We know that this is a difficult time for everyone, and we understand that you may not be in a position to support our work financially at this time, but if you can, humanists at risk are in need now, more than ever. Be a part of the humanist movement – as an individual or an organization, The democratic, defining statement of world humanism, from Humanists International, How and why we mark 21 June as World Humanist Day, Our answers to your frequently asked questions about the humanist worldview, Are you a humanist? But we need your help! As well as being able to find out information about the above campaigns, in this area of our site you can also find out about successful campaigns we no longer have to work on, a humanist view of society more generally, and how you can get involved. Humanists International works to support individual humanists at risk of persecution because of their humanist worldview or human rights activism. My religion tells the true story. The End Blasphemy Laws Campaign brings together individual activists and organizations from around the world that share the same goal: … We provide educational resources and represent the humanist viewpoint in public debate. As well as bioethical issues like the right to access abortion, IHEU has maintained a special interest in the area of caste discrimination, holding dedicated conferences in various parts of the world and campaigning for legislation to outlaw discrimination based on “caste”. Surveys and polling data indicate that the population of the United Kingdom is increasingly secular, and essentially humanist in its outlook. B) likely to be true, but I think God had a part in it too. High Court hearing in case of Mubarak Bala postponed to 21 December due to a case backlog. A successful HAI campaign, spearheaded by our Director of Ceremonies, Brian Whiteside, came to fruition with the passage of the Civil Registration (Amendment) Bill to give legal status to Humanist marriage through the Dáil and Seanad in late 2012. Home | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Media, 020 7324 3060 | info@humanists.uk We also work with NGOs from across Europe as a member of the European Humanist Federation. • Young Humanists Ambassador: Jenny Goldman • Community Lead: Stephanie Thompson • Diversity Lead: Daniel Northover • Apostasy Support Lead: Hari Khoshi • Events Lead: currently vacant • Social Media Lead: Sebastian Gahan We arrange talks and social meet ups - and also get involved with other local events, eg. HAI celebrants are now included on the GRO list of marriage solmenisers. There are other things we could mention, but space just will not allow us to do so. The scientific explanations are the best ones available - no gods were involved. Here in an overview of the campaigns that Humanists International has coordinated or supported over the past few years. The Court has involved itself in reapportionment of local government and the destruction of neighborhood schools. So if you share our views, we hope you will get involved – our success depends on you! List of Famous modern Humanists This is a partial list of famous modern humanists, including both secular and religious humanists. Humanist International has a strategic focus on a range of issues in our advocacy and campaigns work. together in a shared environment, rather than separated Learn more. As a national organisation, we present expertly argued views to UK and devolved parliaments, assemblies, and governments: lobbying elected officials, submitting evidence to enquiries, making submissions, responding to consultations, and conducting media campaigns. We are the only national humanist group accredited at the UN Human Rights Council, where we make interventions at each session on global issues of concern. We work in close partnership with Humanists International – our Chief Executive is also its President, and we hosted the triennial World Humanist Congress in Oxford in 2014. We have provided training on “freedom of religion or belief” for EU delegates. The international Humanist community has always been well ahead of the moral zeitgeist on issues from albinism and violence linked to witchcraft accusations, LGBTI rights, sexual equality, and the rights of the child. The term is alternatively applied to a variety of Western beliefs, methods, and philosophies that place central emphasis on the human realm. Humanist Society Scotland works on behalf of humanists living in Scotland to promote humanist thinking, building networks of humanists across the country and influencing public policy. Humanism, system of education and mode of inquiry that originated in northern Italy during the 13th and 14th centuries and later spread through western Europe. Learn more about the rational, ethical worldview that is humanism, Discover a world of humanism: find your nearest group or national organization, Meet the staff, representatives and Board of Humanists International, Recognizing achievement in the worldwide humanist movement, You can reach Humanists International here, Young Humanists International is our youth section, for 18 to 35-year-olds. The report finds that humanists are discriminated against in 106 countries across the globe through a combination of the following: Currently, assisted dying is criminal act and neither relatives nor medical professional are allowed to aid their patients in death. C) probably true, because my Science teacher said it was true. Because our campaigns are – in some ways – in tune with the Government’s own agenda of inclusion and non-discrimination, we can often have a real impact. Home Get involved Current campaigns. Lesson Plans What is Humanism? (age 5-7) Suitable for: 5-7. Science provides the … If you are under 25 please visit our join page and use the discount code: YHS2020 to get membership for £1 (normally £10)! The questions of apostasy and blasphemy are of major importance – and if pursued without care they may become the most significant threat to freedom of expression to have emerged in … Read further. It’s a real privilege being able to do this kind of work. Humanists on the right and those on the left should collectively strive to save the political sphere from being subsumed by retrograde tribalism and anti-liberal (with a small ‘l’) forces. We seek to defend progressive laws and causes against reactionary religious influence on political decision-making in Europe and, more generally, to promote secularism in European politics. 