Management thinker Peter Drucker is often quoted as saying that “you can’t manage what you can’t measure.”. Since “what gets measured gets improved,” this creates a cycle of continuous improvement. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! But, as the report from Sheba highlights, when we fail to measure people’s performance we can miss out on opportunities to improve. "What gets measured gets done, what gets done well gets rewarded, and what gets rewarded gets repeated." Throughout our lifetimes many people touch our lives and leave us with words of wisdom. Discover (and save!) You'd think I was exaggerating. - Unknown There are number of variation of this quote attributable to several notable authors. Performance Improvement: ‘What gets measured gets improved’ The authors say ‘Although we talk a lot about data and data-driven insights, most companies scarcely measure their internal team performance. - Karl Pearson "When performance is measured, performance improves. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Both of my books, In Search of Excellence and A Passion for Excellence, are said to have placed renewed emphasis on the qualitative aspects of business -- for example, on people, customer satisfaction, nurturing of unruly champions and managing by wandering around. Design service components and an effective monitoring system. I am using the tools and techniques taught in the DVDs and getting some great results -particularly with the staff member who needs to improve their performance. COPIED. “What gets measured gets improved.” ― Robin S. Sharma, The Greatness Guide: Powerful Secrets for Getting to World Class This is no different but I believe there is a truth to this statement. Think about things. What Gets Measured Gets Improved. Here’s the first: “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”. I’d highly recommend the 10MMT to business owners and managers. “Because what gets measured gets done.” That is one of the most frequently misquoted statements I hear. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. (Larry Prusak, Brook Manville, and I are at work on a book on judgment and how to cultivate it as an organizational, not just individual, strength. Create a free website or blog at Discover Peter Drucker famous and rare quotes. Quote by Peter Drucker: “What's measured improves”. Explore Themes. What gets measured gets improved. You wouldn't believe me. This statement, ‘what gets measured gets done’ is a misstatement of the other quote, frequently attributed to Peter Drucker, that is, “what gets measured gets managed.” What gets measured gets attention. I couldn't even explain it adequately. Copyright © 10 Minute Management Toolkit | Blog | Member Login, Performance Improvement: ‘What Get’s Measured Gets Improved’, How Sheba Has Improved Its Internal Performance Over 50% Using A Simple System. But I’m interested in knowing the source of that quotation. WHAT GETS MEASURED GETS DONE. In this example, the only way to ensure that “what gets measured gets done” is to program a piece of machinery to execute a set of commands based on the rain gauge’s measurement. “What gets measured gets improved.” We all know this Peter Drucker quote, and many of us readily recognize the importance of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics. Here are some popular forms of the quotation: “What doesn’t get measured doesn’t get managed.”. "What gets measured, gets managed." Performance Reviews: Treating Employees as Adults, How to Delegate – Getting Started (Steps Two and Three), How to Delegate – Getting Started (Step One), Managing Up: Two Tips for How to Communicate with Your Manager. When you will undertake this data collection – frequency etc, A little trickier can be putting a system in place to measure the behavioural elements of the employees job – such as how they work as a team member, work with customers, deal with problems, deal with change and so on. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. By Tom Peters. Don't miss out on our next weekly batch. It’s possible that these are nothing more than memes that have caught on and keep getting passed around. (That is what the mantra suggests: “I think, therefore I have faith in sums.”). What gets measured gets changed and what gets rewarded gets done. There is so much power in this quote. Explore Quotes. You can check it out on Amazon (and try a sample) HERE. Who said, "What gets measured gets managed"? WHAT GETS MEASURED GETS DONE. ... As you can understand from the title, which is a quote from the management guru Peter Drucker, this practice is measuring. This blog post will serve as an ongoing investigation of this quotation and might be updated from time to time as new information comes to light. You’ll not be surprised, if you’ve read this far, that I’ve also already written about how to get buy-in by involving your employee in monitoring their performance (here)! In their book Reinventing Government: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming the Public Sector (1992), Osborne & Gaebler subtitle a portion of chapter 5, “What Gets Measured Gets Done” and quotes former director of Massachusetts’ welfare department, John Pratt, in 1979 as saying, “All you have to do is measure something and people will respond” (p. 146). The quote is widely misattributed to Galilei, but is actually from two French scholars, Antoine-Augustin Cournot and Thomas-Henri Martin. What needs to be measured in SEO? Burak Bilgin. Even wisdom is a subject that is receiving much attention by scientific-minded scholars these days. Wallpaper name: What gets measured gets improved. Performance Reviews: Why Are Employees Still Unhappy? Drucker means that you can’t know whether or not you are successful unless success is defined and tracked. It’s an old cliché: “What gets measured gets done.”