Unfortunately, the story of strategic minerals has taken a very different and indeed sinister turn. All told, the nation is more than 50 percent import-dependent for at least 50 key minerals—more, if you count rare earths separately. Planning for the mineral production necessary to economic expansion and the rebuilding of America’s infrastructure will require a 180-degree about-face from our current mineral policies. Big Tech’s Embarrassment of Riches Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google all show resilience during pandemic while undergoing congressional scrutiny THE EMBARRASSMENT OF RICHES AN INTERPRETATION OF DUTCH CULTURE IN THE GOLDEN AGE. “Creation Care”: Return of Christian Socialism. an embarrassment of riches definition: 1. so many good things or people that it is impossible to decide which of them you want 2. so many…. To anyone with eyes to see, the Clinton presidency always had the look and feel of a shakedown enterprise–the transfer of the Arkansas racketeering style to the more lush and lucrative terrain of Washington, DC. Current USGS assessments of deposits of the most valuable metals—iron, aluminum, gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc—indicate that various as-yet unexploited deposits of these metals will dwarf the totals of all previous production. For the sake of life on Earth, we should set an upper limit on the money any person can amass. Not even that flagrant contradiction was enough to unsettle the loyalists. By contrast, in recent years, with horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (fracking), the oil and gas industry has prospered. So why do they seem to resent the question? Summary: The United States is a treasure trove of mineral resources. Abundant concentrations of minerals over such a vast area make our western “mineral belt” almost unique compared to other such geological features on the earth. No ratings or reviews yet. In much the same way, Jesse Jackson feels entitled to use the pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow to succor the unintended and inconvenient results of his own safe-sex "ministry"; hell, a preacher can’t be expected to live for others all the damn time. From the Cambridge English Corpus An embarrassment of riches was mirrored by an embarrassment of poverty. Some things, indeed, were so "private" that they justified the invocation of "executive privilege." See also: embarrassment, of, riches Read the An Embarrassment of Riches discussion from the Chowhound General Discussion, San Francisco food community. Good news: there is virtually no end to the mineral wealth. Some of the largest mines in the world—Colorado’s Climax molybdenum mine, Alaska’s Red Dog lead-zinc mine, the Nevada’s Newmont and Cortez gold mines, Arizona’s Morenci copper mine, and the Greens Creek polymetallic mine in Alaska—can be found in this belt. Best Selling in Fiction & Literature. freestar.config.enabled_slots.push({ According to the latest data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the U.S. is now 100 percent import-dependent for at least 20 critical and strategic minerals, not counting the individual “rare earths.” (The rare earths are a group of 17 elements, used in devices ranging from magnets to lasers, that the USGS groups together in one category.) Probably because only a full-dress Congressional investigation could establish quite how this came to be and exactly how much better off they are. Both countries have effectively used their mineral export dominance as diplomatic and trade weapons in the recent past. Helena Liu. Those same minerals and metals also drive the technology revolution. The dependency runs too deep, and the permitting and extraction process moves too slowly; it takes at least a decade to develop a new mine. Dr. Ned Mamula is a geologist and formerly a mineral resource specialist with the U.S. Geological Survey. The First Lady has taken to the privacy tactic like a duck to water, first saying that what happened in the publicly owned Oval Office and Lincoln Bedroom was confidential, and nobody’s business, and then agreeing to write about it herself at the rate of $1 million per year of occupancy. tn_subject: ['political-'], Today, access to large parts of those federal lands has been eliminated or severely restricted. Opening the pages of Schama’s Embarrassment of Riches has felt like letting the waters of knowledge wash over my poor guideless and guileless mind. This comedy sketch was one of the first public rumblings of what had been a private discussion behind closed doors across many classes of people in Europe. Hitchens has been Washington editor of Harper's and book critic for Newsday, and regularly contributes to such publications as Granta, The London Review of Books, Vogue, New Left Review, Dissent and the Times Literary Supplement. This presents a straightforward challenge to policymakers: If one or more foreign suppliers should decide to limit exports of a key mineral, can the U.S. adapt? The evidence appears to point to a resounding yes. To submit a correction for our consideration, click here. embarrassment of riches An overabundance of something, too much of a good thing, as in All four of them have their own cars but there's no room in the driveway-an embarrassment