285987. SELHuG is also a hub for professional and volunteer practitioners in south-east London … Click here to see our Privacy Policy. Census Campaign. For example, we can produce the arguments against faith and sectarian schools and in favour of inclusive schools where children from families of all religions and none are educated together and learn about each other’s beliefs, but groups proposing new schools only consult and listen to the views of local people when making decisions about a new school in their area. He was overwhelmed with the friendships of many prestigous men of his day, a mong whom Cardinal Stephen Colonna was prominent… Please share this page with your networks. Our flagship publication, recording discrimination against the non-religious globally, Learn more about the work of Humanists International, How we’re working to change the world for the better, Want to help? No matter how small, your donation can help us to make this possible. Many of our campaigns are based on Government consultations or Parliamentary initiatives, and we also initiate effective campaigns ourselves. What is Humanism? Postcode is optional but will help us send you information relevant to your local area. Visit Humanists UK website for more information on the Local Development Projec and to get involved. Not all humanists across the world can live freely, in accordance with their values. As humanists, we support the right of every person to be contraventions of freedom of thought and belief against the non-religious, training on “freedom of religion or belief”, speak out against the misuse of Article 18 rights, Oxford Declaration on Freedom of Thought and Expression, defend or reform human rights institutions, legislation to outlaw discrimination based on “caste”, High Court hearing in the case of Mubarak Bala postponed, Fears that Mubarak Bala will face a secret trial mount, Nigerian humanist Mubarak Bala held without charge for 200 days, Fears for the safety of leading Sri Lankan activist Rishvin Ismath, Signs of progress in Mubarak Bala’s legal defence, Further delay in access to justice for Mubarak Bala, WordPress theme developer - whois: Andy White London. Humanists UK, 39 Moreland Street, London EC1V 8BB The American Humanist Association was founded in 1941 and currently provides legal assistance to defend the constitutional rights of secular and religious minorities, actively lobbies Congress on church-state separation and other issues, and maintains a grassroots network of 250 local affiliates and chapters that engage in social activism, philosophical discussion and community-building events. We campaign on major issues affecting British society, such as the increase in faith schools, the continued presence of 26 bishops in the House of Lords and the legal requirement that school assemblies should include … We work to ensure that such education is critical, objective, and pluralistic. We are particularly interested in ensuring that contraventions of freedom of thought and belief against the non-religious are recognized and changed. A judgment is expected by 10 December 2020. “Atheists, humanists and liberals” now targeted as a distinct minority by “hate campaigns” Humanist Society Scotland • December 2014 . We work for an open society and a secular state with no religious privilege or discrimination based on religion or belief. In our Humanists at Risk work we are often working away from public view to support and advise people facing a threat of persecution or violence. end their life if they are suffering, and that relatives April 19, 2017 Press Releases. Humanists International campaigns on a variety of issues. Launching today, the Freedom of Thought Report 2020 by Humanists International, now in its ninth annual edition, examines the legal and human rights situation for humanists, atheists and the non-religious around the world.. Also make sure to read about what you can do to help. Here are a selection of resources offering students an introduction to humanist beliefs and values, including presentations, videos, multiple-choice questions for assessment, and a ‘How humanist are you?’ quiz. As Bala's legal team continues to face obstructions, fears mount that Mubarak Bala will be subjected to a trial in…, Mubarak Bala has now been held without charge for 200 days in a clear violation of his fundamental rights, Rishvin receiving serious threats to his life. At first, he intended to compose his great epic in Latin verse. Internationally, threats to the freedom of the non-religious come from a wide range of sources, from individuals and groups wishing to censure freedom of thought, or criticism particularly of religion, through to powerful nations seeking to outlaw and criminalise any perceived negative discussion or criticism or portrayal of religion. We think it’s vital that every young person learns about the different religions that are common in the UK today, as well as humanism. Urge Texas A&M Board to Release 24 Dogs Serving Life Sentences in Lab . In many of our campaigns we work alongside our Member Organisations. is treated equally, regardless of their beliefs. We have a close working relationship with the All Party Parliamentary Humanist Group, to which we provide the secretariat. Learn more. We stand up for the rights of humanists and everyone who lives their life without religion – and because our campaigns are based on the principles of the ‘open society’ and the secular state, they also serve the interests of others whose rights may be being infringed. The humanities are distinguished from the sciences. Type C humanists orient and apply their values to the protection of everything that has value, and they enact these values in social and political activism. These campaigns pages have all the news about our current and recent campaigns. The Humanists at Risk: Action Report 2020 exposes a lack of separation between state and religion as well as the as well as the an array of tactics used against humanists, atheists and non-religious people. These have included Taslima Nasrin (writer and activist hounded into exile); Dr. Younus Shaik (sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan – since freed); Asif Mohiuddin (persecuted as an atheist in Bangladesh in 2013); Mohamed Cheikh Ould M’kheitir (sentenced to death and jailed for supposed “blasphemy” in Mauritania). Here are some of the major areas we’re working on currently. We want a country where institutions such as Parliament SELHuG is a group for humanists, and people interested in a non-religious world view, in south-east London. In the exordium of his chief work Petrarc h appeals to the Heliconian Sisters as well as to Jesus Christ, Savior of the world. The material universe is the only thing that exists. Mubarak Bala's Fundamental Rights has been heard in Abuja. that I did not know! Humanists International is the trading name of the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), a not-for-profit organization registered in New York, USA (501(c)3) and operating as a foreign company in the United Kingdom (FC020642). Share Tweet Pin. Non­religious people are being targeted by “hate campaigns” in countries around the world, as a distinct minority group, a new report has found. Many Humanists hold naming ceremonies, non-religious weddings and funerals. You can make a donation to Humanists UK. according to the religious beliefs of their parents. privilege is unfair, unjustified and unpopular. Top 15 Hollywood Atheists Ricky Gervais fair enough, but Charlie Chaplin?!? are separate from religious organisations, and everyone We work in the devolved legislatures through our sections Northern Ireland Humanists and Wales Humanists, and in cooperation with Humanist Society Scotland. The dogs in TAMU’s lab have endured a lifetime of suffering and isolation inside barren cages. The HAI encouraged people to consider ticking the “No Religion” option in the recent 2016 census if they do not currently practice a religion. We stand up for the rights of humanists and everyone who lives their life without religion – and because our campaigns are based on the principles of the ‘open society’ and the secular state, they also serve the interests of others whose ri… Explore all of Amnesty's current and past campaigns, and see how you can get involved in supporting human rights across the world Registered Charity No. Below is a list of just some of the world’s most prominent leaders, thinkers, and activists in philosophy, justice, science, and the arts that have proudly associated with the American Humanist Association: Bestselling Authors Joyce Carol Oates Isaac Asimov Salman Rushdie Kurt Vonnegut Margaret Atwood Gore Vidal Scientists and Science Advocates Richard Dawkins Steve Wozniak […] As well as focusing on specific issues, often underrepresented in the broader human rights/NGO community, we work to defend or reform human rights institutions, and promote the human rights framework itself as a humanist and universal good for humanity. Of course, the most effective campaigns combine local action with work at national level. Christian humanists believe this includes intellectual life, artistic life, domestic life, economic life, politics, race relations, and environmental work. They are updated frequently, so bookmark them and keep returning. Here’s some specific things you can do today, The official Humanists International blog, Meetings and events for Humanists International, Toolkits, documents, maps and lists on humanism and humanist activism, Support our work and the global humanist movement with a donation, Support our goals? Treat me well. Many millions of people in Britain share this way of living and of looking at the world, but many of them have not heard the word ‘humanism’ and don’t realise that it describes what they believe. The law upholds freedom of ‘religion or belief’ and the word ‘belief’ in this legal senseincludes non-religious worldviews or lifestances such as Humanism. The support needed by humanists at risk. We campaign on the basis of human rights, including the rights of people with religious beliefs, and a humanist view of society. The law upholds freedom of ‘religion or belief’ and the word ‘belief’ in this legal sense includes non-religious worldviews or lifestances such as Humanism. Humanities, those branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human beings and their culture or with analytic and critical methods of inquiry derived from an appreciation of human values and of the unique ability of the human spirit to express itself. These remain special areas of interest for Humanists International. humanism definition: 1. a belief system based on the principle that people's spiritual and emotional needs can be…. By continuing to browse the site you agree to our, Religion and belief – surveys and statistics, science including evolution and creationism, defend and strengthen the current legal settlement, removing the bishops from the House of Lords, relationship between Government and faith communities, abortion and other sexual and reproductive rights, work on all these issues and more internationally, privileges and legal exemptions for religion. Today, people who share these beliefs and values are called humanists and this combination of attitudes is called humanism. We also speak out against the misuse of Article 18 rights, as when they are used to justify religious privilege or to enforce religious standards. This unique You can help! Sign up as a supporter and we'll keep you up to date by email about all of our work for a fair and equal society. Humanism has a long and varied history, but today humanists share the core values which were agreed in the 2002 Amsterdam Declaration of the International Humanist and Ethical Union: The Humanists International Oxford Declaration on Freedom of Thought and Expression lays out some of our thinking on this human right. We coordinate the opposition to “blasphemy” laws and highlight the deep injustice of “apostasy” laws. Dante had an admiration for ancient letters. The remaining privileges and legal exemptions for religion appear ever more anachronistic and unjustifiable. Find out about our current campaigns and join us in demanding a fair deal for farmers and workers. A commitment to this freedom, as a universal right for everyone, underpins much of our advocacy and campaigns work. 26 Church of England bishops sit as of right in the As secularists, humanists believe that societies should not privilege or discriminate on