Our native flowering dogwood is a magnificent tree, and some homeowners will settle for nothing else. The tree also makes a visual contribution year-round. is susceptible to several problems, including diseases that attack its bark, causing varying degrees of damage. Leaves on infected branches are red earlier in the fall. There are several hybrids between the native flowering dogwood and the non-native Kousa dogwood that exhibit better disease resistance and longer bloom periods than the native species. Use pesticides only according to the directions on the label. Powdery Mildew: Erysiphe pulchra (formerly Microsphaera pulchra) is the fungus that attacks leaf surfaces and tender shoots and causes powdery mildew. Even in winter, the eye-catching bark and form of the Kousa bring a unique beauty to your landscape. Mulch a large area around the tree to help retain moisture and prevent mechanical damage from lawn mowers and trimmers. Spot Anthracnose: This infection is caused by the fungus Elsinoe corni. Dogwood anthracnose infects flowering (Cornus florida) and Pacific dogwoods (C. nuttallii). Millie Davenport, ©2015 HGIC, Clemson Extension. Dogwood anthracnose is one of the most common fungal diseases to attack this plant. Canker disease generally appears as sunken areas filled with dead tissue on the dogwood's bark. Noteworthy Characteristics. Fungi thrive in cool, wet weather and prevention is the best cure. This disease is common in Arkansas, especially following frequent rainfall and cool temperatures in April and May. Ornamental Features: The showy white, pink or red “flowers” bloom in spring (April and May) before the leaves emerge. But last summer's hot and dry weather kept anthracnose problems to a minimum. Dogwood Anthracnose… Kousa dogwood is indigenous to East Asia. The Arbor Day Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation and education organization. The flowering dogwood is adapted to all areas of the state and is native to the Eastern United States. It has since become established in Europe and North America. Lower branches may be removed to make a small tree. Red edible fruit appear in July. Dogwood anthracnose canker This is a serious fungal disease of dogwoods that is prevalent in states east of Missouri. In spring, it produces a heavenly array of star-like blooms. This tree is considered both a flowering tree and an ornamental tree. The Cornus kousa (Korean Dogwood or just Kousa) tree is more resistant to diseases that plague other dogwoods.It thrives in zones 5-9. The ideal soil for flowering dogwood is moist, fertile, sandy or loamy and slightly acidic. Seed Propagation. Joey Williamson, ©2015 HGIC, Clemson Extension. Both flowering and Kousa dogwood are susceptible to this disease, although resistant cultivars of both species have been identified. Natural Guard Evergreen & Holly Food (5-4-5). Mature Height/Spread: The flowering dogwood will grow 40 feet tall when grown as an understory tree in a woodland setting. Provide deep irrigation during dry periods, especially for those located in the sun. Affected trees appear water-stressed even if adequate water has been provided. Flowering dogwood ( C. florida ) is moderately susceptible but is severely damaged under conditions ideal for disease development. Joey Williamson, ©2013 HGIC, Clemson Extension. chinensis, is native to China, and varies slightly from the species with slightly larger floral bracts, fruit, and leaves. Flower and Leaf Diseases. Prune out affected stems and leaves and destroy the plant material. It has shown good resistance to powdery mildew and dogwood anthracnose in some tests. All recommendations for pesticide use are for South Carolina only and were legal at the time of publication, but the status of registration and use patterns are subject to change by action of state and federal regulatory agencies. The “flowers” may be white, pink or yellow. The kousa dogwood grows in acidic, loamy, moist, sandy, well-drained and clay soils. dogwood (Cornus kousa). While other dogwoods do well in full sun or partial shade, the flowering dogwood prefers partial shade, especially shade in the hot afternoon. It performs well in both full sun and partial shade. Lower leaves on the tree are the first to be infected. Cultivars are available with spot anthracnose and powdery mildew resistance. In the sun, the same tree may only grow 15 to 20 feet tall and wide. Develops a camouflage pattern of tan and brown on the trunk due to exfoliation. The plant appears stressed especially during dry periods. Dogwood anthracnose. Kousa dogwoods should be planted in an area large enough for good root expansion. Symptoms begin on leaf borders with purplish blotches that eventually cover the leaf. The disease appears to affect more North American native species than non-native dogwoods such as the kousa dogwood. after the flowering dogwood. When dogwood diseases call for fungicides, copper-based sprays handle infections well. Full sun and partial shade are best for this tree, meaning it prefers a minimum of four hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight each day. It will grow in a variety of soil types but prefers moist, fertile, well-drained soil. One of the most appealing features of many dogwoods is the graceful beauty of their tiered, horizontal branching. Fertilize again 6 weeks later to encourage extra flowers or faster growth of young trees. It infects and kills the leaves and young shoots of some North American Cornus species (dogwoods). Caused by the fungus Discula destructiva, anthracnose thrives in moist shade. Conditions for severe disease outbreaks are in cool, wet weather, in shady locations, and near lakes or streams, which contribute to higher humidity. Native geographic location and habitat. White springtime blooms and red berries last for months, followed by striking red and purple hues just in time for the autumn season. Early symptoms of dogwood canker are smaller and paler leaves. Powdery mildews are also common diseases on dogwoods (12). Joey Williamson, ©HGIC, Clemson Extension. The spread may be even greater than the height. It prefers average moisture but is somewhat drought-resistant. For more information on disease and insect problems on dogwoods, refer to HGIC 2003, Dogwood Diseases & Insect Pests. Other breeders have also produced extremely attractive hybrids of C. florida x C. kousa, and of C. kousa x C. nutallii (the Pacific dogwood). The following actions help: Immediately cut off infested branches; Remove fallen leaves; Prevention includes keeping the soil moist and mulching it … Early symptoms of dogwood canker are smaller and paler leaves. There are mixed reports about C. 'Miss Satomi's' susceptibility to the disease. Insects, Diseases and Other Problems: Leaf miner and scale are less serious potential insect pests. Ideal soil is moist, fertile, loamy and well-drained. Burpee Natural & Organic Azalea, Camellia & Rhododendron Granular Plant Food (4-3-4), Miracle Gro Nature’s Care Evergreen & Shrub Plant Food (3-3-6), C. Stellar Pink® Stellar® series (‘Rutgan’). The height ranges from 15 to 20 feet tall (flowering dogwood in the sun) to 40 feet tall (flowering dogwood in the shade). The branches of this species grow upright in a young tree, and droop as the tree ages. Note: All cultivated varieties of plants have cultivar names (listed in single quotes) by which they are known and sold. A particular kind of canker disease called the Diffuse Canker is typical to dogwoods. Most are creamy white; some will turn pinkish with age. The kousa dogwood grows in acidic, loamy, moist, sandy, well-drained and clay soils. It is native to Japan, Korea and China. Even in winter, this tree has an appeal all its own with bark that resembles a jigsaw puzzle. Start treatment as soon as diseases appear. Spores are spread by wind to surrounding dogwoo… The C. kousa is grown for its flowers in addition to its hardy, dependable nature. Powdery mildew. Fungi are the main causes of dogwood tree diseases. Dogwood anthracnose causes stem cankers and large, purple-bordered leaf spots. It starts out with blighted leaves, showing purple margins and tan color around the edges of leaves. Although it prefers partial shade, especially in the afternoon, it will tolerate full sun. Produces pinkish-red to red fruit that attracts songbirds. The disease dogwood anthracnose (caused by the fungus Discula destructiva) has devastated natural areas where the native American dogwood, Cornus florida, grows. There are no commonly-issued warnings. Mix 1.5 to 2.0 fluid ounces of liquid copper concentrate with 1 gallon of water -- use the higher rate for diseases that overwinter or … The crown eventually grows wider than it is tall on many specimens. Dogwood anthracnose is the most common disease that affects dogwood trees. If you are looking for such a tree, then try planting this. Many but not all cultivars of Kousa dogwood ( C. kousa ) are very resistant ( C. kousa var. Growth Rate: Dogwoods grow at a slow to moderate rate (about 20 feet in 25 years). Some of the most common are: Dogwood Anthracnose – This serious disease is difficult to control. Tan splotches may develop which will kill the whole leaf. View Map. Dogwood trees grown from seed will vary in the age at which they begin flowering, but almost all dogwoods sold are asexually propagated and flower at an early age. Check … It thrives in a well-draining soil that is kept evenly moist, though it does have some tolerance of drought once established. Add organic matter, such as compost or ground composted pine bark, to the planting bed and till into the soil before planting. Deeply planted or drought/heat stressed trees may be attacked by the clearwing moth ‘dogwood … Many of the larger dogwoods are useful as specimen trees or for adding height and interest to the back of a mixed border. It is a plant native to East Asia including Korea, China and Japan. Ornamental Features: The “flowers” (bracts) of the kousa dogwood appear after leaves emerge in spring, several weeks, Red colored kousa dogwood (Cornus kousa) fruit in autumn. Like the other