. Where performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates. This principle often gets applied to business situations. Wonderful presentation style. They seem to think it’s in some way ‘controlling’ or indicative of a lack of trust. This is some text inside of a div block. So far, the most likely source of this idea, if not in any of these popular forms, is William Thomson, the Scottish physicist also known as Lord Kelvin. Even better, the coach’s skills can also be measured. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. What gets measured gets improved. Peter F. Drucker. Peter Drucker was not specifically talking about SEO in this quote, but it’s an important point that deserves to make this list. That is true of physical phenomenon he was referring to, but even more so to more subjective investigations, such as how people feel or how they react to whatever the investigation is about, or various corporate metrics. ( Log Out /  Hence the management of supply chain is … Join Goodreads. I’ll be interested to see if there’s a final answer to the question of where that quote–or idea–came from, but perhaps who or where of its origin didn’t matter and so, can’t now be ‘measured’ (known)? Excellent content, real depth with very specific examples. Rank does not confer privilege or give power, it imposes responsibility. Instagram Captions. "What gets measured, gets managed." It rightly said, "What gets measured gets improved". your own Pins on Pinterest Start your week with a motivational kick. Change ). Some people probably think it doesn’t matter whether we get these kinds of things right or not. I love the proverb, “What gets measure gets managed.”. In … Harry Potter Quotes. the areas that will bring the most significant improvements, For me the beauty of measuring and monitoring employee performance is that it enables managers to give feedback on performance that is not only honest but also factual, objective and meaningful. It is often recalled in some discussion of performance metrics or motivation. | Robin S. Sharma quote, 4k wallpaper. Sheba also gives the tips of ‘identifying key metrics’ and ‘finding a tool for collecting comprehensive data’. Pearson's Law: "That which is measured improves. Who said, "What gets measured gets managed"? [quote]The full proposition is: ‘What gets measured gets managed – even when it’s pointless to measure and manage it, and even if it harms the purpose of the organisation to do so.'[/quote]. And later, photographs, x-rays, and now MRIs, to name just a very few of the many ways that the natural world has been understood by being seen. It can also mean that producing measurements about the activity gives you a handle on it, a way to improve it. What Gets Measured Gets Improved Quotes & Sayings Showing search results for "What Gets Measured Gets Improved" sorted by relevance. Peter Drucker. A useful aid memoire prior to staff appraisals to remind me, as a manager, what I can do to make the process more effective and productive for staff and myself. Follow. I do get that. Gordon Bethune, the former CEO of Continental Airlines used it in his 1998 book “From Worst to First.”, According to it is by V.F. And Peter Drucker is credited with two of the most important quotes in business management. This may come as a surprise, but tracking your rankings alone is worthless! Find & Share Quotes with Friends. Business, Clever, Ironic. “What gets measured gets improved.” We all know this Peter Drucker quote, and many of us readily recognize the importance of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics. It means regular measurement and reporting keeps you focused -- because you use that information to make decisions to improve your results. Andrea 2 books view quotes : Oct 09, 2020 09:31PM. ( Log Out /  Share Peter Drucker quotations about management, business and decisions. That might be the best we can do in tracking down the source of this bit of management wisdom. John E. Jones said, “What gets measured gets done, what gets measured and fed back gets done well, what gets rewarded gets repeated.” So the tasks you decide you want people to do should result from the actions or attitudes you put into them in the first place. My view is we can also miss out on opportunities to give the type of feedback that people tell us again and again that they want – feedback that is factual, objective, fair and meaningful, Then why not take a look at my Kindle book ‘A step-by-step guide to easily and effectively monitoring employee performance’. Both of my books, In Search of Excellence and A Passion for Excellence, are said to have placed renewed emphasis on the qualitative aspects of business -- for example, on people, customer satisfaction, nurturing of unruly champions and managing by wandering around. An “out of range KPI” can now be used to automatically assign a coaching session. If you start adding up your sales volume every month, it gives you a basis for saying, I’m not generating enough revenue, I need to do more selling. May 11, 2020 - “What gets measured gets improved.” – Peter Drucker Here’s the first: “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” When you think about this quote, it should immediately become apparent how true it is. BUT it is obviously easier to manage what can be measured, and what gets measured is only what is measurable. And because it’s factual and objective it’s also fair (a huge issue for many employees). Peter Drucker — ‘What's measured improves’ ... All Members Who Liked This Quote. Now as a manager, the key metrics, I would suggest, are the examples given above (quantifiable and behavioural). Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Over the next few months, well be coauthoring posts in this blog to test-drive ideas and invite input as the research progresses.) ( Log Out /  Management guru Peter Drucker is credited with the phrase “'what gets measured gets managed” - a truncated version of the full and much more powerful quote: “what gets measured gets … According to the Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety, by Jeanne Mager Stellman (page 1992), Kelvin said in his May 3, 1883, lecture on “Electrical Units of Measurement” (Popular Lectures, Vol. It often gets attributed to management expert Peter Drucker, but I’ve never seen an actual reference that proves he said it. Asimov's Foundation and the Elusive Future of Technology; Michael Ventris, the Decipherment of Linear B, and the Value of Cross-Fertilization; Kodak's Evocative 'Turn Around' Ad From the 1960s; Where the Big Green Copier Button Came From; George Douvris Video Interviews About Terence McKenna Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. It catches my attention because it’s so not true. By Tom Peters. Improve yourself, find your inspiration, share with friends. Nov 22, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Darin Eich. "What gets measured, gets managed." So it is quite possibly more accurate to say “What matters can’t be measured, and what does get measured doesn’t matter”. Join 48,000+ other people and subscribe to Quotefancy Weekly Digest. Food Quotes. Ethics after all is well studied and part of many standard curricula. 366 matching entries found. Like many cliches, "what gets measured, gets done" is half right. ( Log Out /  COPIED. Ask questions. options. Right enough to be believable. For getting the right benefits of SMS to your organization design an effective SMS based on service requirements (SLA) and thereby determine the inter dependencies and associated OLA’s. I first heard it, or something like it, on the public radio program, Market Place, and it stuck with me. What Gets Measured Gets Done. ... What gets measured gets managed. Every day we present the best quotes! It is not an exact logical match, but it certainly expresses a similar idea regarding the importance of empirical measurement. What Gets Measured Gets Done. Education can no longer be the sole property of the state. You can read about how to give performance feedback HERE, My experience is that often managers feel uncomfortable measuring their staff’s performance. Peter Drucker is often attributed with this quote but he probably wasn't the first to say it and the origin of this expression is up for debate. No items found. By: Ruth Henderson. Just like the ad – this 10 minute guide does just what it says it will do. What can The Staple Singers teach us about management? Visualizing Data Goals with Chart.js | Bettina Shzu, In this example, the only way to ensure that “what gets measured gets done” is to program a piece of machinery to execute a set of commands based on the rain gauge’s measurement. Who said, “What gets measured gets managed”? Instead of focusing on the three R's, liberals have thrown up a barrage of silly things designed to distract us … Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Related Topics Logically written, easy to read with relevant work place examples you can follow and relate to – would recommend. So yes, ‘To measure is to know’ . “What gets measured gets improved.” – Peter Drucker. Pingback: Visualizing Data Goals with Chart.js | Bettina Shzu. This is the predicament of, and damage done by, corporatisation of everything that shouldn’t be (like education, the courts …) (ASIDE — it is amusing that there is a strapline above about “challenging assumptions” and “cogitating” — not much challenging going on here as yet, so I thought I should have a go, in the spirit of the site — beyond uncritical praise of an empty mantra. Kodak's Evocative 'Turn Around' Ad From the 1960s, 1947 Texas City Disaster and Its Effect on Industrial Safety, Asimov's Foundation and the Elusive Future of Technology, Great comic strips about schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Background's resolution: 3840x2160. I’m not so sure that it can be said what matters can’t be measured. Teaching a high school history unit on the scientific revolution brought home the importance of new ways to see things as the basis for huge breakthroughs: lenses to see the cosmos and also to look at pond water opened new challenges and realms for thought and understanding. I love the proverb, “What gets measure gets managed.” This principle often gets applied to business situations. These can both be a source of new learning