of riches. The Bachelorette Just Gave Us An Embarrassment of Riches With four dates and some serious creativity, The Bachelorette just gave us one of the … As recently as 1990, the U.S. was the world’s largest producer of minerals. Are the Clintons better off than they were eight years ago? One of the largest mineralized regions on earth occurs in the geologic terrain extending from Colorado to the Pacific Ocean across the Western U.S., including Arizona’s Morenci mine. tn_pos: 'rectangle_1', So it seems that the Clinton legacy is secure, and that most liberals can safely claim to have been a part of it. While initially we felt the title of our paper to be a slight exaggeration, by the end of the project we have come to consider ‘the embarrassment of riches’ a rather accurate depiction of the current state of voter turnout research. Historical Amnesia About Slavery Is a Tool of White Supremacy. This term originated in 1738 as John Ozell's translation of a French play, L'Embarras des richesses (1726). See also: embarrassment, of, riches That’s a total from those two countries of 34 out of 50 vital minerals needed for U.S. economic health and national security. Schama explores the mysterious contradictions of the Dutch nation that invented itself from the ground up, attained an unprecedented level of affluence, and lived in constant dread of being corrupted by happiness. On that basis alone, boosting U.S. minerals production should rank among the highest policy priorities of the Trump administration, but so far there is no priority status for minerals. About The Embarrassment of Riches. Copyright (c) 2020 The Nation Company LLC, Ron Johnson Brings Fringe Science to the US Senate, Civilian Control Means More Than Just Wearing a Suit to Work. An embarrassment of riches: The seduction of postfeminism in the academy. He was also working on the lying cover stories that would justify these things. Christopher Hitchens By using this website, you consent to our use of cookies. by Simon Schama ‧ RELEASE DATE: May 31, 1987. A great irony is that the mining the environmentalists and their allies oppose is necessary to provide minerals and metals for the “green revolution” they support. (What I like about the Reverend is his lack of hypocrisy; he told Clinton to keep lying, to make a pious and prayerful face, and to pay off the inconvenient chick with other people’s money. If you have the appropriate software installed, you can download article citation data to the citation manager of your choice. Through all the scandals and controversies of the Bill Clinton presidency, those of us who reported on that soap opera learned never to … For Reprints and Permissions, click here. Regarding key minerals, the American people are being denied their endowment. The time comes, as come it has, when you weary of public-spirited effort and want a little pot of dough for your own pretty needs. Bad news: there may be no access to these minerals. These are the ebbs and flows of reading. Probably because only a full-dress Congressional investigation could establish quite how this came to be and exactly how much better off they are. One of the largest mineralized regions on earth occurs in the geologic terrain extending from Colorado to the Pacific Ocean across the Western U.S. Join the discussion today. Collectively, minerals are essential to the manufacture of almost everything including household items, buildings, cars, trucks, energy equipment, medical devices, electronics, cell phones, agricultural products, and a wide range of essential goods, central to the economy. What Is Mark Zuckerberg’s Election Money Doing in Georgia? Here’s Why. tn_author: ['christop-h'], The Embarrassment of the Riches The Embarrassment of the Riches. At last–a Christian who really practices what he preaches!). Presently, a preponderance of the mineral resources and mining in the U.S. are associated with a small number of major deposits. VIDEO: People in Denmark Are a Lot Happier Than People in the United States. According to USGS reports, this mineral belt contains world-class deposits of antimony, arsenic, chromium, cobalt, copper, fluorine, gold, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, platinum, silver, tin, titanium, tungsten, uranium, vanadium, and zinc—many of which are critical and strategically important. Origin of Embarrassment of Riches This idiom is a literal translation of a French play, L’Embarras des richesses, from the year 1726, by the writer Leonor Jean Christine Soulas d’Allainval. tn_articleid: [78649], This would have had an importance well beyond the local: North Korea is the central exhibit in the Rumsfeldian worldview and the main pretext for the "Star Wars" fantasy incubated by Reagan, preserved by Clinton and Gore, and now approaching consummation with Bush. tn_ptype: 'article', It depends, as Bill Cosby’s grandmother famously said while solving the half-full, half-empty distinction, on whether you’re pouring or drinking. The "privacy" defense was a very ingenious way of fending off inquiries into this, and it worked, too, when Clinton was accused of using campaign-finance cupcakes as personal comfort women. So why do they seem to resent the question? Here is this little country retrieved largely from the sea and mud, surrounded