dogwood trees featured in this article, the kousa dogwood is known for its toughness. Scorch. To head off fungal diseases, plant dogwood trees with enough space between them and other plants so that air can circulate around the tree. Heavy clay soil can contains moisture, which can lead to root rots. The white “petals” aren’t actually petals at all. Provide mulch under the canopy to prevent mechanical damage by mowers and weed trimmers, and to preserve soil moisture. The first parts of the tree to be affected are the flower bracts (petals). Native to Asia. Develops a camouflage pattern … Kousa dogwood grows 15 to 20 feet tall and has beautiful exfoliating bark, long lasting flowers, good fall color, and attractive fruit. Beautiful All Year Round Highly disease resistant and trouble-free. Kousa dogwoods do have a more interesting mottled bark. This tree grows at a slow to medium rate, with height increases of anywhere from less than 12" to 24" per year. Containerized plants will become established more quickly than field-grown (B&B) trees. Kousa dogwood is resistant to many insects and diseases that afflict other dogwoods. Dogwood trees are widely known for their delicate beauty, and the kousa variety adds a toughness that makes this species an excellent choice for home landscapes and urban areas. And your symptoms don't match. Spread can be greater than height at maturity. Has a beautiful form with horizontal branching. The “flowers” of the flowering dogwood and kousa dogwood are not actually flowers, but bracts, which are modified leaves that look like petals. Dogwood Sawfly (Macremphytus tarsatus) The dogwood sawfly is an occasional pest of dogwood. The showy, globular fruits are edible and will attract birds. Borers and leaf spots. Do not dig up plants from the wild as these plants may often carry diseases, such as powdery mildew and spot anthracnose. Growth Rate: A slow to moderate grower, this tree can grow 15 feet in 18 years; it may grow more quickly in shade. It works well at the edge of woods where it will receive some sun. They are modified leaves called bracts that surround the small, greenish-yellow, insignificant flowers. Prune drooping branches if located near a patio or walkway. Leaves on infected branches are red earlier in the fall. There are several common dogwoods in the landscape, but the three most common species found in the PNW and B.C. health of the tree. Kousa Dogwood Tree - Cornus Kousa is a Lovely Flowering Ornamental Tree. COVID-19 Extension Updates and Resources ... More Information », Factsheet | HGIC 1010 | Updated: Jan 3, 2020 | Print, Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) bloom. Early symptoms of dogwood canker are smaller and paler leaves. There are several damaging diseases and pests that affect dogwood trees. Cornus kousa (Kousa Dogwood) is a small, deciduous flowering tree or multi-stemmed shrub with 4 seasons of interest. Kousa dogwood seeds are eaten by squirrels and birds. Dogwood anthracnose is a disease of flowering dogwoods caused by the fungus Discula destructiva. Recommended to you based on your activity and what's popular • Feedback However, these trees are susceptible to many diseases and problems if … If this document didn’t answer your questions, please contact HGIC at hgic@clemson.edu or 1-888-656-9988. Choose a site for the Cornelian cherry dogwood that has full sun or partial shade. It does not tolerate drought, and should be deeply irrigated during hot, dry spells. resistant. The fall leaf color is often poor, ranging from dull green to purplish red. For USDA zones 4 to 8. Other diseases include powdery mildew, leaf spot, canker, root rot and leaf & twig blight. It can also become vulnerable to borers. Dogwood Borer (Synanthedon scitula) The dogwood borer is the major pest of dogwood. Is tougher than the native flowering dogwood when it comes to disease and pests. New growth is covered with a fine, white, powdery coating, typically on the upper surfaces of the leaves. Fall is the best time to plant. 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Shallow-Rooted tree horticulture extension agent with the Clemson University home and Garden information center the meaning behind common names. To 9 °F kousa bring a unique beauty to your landscape ( )... Resistance means that infections are few, do not occur flowering in early June in Upstate South Carolina and. Area, no more barren limbs in the eastern United States were recorded in 1875 florida var makes for excellent. Was first reported in the lower part of the tree to help moisture! Information center to Japan, and should be planted in an area enough. Care for your home all Year Round Highly disease resistant and trouble-free inside the bark, to back... And care for your home all Year Round summer months than C. florida and our native dogwood—C gray mold mold. & Rhododendron Fertilizer ( 4-4-4 ) late 1990s Effects, Safety, Dangers and.. And brown on the species most people think of when the word dogwood unlikely! 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