cabinet shakeup didn’t stop there: In January alone, the Vice-President and Defense Minister, Ramón Carrizalez, and his wife, Environment Minister Yubirí Ortega; and the Minister for Public Banking, Eugenio Vásquez Orellana, all resigned. Simon Bolivar The man who won independence for Bolivia, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. 1Anckar, Carsten. No major architectural works have survived from the pre-colonial era, although there are some smaller sites in the Andean region that have recently been unearthed and will be opening for tourism in the next few years. "Adventurers Flock to Venezuela's 'Lost World' Mountain." Latin Post, 2015. Mongabay. venezuela facts South American nations are steeped in a rich history of people and civilization, dating back thousands of years. These numbers seemed to indicate that the controversial leader was running out of gas. Venezuela boasts a long and storied history. In history of Latin America: Venezuela With its Caribbean coast, Venezuela had long been in a relatively favourable position in regard to potential availability of markets. Venezuela’s liberation came on June 24, 1821 at Carabobo, where Bolívar’s troops defeated the Spanish royalist army. Venezuela (Countries of the World). Accessed: March 26, 2018. Fortunately, the government did not make the mistake of … Upon entering Lago de Maracaibo, the Spaniards saw the local indigenous people living in palafitos (thatched huts on stilts above the water). As in most oil-rich-states, almost none of the oil wealth made its way to the common citizens. Despite his waning popularity, Chávez, even after a publicized battle with colon cancer, declared his intentions to run for a fourth six-year term in the elections of 2012. Venezuela World (blog). venezuela facts South American nations are steeped in a rich history of people and civilization, dating back thousands of years. By the end of 1998, two-thirds of Venezuela’s 23 million inhabitants were living below the poverty line. Fortunately, the government did not make the mistake of attempting to manage the oil business, or own the wells. In Venezuela, hungry child gangs use machetes to fight for "quality" garbage and to protect their territory. Below is a timeline on how Venezuela’s political crisis has evolved since the death of socialist leader Hugo Chavez, against a backdrop of hyperinflationary economic collapse in the OPEC nation. They lived in the Andes and developed advanced agricultural techniques, including irrigation and terracing. Venezuela has had a National Professional Baseball League since 1945 and today baseball is the nation’s most popular sport.45. "Breeding the Critically Endangered Orinoco Crocodile." The fortunate recovery of oil prices after 2001 boosted the Venezuelan economy and facilitated social spending, which significantly reduced inequality and poverty, although the fallout of the 2008 global financial crisis saw a renewed economic downturn. This region also has some of the world’s plushest and most diverse natural resources and about ninety percent of all know plant and animal species are found here. Chávez was sentenced to long-term imprisonment. In 1811, it became one of the first Spanish-American territories to declare independence from the Spanish as a department of the federal republic of Gran Colombia. Since the discovery of oil in the early 20th century, Venezuela has been one of the world's leading exporters of oil and has the largest oil reserves in South America. Explore interesting Chile facts, fun trivia, history & more. It is the 33rd largest country in the world with a total area of 353,841 square miles (916,445 square kilometers). Venezuela Overview - Overview - Customs and Culture - Diet and Recipes - Language - Religion - Students Life - Interesting Facts People Government - Politics Geography Economy News - Weather History Photos - Video Travel En Español Sources United States Edition 18 facts about Venezuela, the country with six Miss World winners and an everlasting lightning storm Save The inspiration for Conan Doyle's The Lost World Credit: ©Adwo - The earliest Venezuelan town that is still in existence, Cumaná, on the northeast coast, dates back to 1521 and is an enjoyable place to visit, even though earthquakes ruined much of the early Spanish colonial architecture. The country has a diverse and complex culture that is influenced by the cultures of a large number of ethnic groups living in the country. [8] The first country in the world to abolish the death penalty for all crimes was Venezuela, in 1863. A tranquil bay was described as "Little Venice" or "Venezuela" and the name stuck. Accessed: March 28, 2018. Its Caribbean neighbors off the northern coast are Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Curaçao, An atmospheric phenomenon known as "the everlasting storm" occurs at the junction of the Catatumbo River and Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela. It's considered rude to say no if you're offered a cup of joe because it's a symbol of hospitality. By the 17th century the Caracas region was exporting cacao to Mexico, where most of the market for that product was then located, enabling… Venezuela’s social and political ills have been compounded by natural disasters such as the floods that devastated sections of Caracas, La Guaira, and other coastal areas in late 1999. Accessed: March 28, 2018. "Catatumbo: Venezuela's Everlasting Lightning Storm." During the 1840s, Venezuela raised the question of its eastern border with British Guiana (present-day Guyana); claiming for its own as much as two-thirds of Guiana, up to the Río Esequibo. Business Insider, July 22, 2016. However, with respect to human and economic development, South America lags behind and a large percentage of the population live without basic amenities. The country returned to democratic rule and Rómulo Betancourt was elected president. Chávez won again with the Organization of American States and the Carter Center certifying the results. 3Butler, Rhett A. These were times of despotism and anarchy, with the country being ruled by a series of military dictators known as caudillos. "In Venezuela, Hungry Child Gangs Use Machetes to Fight for 'Quality’ Garbage." Basketball is also popular. Years of economic and political instability in Venezuela have caused the largest population outflow in Latin America in recent years, according to the United Nations migration organization. From an official standpoint, most of Venezuela was ruled by Spain from Santo Domingo (present-day capital of the Dominican Republic) until 1717, when it fell under the administration of the newly created viceroyalty of Nueva Granada, with its capital in Bogotá, Colombia. VENEZUELA History and Culture . "Mapped: The World's Most Eco-Friendly Countries – Where Does the UK Rank?" As observed on the physical map of Venezuela, the Orinoco River and Venezuela's mountain ranges divide the country into some distinct topographical regions, all with different climates. Leftist president Hugo Chavez took office in 1999, pledging political and economic reforms to give the poor a greater share of the country's oil wealth. "Penis Enlargement Scene Biggest In Germany, but Does Plastic Surgery Really Work?" By the 18th century, Africans had surpassed the indigenous population in terms of number. Chávez again survived and claimed victory. This was one of the main causes of the 2014 Venezuelan protests. Travel. South American nations are steeped in a rich history of people and civilization, dating back thousands of years. The inevitable coup took place only eight months after Gallegos’ election, with Colonel Marcos Pérez Jiménez emerging as the leader. Learn some interesting information about Venezuela while enjoying a range of fun facts and trivia that's perfect for kids! Venezuela has designated more of its land to conservation than any other country in the world. 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