by powerful enemies who have repeatedly invaded and savaged it, and yet prevailing in its gentle and remarkably tolerant essence over the centuries. He was working like a beaver on arranging his own immunity, on trading pardons for kickbacks and on asset-stripping the White House. A scathing and funny satire of Philippine politics and cults of personality, An Embarrassment of Riches won the prestigious Centennial Literary Prize. Tracy Frisch’s interview with Les Leopold [“An Embarrassment of Riches,” May 2018] is a cogent and compelling account of inequality in America: of wealth, education, healthcare, and livable environments.It’s a shame that our nation, once admired around the world, has devolved into divisiveness and disregard for the welfare of those less fortunate. First, some definitions: The broad term “minerals” captures a variety of elemental metals, compounds, and exotic substances which provide the building blocks of today’s technologies and economies. Be the first to write a review. We support the principles of individual liberty, a free market economy and limited constitutional government: These are the cornerstones of American society. Now we know what was keeping him so busy in his closing months. Organization 2018 26: 1, 20-37 Download Citation. The industries that rely on minerals such as construction and manufacturing contributed $2.78 trillion to the domestic economy, or nearly 15 percent of gross domestic product (GDP)—a statistic reported by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Age Paperback – Illustrated, December 8, 1997 by Simon Schama (Author) For more information, visit our Privacy PolicyX. For the first 150 years of its existence, the mineral-rich U.S. was largely self-sufficient, with a surplus minerals trade balance. His publications include Patriots and Liberators, The Embarrassment of Riches, Citizens, Dead Certainties, Landscape and Memory, and Rembrandt's Eyes. However, in the past thirty years or so, quite a different trend has emerged. Minerals deemed key to the economy are termed “critical.” Those necessary for national defense and military operations are termed “strategic.”. (No hard feelings, eh Walter?). THE EMBARRASSMENT OF RICHES carries its theme like a mighty wave through hundreds of pages that read like a short essay. Posted on 20th September 2019 20th September 2019. } Why are we in this situation? New technology has presented us with the prospect of abundant energy, even energy independence—a seeming impossibility just a generation ago. Our artificial shortfall is the product of defective government policy. Embarrassment of riches definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. The year was 1706. But a majority of the American left decided that it really did not want to know, and that the "privacy" defense was a valid one. We don’t know what he said to James Riady, front man for Suharto, when Riady gave him a very thick and sleek envelope in the back of a limousine, because although he admits to the meeting and to the money, the master of the briefing book and the king of detail has no real-time recall of the actual conversation. Learn more. By the time Al Gore had his tear-stained confrontation with Clinton last November, it was all too late. This term originated in 1738 as John Ozell's translation of a French play, L'Embarras des richesses (1726). The result? He sucks up to the fat cats; they wrinkle their noses and hand him the check using a pair of tongs. an embarrassment of riches Even so, there remains an embarrassment of riches when it comes to terminology. The evidence appears to point to a resounding yes. In the next installment of “Strategic Minerals,” we investigate how poor regulations forced America to become disastrously reliant on mineral imports. The Embarrassment of Riches. Each new chapter surged like a new tide that would pull me upwards and drag me downwards, pushing and towing my senses mercilessly. An Embarrassment of Riches: Tapping Into the World's Greatest Legacy of Wealth Hardcover – November 25, 2013. by. An “America First” policy on minerals would (1) provide better access to public lands that contain mineral deposits or are geologically favorable to hosting ore deposits, and (2) streamline the environmental permitting for mining, as has been done in other major mining countries such as Canada and Australia. Christopher Hitchens, longtime contributor to The Nation, wrote a wide-ranging, biweekly column for the magazine from 1982 to 2002. Are the Clintons better off than they were eight years ago? You can read our Privacy Policy here. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. They are critical for the national defense and for rebuilding America’s infrastructure. Subscribe now for as little as $2 a month! embarrassment of riches An overabundance of something, too much of a good thing, as in All four of them have their own cars but there's no room in the driveway-an embarrassment of riches. Are the Clintons better off than they were eight years ago? Look it up now! It was translated to English by John Ozell and opened in London in 1738. By signing up to receive emails, you agree to receive occasional promotional offers for programs that support The Nation's journalism. He is the author of Groundbreaking! The USGS has also compiled lists of hundreds of major mineral deposits in the belt, along with thousands of lesser mineral “occurrences,” which are indicative of ore deposits. Can the U.S. begin playing the long game with its mineral resource wealth, as China has done successfully for decades? It’s been nearly a month and a half now since Canadian progressive titans The Night Watch released their latest offering, An Embarrassment of Riches.The album is the third release for the quartet made up of Evan Runge (violin), Nathanael Larochette (guitars), Matthew Cowan (fretless bass) and Daniel Mollema (drums, percussion and piano). Born in 1949 in Portsmouth, England, Hitchens received a degree in philosophy, politics and economics from Balliol College, Oxford, in 1970. tn_keyword: ['bill-clint'], 04/05/2008 01:07 pm ET Updated May 25, 2011 Call those folks in Hillaryland the "Friday Night Dumpsters". It tells the story of the Victorianas, an island west of the Philippines, whose dictator, General Azurin, has just died. But Clinton, with several weeks still to go, announced that he just could not find the time. With trademark savage wit, Hitchens flattens hypocrisy inside the Beltway and around the world, laying bare the "permanent government" of entrenched powers and interests. His most recent book is No One Left to Lie To: The Values of the Worst Family (Verso, 2000). How nice it was to see that Walter Kaye, the New York moneyman who bought Miss Lewinsky her internship, also contributed some furniture and even paid for Mrs. Clinton’s victory ball at the Mayflower in January. And he, like everyone else, was calmly told that if he didn’t like it, it was just too bad. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian, 19 th September 2019 . We’re also between 50 and 99 percent import-dependent for another group of 30 key minerals. Simply select your manager software from the list below and click on download. License: https://goo.gl/FxMtXg. Ice Cube Backlash Reveals Liberal Hypocrisy on Race. targeting:{ Copyright 2020 Capital Research Center. Well over a thousand of these occurrences are thought to be significant; most remain unexplored. This trend of increasing imports and decreasing domestic mineral production is currently worsening. Among the joys 2020 has taken from us: The option to drool over celeb weddings, But this year's scramble to reschedule means an embarrassment of riches awaits come 2021. Only in the latter respect has his usual luck failed him, and I suppose that this is because he no longer has the bodyguard of hacks and spinners who were retained at public expense to defend him on previous occasions. ( 全部) A great deal of this relatively happy situation was due to Holland's pivotal position in the seventeeth0-century grain trade. Credit: benketaro. Watch CRC’s short video on “America’s Underground Wealth” here: Capital Research Center (CRC) was established in 1984 to promote a better understanding of charity and philanthropy. And without them we are reliant on countries that, to put it mildly, don’t have Americans’ best interests at heart. Elements of our existing policy have gradually morphed into a leave-it-in-the-ground mentality, backed by a liberal environmentalist lobby with strong support in Congress, the bureaucracy, the news media, and Hollywood. Definition: An overabundance of a good thing. Of the top 50 key minerals imported into the U.S., 28 are imported from China and six are imported from Russia. Quite the opposite, here we enjoy a geological abundance. It is not quite true that behind every great fortune lies a great crime. America’s New Quest for Mineral Independence. It’s the major reason that scores of mining companies have gone under and tens of thousands of American jobs have been lost. Alexander Green (Author) › Visit Amazon's Alexander Green Page. We look forward to keeping you informed. And so Clinton was reduced to red-faced and pathetic spluttering before an audience of bond traders in Boca Raton, unable to face the simplest questions and unable any longer to hide behind ludicrous claims, such as that he was our first black President, still less the friend of those who "work hard and play by the rules." Obviously, it became tiring to the Clintons to raise money from sleazebags only for their own re-election. In its annual Mineral Commodity Summary for 2016 published earlier this year, the USGS notes: Several U.S. metal mines and processing facilities were idled or closed permanently in 2016, including iron ore mines in Michigan and Minnesota; three primary aluminum smelters in Indiana, Missouri, and Washington; one secondary zinc smelter in North Carolina; a titanium sponge facility in Utah, the only such facility in the United States; and titanium mineral operations in Virginia. Our economic future and our national security are at grave risk – and the worst is yet to come. Over 300 years ago there was a French play called “The Embarrassment of Riches”. The evidence appears to point to a resounding yes. How Did We End Up With Our Current Public Defender System? Free shipping. An embarrassment of riches is an idiom that means an overabundance of something, or too much of a good thing, that originated in 1738 as John Ozell 's translation of a French play, L'Embarras