the grounds of religion or belief. House of Lords, amending legislation. Here’s how you can participate in the humanist movement. We organise public and social events, and support humanist campaigns and charities. It is also no surprise, therefore, that a great deal of humanists’ energy goes into opposing the influence of religion over education. Everything we do is about supporting the rights of people with a learning disability. Most humanists would agree with the ideas below: There are no supernatural beings. How we approach each cause and what tools we use can vary widely. Get Involved. How do humanists believe we can know the difference between right and wrong? We work to change that. The May/June issue of the Humanist magazine examines how we can get through the current crisis by centering our humanist values. Sometimes though we lead public campaigns on behalf of individuals who are victims of religious persecution. All these acts have been done against the will of the executive and legislative branches of the government by, in most cases, five unelected men. Elsewhere, couples having a humanist ceremony must also have a separate civil marriage. Join a current campaign today to help us achieve more victories for animals. Humanist marriages are currently legally recognised in Scotland and Northern Ireland, but not England and Wales. We could now go directly to the goal of offering the “good news” of Humanism. It seeks to act as a representative body for non-religious … Local authorities will be given written guidance on working with humanists and non-religious people and how to include them. We hold monthly meetings, often with a speaker, to discuss philosophy and ethics, current affairs and social justice issues. More recently, in 2008 England and Wales’ blasphemy laws were repealed which was a campaign we were very involved in. Many humanists and atheists are forced to live their lives “in the closet”, otherwise they risk discrimination, persecution, prison terms - or even death (be it from state-sanctioned punishment or vigilante violence). All the same, human values remain involved. Whether you’re doing research, exploring a personal philosophy, or are simply curious about humanism, the resources here are a great place to start: […] And while not being party political but we work with affiliated groups in a number of parties – the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party. But campaigns also cost money – quite a lot of money – and we also need financial support. Humanists UK helps people who seek to live a good life without religious or superstitious beliefs. Humanists UK, known from 1967 until May 2017 as the British Humanist Association, is a charitable organisation which promotes secular humanism and aims to represent "people who seek to live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs" in the United Kingdom by campaigning on issues relating to humanism, secularism, and human rights. speak, and believe, as they wish. Petrarch considered his Africa a fair effort to reproduce Vergil. We also campaign for a rational approach to public ethical issues in order to contribute to a public life where decisions are made on evidence rather than on the basis of irrational beliefs or religious doctrines. We defend human rights and promote rational, democratic international law, We support our Member Organizations to build the humanist movement, How we protect humanists at risk all around the world. Happiness is achieved through hard work, an ethical life and care for the self and others. We are currently offering discounted membership for young people in Scotland. The searchable archive of past and present policy – since 1952! When this happens, Humanists International is here to help. Humanism is rooted in a belief in and commitment to equality and social justice for all, and we support every American fighting for this through the #BlackLivesMatter movement, and through the work of our American colleagues, The American Humanist Association. We believe individuals should have a right to decide to We devote much of our time to campaigning and lobbying on behalf of the non-religious as well as for freedom of religion, belief, speech, thought, and expression more generally. They deserve to live their remaining years knowing kindness and love. Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism or other supernatural beliefs, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good. In sum, the education that humanists campaign for is emancipatory for the individual and preparatory for whatever life they choose to lead. We work for the recognition of the human rights of “Untouchables” and against the concept of “Untouchability”. and doctors should be able to assist that person. 4 The theory that life on Earth evolved gradually over billions of years is… A) just a theory. The right to hold your own views, whether religious or not, or to hold no beliefs, and not to have to tell anyone whatever you belief, is enshrined under Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Humanist Magazine and TheHumanist.com. If some Humanists would find themselves speechless in a situation like this, it could be because they believe Humanism is simply the “default” condition of humanity, the “natural state” that prevails when no brainwash is present. You can also support Humanists UK by becoming a member. Humanist UK has been doing campaign work for a very long time, so in the 60s we were involved in a campaign that led to the Abortion Act - that meant that abortion became legally available in Britain - and the decriminalisation of homosexuality. The freedom to speak about religion, and to leave or change religious beliefs, is a universal right, and it is particularly vital to humanists, especially those who live in the most religiously conservative or authoritarian societies. Humanists are concerned with enjoying the one life we have, and spreading that happiness throughout the world. The Local Campaigns Officer will co-ordinate activities and contact all local authorities and interfaith organisations. We classify our public affairs work as belonging to one of four areas: We also work on all these issues and more internationally. The petition has been slated to be heard on Monday 19 October. 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