and also a point to pause and reflect upon lessons we have learned. Your most critical measurements are called Key Performance Indicators. In some ways this gets at the heart of the Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, in that if you attempt to measure something, it will change BECAUSE you are attempting to measure it. Whoever said it first, I disagree. Death Quotes. What we typically rely upon here are: observation, report back, and third party feedback (read more here), I’ve developed a simple ‘monitoring plan’ (see here) which managers can then use as a ‘system’ to ensure that those behavioural elements of the job get measured as effectively as the quantifiable elements. Measuring, in more general terms, is a sort of rational, orderly approach to ‘seeing’, yes? In my career, I … Like many cliches, "what gets measured, gets done" is half right. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. That which is measured and reported improves exponentially." Ridgeway: Christopher 260 books view quotes : Aug 13, 2020 01:09PM. | Robin S. Sharma Quotes on QuoteTag. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This is a costly mistake. About This eBook. Konrad 448 books view quotes : May 11, 2020 03:31AM. What gets measured "What gets measured gets improved." What Gets Measured Is What Gets Done. It can mean that simply examining an activity changes the activity by forcing you to pay attention to it. Challenge assumptions. 1, page 73): I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage of science, whatever the matter may be. Management is doing things right, Leadership is doing the right things! And l’d add, for the anti-metrically inclined: Descartes didn’t say “Cogito, ergo SUMS”. Scorecards can look at the change in performance of all agents coached, and identify the better coaches. Thomas S. Monson's Quote: Where performance is measured, performance improves. You can't improve what you can't measure, and liberals have resisted any kind of meaningful measurement of success in the classroom for decades. It is possible that these quotes were inspired by Lord Kelvin who is frequently attributed the quote: "If you can not measure it, you can not improve it." Sign in with Facebook. - Thomas S. Monson Right enough to be believable. Management Skills: Agile Culture and Agile Behaviour. To that last phrase we can safely add the word judgment. Which quote … Max 10 books view quotes : Apr 05, 2020 02:50AM. When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates." Simon Caulkin, a columnist, neatly summarized Ridgway’s argument as: “What gets measured gets managed — even when it’s pointless to measure and manage it, … COPY. ‘What gets measured, gets improved’- the role of advanced analytics in supply chain management Wael Safwat has rightly said “It’s not the organizations that are competing, it’s the supply chains that are competing”. He wrote 39 books on the subject and is widely regarded as the greatest management thinker of all time. Sign in. Robin S. Sharma Quote: “What gets measured gets improved.” (14 wallpapers) - Quotefancy “ What gets measured gets improved. We've all heard the saying, "What gets measured gets done." One important piece of performance management is deciding what measures your team should pay attention to. Good judgment, h… Peter Drucker is often attributed with this quote but he probably wasn't the first to say it and the origin of this expression is up for debate. But in his story about researching this same Lord Kelvin quote, James Heywood of patientslikeme makes some good points about the value of checking primary sources. If you've never tracked yourself, you don't even know how much power there is in tracking. Robin S. Sharma Quote: “What gets measured gets improved.” ... We're on a mission of turning inspiring quotes into beautiful wallpapers. Job Satisfaction and the $1 Trillion Problem. It can also mean that producing measurements about the activity gives you a handle on it, a way to improve it. Because, if you can’t measure something, and know the results, you can’t possibly get better at it. - Peter Drucker. Lean Quote: What Gets Measured Gets Done So Do it Right On Fridays I will post a Lean related Quote. Whoever said it first, I disagree. "What gets measured gets improved." The statement itself is just too subjective and even having said that there may be reflective indicators that can be measured. Follow AzQuotes on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Image's size: 1110 kb. If you don't measure it, you can't change it and if you don't reward change it … This can have good or bad implications and unintended consequences. It can mean that simply examining an activity changes the activity by forcing you to pay attention to it. However, I haven’t been able to find any reliable reference that traces any of these forms to Peter Drucker or any other original source. The idea, again, is to identify which are these are most important i.e. Adalbert Stifter, writing in the 1850s in Indian Summer (Der Nachsommer) said, “what we can put a measuring stick to is not always great nor is that for which we have no measure always insignificant.”. Didn ’ t say “ Cogito, ergo SUMS ” the 10MMT to business owners and managers management guru Drucker. Or indicative of a div block a Quote from the title, is... 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