des richesses (1726), by Léonor Jean Christine Soulas d'Allainval. The answer is simple: Over the past five decades, our mining industry has been crippled by poor stewardship on the part of the federal government and by severe restrictions imposed at the behest of the environmentalist movement. Strategic Minerals: The Embarrassment of Riches Environmentalists put America's vast mineral wealth off limits, ceding our future to China One of the largest mineralized regions on earth occurs in the geologic terrain extending from Colorado to the Pacific Ocean across the Western U.S., including Arizona’s Morenci mine. Lack of sufficient U.S. mineral production is not the fault of mineral-poor geology in the Americas. His books include Callaghan: The Road to Number Ten (Cassell, 1976); Hostage to History: Cyprus From the Ottomans to Kissinger (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1989); Imperial Spoils: The Case of the Parthenon Marbles (Hill and Wang, 1989); Blood, Class and Nostalgia: Anglo-American Ironies (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1990); and The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice (Verso, 1995); as well as two collections including many Nation essays: Prepared for the Worst (Hill and Wang, 1989) and For the Sake of Argument: Essays & Minority Reports (Verso, 1993). You may unsubscribe or adjust your preferences at any time. Clinton already had, as LBJ used to relish saying, the man’s pecker in his pocket. For good measure, the Democratic National Committee is turned over to Terry McAuliffe, the President’s ex-mansion hunter, who brings the fresh, breezy atmosphere of Teamsters Union ethics to this already rather raddled outfit. To defuse this and, incidentally, to begin the emancipation of the North Koreans from their petrified party-state, would have been a "legacy" action worthy of the name. "Nice to see you," the eventually discovered video has him saying to Roger Tamraz, a man who raises eyebrows in the Beirut "business community," when this choice person appears at a White House coffee morning. CRC respects confidentiality and will not share your e-mail address. }); In Korea this past fall, after the visit of Madeleine Albright to Pyongyang, expectation was high that a presidential visit would follow and that perhaps the long and lethal confrontation on the peninsula would begin to dissipate somewhat. “Embarrassment of Riches” is the new one jaH-Monte Ogbon visual. Despite having a vast reserve of mineral resources, the U.S. is dependent for minerals on the goodwill and cooperation of other nations, including China and Russia. Other influence-peddlers for the Chinese had virtual passes to the Executive Mansion; Dick Morris was employed there under a code name while helping to concert a fantastic circumvention of all known laws on campaign finance. item 3 The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Ag 3 - The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Ag. But restrictions placed by politicians, bureaucrats, and the courts have left the U.S. reliant on imports of critical and strategic minerals from adversarial countries like China. $42.09. Embarrassment of Riches. The Embarrassment of Riches: an interpretation of Dutch culture in the Golden Age is a book by historian Simon Schama published in 1987. Produced by DFNS. Domestic trends aside, minerals are needed for virtually everything technological. Perfect. Probably not. A Defensive, Disdainful Response to Congressional Scrutiny of Big Philanthropy, InfluenceWatch Podcast #148: Financing the 2020 Elections. tn_loc:'atf' Sign up for our free daily newsletter, along with occasional offers for programs that support our journalism. Sidney Blumenthal–whose own defenders once accused me of denouncing him in order to sell a small book I hadn’t even written–is too busy justifying his own $650,000 advance to spare much time to put a nice gloss on the embarrassment of the Riches. That enormous mineral wealth was derived largely from public lands in the Western states. All Rights Reserved. Published in the print edition of the January 6, 2020, issue, with the headline “Embarrassment of Riches.” Sheelah Kolhatkar is a staff writer at The New Yorker , … And are we all better off as well? Donate today to assist in promoting the principles of individual liberty in America. placementName: "thenation_right_rail", A proper investigation of the Lewinsky matter, and of the Revlon money that was used to try and help condition the testimony of Lewinsky and of Webster Hubbell, would have exposed the nature of this lawless and corrupt White House several years before it exposed itself, and in time to do something about it. slotId: "thenation_right_rail_78649", According to the latest data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the U.S. is now 100 percent import-dependent for at least 20 critical and strategic minerals. Of those federal lands has been eliminated or severely restricted find all books. Below and click on download and mining in the Guardian, 19 th September.... Even that flagrant contradiction was enough to unsettle the loyalists are critical the... Most liberals can safely claim to have been a part of it life on Earth we. 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